

    I have been wondering about this one myself for a few years. For me, though, it would mean a full day drive to get there. It is really hard to tell, too, which part of the show to apply to. Apart from the 2 day vs 3 day, how are the sections different? I was thinking maybe the 3 day has more traditional crafts, but I am not sure where I got that idea: I may be reading it in. Otherwise why have two sections, if they both have the same media?

    • Go to their website. 2012 work in the craft section is illustrated. Found a couple old friends there as well.
    • I think you are correct that the 3 day is more traditional work, Linnea, to appeal to this heart of American audience -- and the 2 day art fair is kick out the jams, whatever goes.

      But -- it would be easy to find out if you want. Give Karla a call and I know she'd love to delineate the difference. 

  • The director, Carla Prickett, is a friend of mine and I know you will enjoy the artist amenities and the whole atmosphere. Keep us up to date on your application. 

  • I haven't done the show, Dick, but know the community really turns out for a true "art" festival -- including installation art pieces that are paid for with cultural grants. It is also reunion weekend for Salina, so it is one of those events that people look forward to all year and keep on their calendars. Did you visit their website? It is full of all the kinds of events that reinforce the art atmosphere.

    • The analysis I did online and with my research methods says it should be a winner. I applied to the craft show as it is 3 days long versus 2 for the art show. Also, didn't get my new booth photos done yet either. Playing the angles.
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