Hi, just joined this blog; hope I'm posting this in right place. I just bought a Caravan tent. Now trying to decide whether I should buy the mesh panels from Flourish ( looks light weight and easy!!!!) vs. the Pro panels, which look more professional but are twice the cost. Those with experience, does it seem to make much difference in sales? Will I regret the mesh?
thanks for any advice out there, fellow artists!
Thanks again for all the suggestions.
Tracy Haines said:
Dawn Waters Baker said:
I think it a boils down to how much you are willing to spend off the bat and how you transport your work. And how you want your display to look and how much flexibility you want in your display.
Diane Wright said:
The main downside I've seen with the mesh panels is that (as was noted) it's a bit of a pain to hang 2D art (you can use curtain hooks or S-hooks). I've had only one occurrence where art fell off the wall, and I've been in some VERY windy shows. But they do sway quite a bit! They also tend to get dirty, particularly if you do shows on grassy/sandy areas.
I have a free sample kit that Flourish sent me, but haven't ordered the fabric yet (it's expensive, in the $400 range). I don't know to what extent it makes the booth hotter. Flourish told me that the fabric extends all the way down to the ground, which covers the horizontal tent bars, hides all the junk we store behind the tent, ;-), and makes for a nicer presentation.
Diane Wright said: