Cackling and horrified, I untied the loose knots holding up curtain backdrop as quickly as I was able. Thankfully and blissfully, the curtains dropped to the ground. I clipped the curtains shut and hung as much weight on the bottom of the curtains as I dared.
Giddy laughter would not stop bubbling from my lips. Again and again I looked in disbelief at the photo I had just snapped of my booth. I could not have set up, framed or imagined a more perfectly horrible image of my booth.
A gigantic, stomach churning, revolting butt crack was perfectly centered in the middle of my booth.
The take away lesson boys and girls? Always, always, ALWAYS, take a moment before the show begins to step back and look at what YOUR booth looks like from the aisle. ALWAYS!!
Too funny! I'm wondering if the butt belongs to another artist who might be a member here, but (or butt?) I'm hoping for both your sakes that's not the case LOL!
you made my day
Ah ha ha ha ha! That's a "when you see it..." image, for sure!
LOL, This what I call reference picture.
Hilarious, I would have taken that photo, too.
I see that at school all the time. I always wonder how it is that people don't realize that their pants are that low.
That person is most likely one of those Walmartians that shop at Walmart.
No, Jacki, that person is one of "us."
Otherwise, Lynda, love the booth, perfect for a farmers market and a smaller show. Definitely would shake them up at SOFA.
Some years ago I was running a show and one of the exhibitors had piles of jewelry in baskets, I was about apoplectic, but my son who was with me and heard me saying how awful it was, said that his wife, a great shopper and fashionista, would have dived into that booth to see what she could find.
How old is this photo? Is it really yours, Lynda? Love it.
Certainly doesn't look like the pro-Paneled booths usually featured on this site. But I love all the catchy elements. Honestly would not have noticed the center of the image if you hadn't pointed it out I was so interested in all the elements. I agree with Barrie -- goes in the new thread I'd like to see take off "People of Art Fair Land."
Connie, I took this photo on Sunday, and yes really it's mine. When I put this booth together I was simply doing small local shows, Farmers Markets etc. testing the markets with my bracelets. It allowed me to the freedom to create an environment I never would have tried if I was applying to 'big' shows. I had lots of good feedback and sales last summer with this set-up, so am doing 'big' shows this year.
Thank you for loving it!
My eyes, my eyes! LOL! I think this picture is seared into my retinas =8-O
Maybe this is why Larry Berman says to do your booth shots at home ;-)