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dogsinbags.jpgWhat a thrill, local girl makes good! Chris Roberts-Antieau of Manchester, MI, was recently profiled in the Wall Street Journal under this headline: A True Rags-to-Riches Story, Chris Roberts-Antieau Is One of the Foremost Self-Taught Artists in America Today The lengthy article describes the self-taught fiber artist's rise from obscurity to fame, in conjunction with the publication of her book, Sew Far, "a sumptuous and colorful first monograph on Chris Roberts-Antieau's striking hand-stitched appliques. " The book is a limited edition boxed set including an original fiber "painting" in each box, and retailing for $550! Chris grew up at art fairs around the Midwest. I remember being her neighbor in Birmingham, MI, Ann Arbor and other places. And I even own a stuffed figure from her "early days." A few years ago she was the poster artist for the Ann Arbor Street Fair. "Chris Roberts-Antieau is as prolific as she is busy; this fall begins with the debut of Sew Far, as well as two museum exhibitions, three international shows, the launch of Chris's new online gallery store, and the trailer premier of her feature-length documentary: A Love Letter to Tom Waits. Adding to excitement, Chris has been nominated by Governor Jennifer Granholm for the Lifetime Achievement Award in Chris's home state of Michigan." Congratulations, Chris! Best of luck with all your projects. More: www.ChrisRoberts-Antieau
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3 Rivers Art Festival - What Next?

"As funding for such events across the country has become less available and costs, such as insurance, have risen markedly, it has become harder and harder to offer a free festival, let alone to be all things to all people." There is much food for thought about the continued funding of art fairs and arts festivals around the country. If this is a concern for you you will fine an interesting discussion in this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, 3 Rivers Fest Weighs Visual Arts Role by Mary Thomas. With changes being made in the leadership as its head leaves the Andy Warhol Museum for greener pastures in NYC the visual arts is under scrutiny. Let's hope it maintains its primacy and the popular event doesn't turn into a music festival. The Three Rivers Arts Festival attracts over 600,000 people. Although not a pure art fair its popularity brings people from all around Pittsburgh to sample its various offerings.
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Were you planning on getting your booth and product photographed by Jerry Anthony at this season's holiday shows? Thank again. Jerry and his partner Sharon Richwine will not be there. Here is their announcement: The winter shows are coming very quickly, & we wanted you to know that for the first time in 26 years, we will not be there. Jerry & I have decided to stop going on location to shows and help save our bodies for work here in the studio. SO if you are in town for a show & want work done - we will waive the rush fee & turn your work around overnight, work load allowing, but you will have to drop it off at the studio. We hope the season will be bright for all of you. This is a critical year for all small businesses, & we look forward to a BRIGHTER 2009. They will continue to do their work, shooting your images and handling your printing needs for brochures, business cards and postcards. Visit their website: I've known Sharon and Jerry for years, so I pressed her a little harder on what was really happening. Here is her reply: THANKS so much for your note. To decide to stop doing shows was the hardest decision we have ever had to make. To go to shows is what I have always done- 41 years, first with my own work & then with Jerry and the photography. We have made many good friends over that time & to know we may not see some of you again is difficult. We will remember every one of you and luckily we have photos of your work to keep you in our thoughts, but it is all of the wonderful conversations we have had with you that we will miss the most. We hope, though, that you will continue to drop us a note once in a while to tell us how you are doing. Jerry & I are both well, we just realized that if we are to continue to be well & do our photography, we needed to quit pushing ourselves physically & figure out the best way to stay in good shape for as long as we can. That meant eliminating the exhaustive road trips. We would love to stay in touch with all of you when you are in town & hope to see you and your work at our studio - either via mail or in person. The very best to you. You all are remarkable, creative individuals, & we have greatly enjoyed hearing you talk about your work in person, how you created it and seeing the final product. We hope that this part will continue whenever possible. Very Sincerely, Sharon Richwine Jerry Anthony Photography
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Big Art Show to Celebrate Obama's Inauguration?

