
  • That famous saying -- If they fall in love with it - they will buy -- no one needs art - they have to love it

    Area does not really look like money but there is some there.
    • I've been saying for a long time there's nothing anybody needs  at any show or fair. It's up to us to make them want it.

  • Be aware there are 2 shows at the same time in Fairhope. One by the Chamber of Commerce - one by the Art League. On the same street. Most attendees don't realize it's 2 shows as there is a road intersection separating them.

    I haven't been there in awhile. But when I was - in CC section, stores " adopted" artist for restrooms and sometimes refreshments. 99% town people great! There were squatters that city was trying to eliminate but you know how that goes.

    Can be a good show --5-8 or so times expenses - but in today's economy - who knows. What is strange is Mobile - right across river don't turn out very much. Hotels scarce.

    Fairhope and most of surrounds love a good show. Good luck!
    • Thx,Debra.Much appreciated.I'm new to this.One thing i neglected to mention was that our product, my wife's hand knit vintage evening bags, are pretty high end and can run from $100 to $700,so we try to avoid being out of our element.regards,george

  • Lots and Lots of booths, make for alot of competition

    • The secret is to have what nobody else has. Be the only one. That way you have no competition.

      • We do normally stand out as unique, Chris, but as i said in another reply we are fairly high end and sometimes are in the wrong place.Thank you for your response

  • Everybody has their own idea of what's worth it. Some won't get out of bed for a show with sales under $2500. Others would jump at the chance to make that money.

    How much would you need to make to say it's worth it? Maybe we should start there. Give us your minimum figure and we can tell you if it's worth the trip. Obviously you will need to make more than a local who might say the show was great while not saying how much money was made.

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