Hi Everyone!
I just wanted some feedback on how artists feel about the Zapplication process. I've looked into it, but we've yet to sign on and I wanted to know if they thought it was easier or do they prefer the old-fashioned jury process that we still use. I've heard mixed reviews.
I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong place, but I'm brand new on here.
Sorry for some reason my computer got hung up while I was replying to your question and it looks like it might have sent you multiple answers, (I hope not), if it does, please excuse the glitch as I have only sent you one reply. Thank you, Jackie
Hi Paula, I have just re-entered the Art Show world and have been using Zapp for a few months now. I find it much easier than the old way of snail mailing slides and pictures of my work. I like the idea that I can enter pictures of my pieces and pick which ones that I want to use when applying to a show. I can add and edit my gallery. I feel that it is similar to paying bills online, you don't need stamps and you also don't have to worry about whether your slides/pictures have been received in a timely manner and in good condition for the jurors. I was an exhibitor for the first time this yea at the SCAF and had a wonderful show and at a great location. The show was very well organized, great attendance and the sales were good. Thank you and all of the committee, who were very friendly and helpful and I hope to be invited again. FYI, I will be trying out the JAS system for another show I am applying to and I hope that it as easy to use as Zapp.
Paula, Go to information concerning ZAP and JAS as that was my question and I also recieved many good responese.
Thanks, Chickie! I wish I had more time to read on this site--it's great and I love having all the different viewpoints to consider. I need more hours in the day.
Paula I am also new to this. I am a director at the Space Coast Art Festival which is held Thanksgiving Weekend in Cocoa Beach. I had the same questions and also have had some great responses in the Diccussion area. One of the reasons we are looking at this to is to try to have more applications and a better show. We at this time accept 250 artists and give up to 50 thousand dollars in awards. We are looking at all three. We try to keep the jewelry to 13 % of our show.
I love ZAPP and JAS. For those of us who are on the road an awful lot it's the only way to go. We can keep track of our apps and apply anytime, anywhere.
If the goal is more apps, then why don't shows lower the jury fees? Artists want to know why shows aren't lowering jury fees when it appears they are making more money using ZAPP or one of the other online jury systems. Or are these systems so expensive that it actually costs more to jury a show?
Sheila, this was what I wondered about as a downside to using an online system. Right now our jury fee is $25 ($35) late. While applications have gone down in the last decade due to so many artists no longer doing the circuit ( etc.), I can't say we want a kajillion apps. come in just so we make more money. It feels better all around to be able to have some control over everything and keep the process a little smaller, manageable and hopefully keeping the show's integrity. If I remember my research correctly, it was around $7000? and we'd rather put that kind of money to better use elsewhere.
Not sure what show you are with, but we too are in the process of changing to an online system. Zapp is a bit pricey for small shows and I'm still leaning toward Entry Thingy. I recently switched from slides to cds and still got a couple sets of slides this year! I am going to ease people into whatever new system I choose with accepting cds and the online version for a year.
Key West Craft Show
Old Island Days Art Festival (KW)
Thanks everyone! Lots to consider here. I had not heard of Entry Thingy either. Cost and fear of losing the personal attention to applicants are the biggest issues for me with Zapp, so we'll see...