
  • Hi Jackie,

    Yeah you do need to restrict it to by type and attendance to make it useful. It does seem to be a good resource for artist as long as filters are set.

    I will go check out your suggestion, thanks!

  • Ok, I found the box where you can plug in your info and you can look for only art and craft events.  That would work.   You do have to be a paid member to get some of the info.  But, you can use this site to find events.

    Tina, this would be a great website for you to use since you are sort of new to the Detroit area.  You could find lots of fun stuff to do in your area.

    • Thanks, Jacki, I'll take another look at it and see what I can come up with.  I have to say, though, that I've discovered a plethora of options on my own thus many markets, galleries and fairs, so little time...

  • Stephen, I looked at that site and I saw gun shows, bridal shows, antique shows, etc.  It seems like that is a great site for people to use if you are looking for something fun to do. There may be some art shows but that site wasn't exclusive for art or craft shows.

    Stephen, I think if you want a website to use to find art shows, use this site:

    You won't have to wade through anything not related to art shows on that website.

  • I looked at it for Colorado, and everything from flea markets and gun shows to Cherry Creek are listed. IMO www.colorado ($10) is a better resource for artists. 

    • but just for Colorado, right?

      Why would it hurt a site to have the full range of shows in its database as long as it can be filtered prior to a search?

  • Hi,

    Thanks, looks good but I think you could find most of that information on this site as well, couldn't you?

    • Well some of it yes, this site is a little sketchy on the Northwest when it comes to local shows. I'm sure all of the large shows in the NW are covered well on all of these sites. I was just wanting to see if anyone used the referenced site or another one as I am thinking of subscribing to another listing site in addition to in hopes of having a more complete listing of the shows in my area.  

  • Hi christina, that is the link. No I havent used them and was hoping to possibly get some feedback from someone who has. I do use and like thier site. I thought it might be smart to have a couple of these sites to use.
  • Hi,  Can you tell us a bit more about it?  Have you used it, for instance?  Can you share the link with us?


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