Hi! My name is Gina and I am brand new to the art world and brand new to this site! I am considering doing some outdoor shows this summer but overwhelmed by the cost of setting up a booth and making prints etc... Does anyone have any advice for me? Is there possibly a great location to find used equipment to get started? Also, I was considering buying a 10 ft Fourish wall for an upcoming indoor show in a few weeks but have never seen one and was wondering if they were sturdy enough to hang watercolors on. and last but not least.... Is there really money to be made by doing the outdoor shows? ( I am in Massachusetts)
Thank You!!!!!!!!
Good luck. Here's some advice I give newcombers.
Thank you Dave!!!! Wonderful advice!!! I have never set up a tent before so that is great advice about the weight! (especially because many of the shows I will be doing are near the ocean - east coast) And I did sign up for Square! I have just opened my "home studio" and it works great on my i-pad! Also - I am going to copy/print and paste your reply in the pegboard in my studio so I can refer back to it if I do get discouraged!! LOL And yes, of course I will let you know how it goes!!! Thank you again for taking time to give me such wonderful thoughtful advice!!! Gina ;)
Hi Gina!
Fellow East Coaster here, Southern Maine is my bailiwick!! Welcome aboard!! Great advise has been given already, but here's a little more- for the tent- ratcheting tie downs. They've saved my tent from our lovely East Coast blows many a time! Check out Castleberry Fairs- they promote some great Arts & Craft events here in New England. Hope to see you around the circuit!!
Thank you Karole!!! Great to know that there is another source for "local" stuff!!! Abd the ratcheting tie downs are a great idea! Will check that site out later! Thank you again !!! Still looking for some used booth equipment also.. do you know of anyone selling any??? Smiles,,, Gina
Hmmm... wish I did! Still doing my upgrades too!
Check with local Artists organizations, Theatre companies, and even store fixture places. Other ideas would be craigslist. We have something similar to craigslist, only in booklet format, Uncle Henry's, sold at gas stations etc. Local newspapers ads, too!
I got my tent online, free shipping, my grid walls from a local theater company who didn't need them (they were donated by an artist, for a yard sale!) and as a jeweler, I have been using tables for my displays, so don't know much about mesh walls and what not. Good luck in your searches!
I have participated in these and done well. http://www.deerfield-craft.org/ they have both indoor and outdoor shows.
Stay away from art and craft shows they've created a but /sell atmosphere .I was told this by an artist and I didn't listen and ended up at some shows with products made in China making a lot of money while I lost money or barely covered expenses.Also at art shows ask your neighbor or others artist to critique your booth most artist will be happy to offer we all have had first years we do understand
Thank you Brian! Someone else told me that too! I will pay attention to that when i am researching shows! ;)
This past weekend was my first show of the year. It was billed as an Arts and Crafts show, but I know the promoter looks for the more "artistic" side of the craft world and looks for home-made. This was my 4th year doing the show and I did as much in one day as I've done in two days the previous years, and more than I did at many shows last year. Unfortunately, Sunday was a washout. In fact, we made the decision about 3PM Saturday to pack up. Good call, the rain never stopped on Sunday.
Before discounting "Arts and Crafts" shows entirely, check them out to see the level of crafts they admit.
That is wonderful!!!! Good for you!!!!!
And yes,, i totally agree! I have been to many many art/craft shows and hate the ones that look like a sunday church bazarr! I dont consider crocheted toilet paper covers "art" and would not want to be associated with that type of show!!! Good advice! Thank you!!!!! ;)