Hello I have gotten into a show in Houston and am a jeweler. I am trying to see how I might be able to fly to shows instead of driving "the whole enchilada". I am metalsmith and enamelist, my display includes glass cases and open display on props.
Does anyone have tips on shipping props to their hotel ahead of time?
Pros? Cons?
I have shows scheduled for next year, some indoors that involve a lot of distance and I would like to be able to do some of them solo - so appreciate your feedback. I know that shows will often rent tents and tables but I do not have experience with that. Can you end up with a crappy tent?
I am thinking that I would ship the display pieces (busts etc), table cloth, banner, clothes etc. to the hotel. I would carry on my jewelry bags, CC machine and get a rental car. Arrive the evening before and get the lay of the land and set up props.
What experiences have you had?
Kay Cummins
Out And About Girls
The rental tents I've seen were the more professional style tents that were setup by a tent rental company. They were the the type you might see at large outdoor city events. Very sturdy and well made, but not always white.
Larry Berman
A much better time to ask this question would be Monday or Tuesday. Today's the last day of Ann Arbor and everyone's probably burned out from the heat. At least bump it up (by posting to your own thread) to the top of the business forum on Monday.
Josh was trying to rent panels on the west coast and I don't remember which show he was doing but he might not have needed a canopy. You need to get jewelers involved in this discussion.
Larry Berman
Gary Haynes