There is a rumor that artists will be part of the inauguration in January.2730205501_83ba0ebd7f_s.jpg I promise to stay hot on this issue and bring you information as soon as I get it. Here is the scoop: ObamaArtReport is reporting an art celebration like the Manifest Hope gallery at the Denver convention: Apparently, Shepard Fairey and his team are currently in the works to put on a new Manifest Hope-like show to celebrate Barack Obama's inauguration... No real word on the details yet, but from what we've heard this is going to be big. Like BIG, big. Here's the link: Click here to see the art from the Manifest Hope exhibit in Denver.
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No More Sugarloaf in Michigan!

After more than ten years of managing a big art fair in Novi, MI, twice a year, Deann and George Verdier, owners of the Sugarloaf Craft Festivals announced that they have cancelled their contract with the Rock Financial Showplace for their April and November events to concentrate on their East Coast events. The well-managed and promoted event will be missed by the metro Detroiters who loved shopping indoors at these shows. But, not to worry, folks. Scuttlebutt has it that local event producers are planning to step in. The owners of the Rock Financial Showplace have found dates to use, PLUS another big artist organization in the area (who will remain nameless) is also very interested in putting their spin on an event in this popular meeting place. Are we going to end up with four shows here? Heaven knows Michiganders don't need that many places to shop, that is, if there is anyone left in Michigan if the auto companies woes continue. Stay tuned, and let me know if you can fill in the blanks here.
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Call for Artists: Omaha Summer Arts Festival

omaha2.jpgJune 26-29, 2009 35th Annual Omaha Summer Arts Festival Downtown Omaha, NE 135 Artists Deadline: January 20, 2009 You are cordially invited to Omaha to be a part of one of the most vibrant art festivals in the Midwest. Located downtown alongside a beautiful park, the award-winning Summer Arts Festival draws a diverse crowd of 80,000 people for a weekend of great music, tasty food, children's activities and, most importantly, wonderful visual arts! Here's the rest of the story: Festival patrons enjoy browsing and buying an eclectic mix of functional and non-functional pieces by 135 artists in 14 media categories. High-quality work in the $50 to $300 range tends to sell most frequently, but, of course, higher priced artwork does not go unnoticed (or un-purchased) by Omaha's fair share of art-lovers. The mission of the Festival is to present a variety of high quality arts programs and exhibits in downtown Omaha for the general public to enjoy and appreciate. "Sales are great!" one artist said succinctly. "The way artists are treated is truly excellent." What to expect: - $2500 in cash awards - Exceptional hospitality and concierge services that are a step above the rest - Discount hotel rates - Artists' Awards Brunch on Saturday and an Artists' Meeting on Sunday with continental breakfast; complimentary snacks and beverages - An air-conditioned lounge with indoor restrooms, booth sitters, water delivery, overnight indoor storage - 24-hour security - Electricity and reserved parking available for an additional fee - Substantial festival marketing and media coverage "[The Omaha Summer Arts Festival] is my favorite show to do; and [the] treatment of artists is the best!" said oneomaha1.jpg artist. "Not many shows do anything for artists anymore-it is very important to us." The Omaha Summer Arts Festival needs to jury approximately one third of its 135 artists booth, plus its waitlist, with quality artists, even though the Festival invited back most of its artists from 2008 due to a severe storm that hit during the Festival. Interested artists may visit to download an application today! For more information about the Omaha Summer Arts Festival, please contact Carly Barth, Visual Arts Coordinator, at (402) 345-5401 or P.S. Recently the Omaha Summer Arts Festival was welcomed into the NAIA's Hall of Fame, for its outstanding actions and compassionate behavior during extraordinary circumstances at their 2008 event. Their exemplary emergency plan saved lives and property damage.
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A Little Bragging: A Fan for

Don't tell my mother, but I'm tooting my own horn here. Recently, I found a fan online, Barbara Sistak Baur. She called my website an "Art-Throb". First time for everything!! Here is what she had to say: Picture+2.png Art-Throb is a term I use for a great place to discover art. And is such a place. This web site gives you all the info on the top Art Festivals and Craft Shows in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida and, well, all across the country. If you enjoy spending time at art fairs, you must visit this site. “Art Fairs bring together in a unique manner the creators and the culturally aware to enrich one another's lives." Thanks so much, Barbara. Actually I met Barbara this spring when she drove over from Chicago to purchase our used Armstrong panels. We all have to admire her pluck when with those same panels wrapped around her her booth blew over in Evanston. What did she do? She picked herself up and was ready to go her next fair two weeks later. Way to go, Barbara. Visit her blog: Fresh Paint
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Web 2.0? An artist who REALLY gets it!


