My name is Steve Jones.  I am taking my first stabs at getting into an art fair.  I am a middle school art teacher by day and a soccer dad by night but I have a lot of sculptures I have made and need a bigger audience than relatives, friends, neighbors, and co workers!  I have watched some of the ZAPP videos on this site which have given me ideas about photos and booth shots.  My question is what category to submit to?  Can a person apply to more than one category in a show?  My work is ceramic dogs and people that are at times glazed or/and painted.  At times they are built into wood boxes or sitting on non ceramic objects.  What category give me the best shot at getting in?

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  • Great work.  I would suggest looking into the medium sized, or smaller, shows to get your feet wet.  You will learn a lot about displaying your work and tips and tricks of the art show world.  You also stand a better chance of getting accepted into multiple categories.  Some shows judge by the body of work, not by the work in a particular category. 

    Good luck!  If you were closer to the East Coast, I'd suggest some shows where you would do great. 

    • Thank you for the feedback.  Sounds like I should/will skip the ceramics categories.  My next battle is what to display my work on for the booth shot. I really need a bunch of wood pedestals but that isn't cheap.

  • I am adding a couple images for any feedback I can get as to what categories I should enter...ceramics, sculpture, mixed media? What gives me the best shot at getting in?

    mark 298.jpg

    mark 295.jpg

    mark 326.jpg

    • Love your work, Steve.  I'd be tempted to put it in either sculpture or mixed media.

  • Like you said, you can apply in sculpture. But it sounds like you should apply in ceramics or pottery which would probably be a better fit.

    It's up to the individual shows if you can apply in more than one category. And some shows that allow it require a different booth picture for each application.

    As to which category would give you a better chance of getting in, that's not the right question. You should be addressing how to feature what it is that makes your work different from everyone else's work that is applying. Maybe attend an open jury to see what you're competing against, both in your artwork and the images of your artwork.

    BTW, I moved your discussion to the forum specifically for jury questions.

    Larry Berman

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