I've applied to the art fair. Their date of sending out notification of acceptance is March 17th, as shown on zapplication. It's March 18th now but I havn't heard anything from them. Anyone here has updates?
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alas, I didn't get in...
My partner Lou & I also got an acceptance last evening, followed by a rejection, followed by a confirmation of the rejection.
I think I had read earlier in the season that a new group had taken over Crosby Gardens and things were still in a state of flux or confusion.
Nevertheless, if the Crosby team is putting the problems into "unfamiliarity with Zapp" column, that is no excuse- if you consider yourself professionals running a show FOR professionals, it is your responsibility to get up to speed on Zapp and on proper communication with the artists who are trying to plan their year. There are plenty of pros out there to help.
Glad for the other artists who have other options for that weekend.
Totally agree, Laura. I was also told the notification was late because the jury met later because of weather. I can see where that could happen, but late notifications can cause huge problems. It seems like it would be about a 1 minute job to send an e-mail to all applicants saying, sorry, the notification will be late. The handling of all this has been really inconsiderate - they don't seem to understand how important this can be to someone.
I got one email on Monday. I was accepted.
No problem here...not yet anyhoo...
FYI: most people are receiving multiple emails, with some being rejections, and some acceptances. Don't assume you are not accepted. From what I can gather from other forums, someone did not know how to navigate the ZAPP system. If you can hold out, they will get it straightened out, as off-putting as it is, (and I know it is) especially on top of the late notification.
I got 3 emails, 1 accepted and 2 rejections, so I guess I didn't get in
I haven't gotten an email but I just checked Zapp and saw that they have posted results. Although, mine didn't show up until about 5:00 pm.