Here's another idea for when you run out of things to do in the art fair business: build your online presence. About a year ago I discovered mixed media artist, Dolan Geiman. Not only is his art cutting-edge, contemporary and fun, he and his partner, Ali Walsh, are using all the tools of the online world to promote him and build a community around his art and ideas. I regularly receive beautifully designed newsletters full of their latest doings. Visit his website to drool over their great marketing ideas and see what you can learn to promote your art fair business.
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Show of the Month: Philadelphia Craft Show

32nd Annual Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show Pennsylvania Convention Center Preview Party, November 12th November 13th through 16th This premier show and sale of contemporary craft, includes 195 of the finest and most dynamic craft artists in the United States, selected from 1,402 applicants. Artists from Israel will be featured. All work is for sale. furniture by Steven Uren The Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show was founded in 1977, and was the first retail craft show established and organized by a volunteer committee for the benefit of a non-profit institution. This trailblazing Show has served as a prototype for later successful shows in cities such as Washington, DC, and Evanston, IL among others. Expect symposia, on-site artist demonstrations, collection and studio tours, room settings of craft furniture and accessories, and student exhibitions. This is a beauty of a show. You will be inspired and in awe at the creativity exhibited. We are so fortunate to live in a country where this imaginative work is encouraged and rewarded. Some of's favorite artists will be exhibiting, including furniture maker Steven Uren, woodworker Ray Jones, this month's featured artist Pamela Hill and recent MacArthur Grant winner basketmaker Mary Jackson. Today I had an email from the PR representative, Susan Shain, that reported, "The show opened to the public this morning and we were thrilled to see that the line to get in was one of the longest ever!" Learn more:
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In her earliest work Pamela Hill attempted to meld the strong graphic qualities of modern painting with the rich texture of the Amish quilts. After thirty years of making quilts professionally, Pamela began to explore the possibilities of creating that long desired densely textured work with relatively new technology that has enabled her to create subtle contemporary textured, color nuanced and sophisticated bed covers that are beautiful as well as useful. The combination of dense textures through the intricate piecing of fabric and the use of pima cottons, linens, silks and rare African, Japanese and Indian traditional silks and cottons lend the fabric her signature touch. A veteran of the nation's most prestigious art fairs, Pamela is a perennial prize-winner, her work is well known in the decorative arts and included in many definitive explorations of contemporary craftspeople. books widely collected and Learn more about Pamela and her custom-designed quilts and see if she will be at a show near you: Meet Pamela and view her fine fiber work this weekend (November 13-16) in Philadelphia at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show.
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lots of folks buyers

I did a show in Sioux Falls "Holiday Art Show at the Washington Pavillion" last weekend. Lots of folkes came through. Verry few were buying anything. I had a hard time selling $2 clay turtles, much less any large works. The show was all quality, and included a well attended fine art reception with wine & cheese.There was another show in Watertown SD with the same buyers. I will be doing another show"winterfest" in aberdeen SD soon. That show will tell me if this is the trend. My wholesale is picking up as folks seem to want morelocal art in their shops.Dave Huebner
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Did Anybody Buy Art Last Weekend?

powered-by-hummingbird.jpg?width=250I know artists who exhibited last weekend at art fairs around the country were hoping that with the decisive election results patrons would be really ready to think about something else. Here are two reports from last weekend's art festivals.

One of the most popular Florida art festivals, Great GulfCoast Art Festival in Pensacola, had the crowd, but did they have the buyers? Here is an article from the Pensacola News Journal that doesn't have me wanting to jump in the van and head South. What do you think?

I do see that Michigan artist Bruce Holwerda is mentioned again as he was in a recent article about the Bayou City Festival in Houston. The Pensacola paper says Bruce lives in Alabama. Surely hope this is an error. We need you in Michigan, Bruce. (The image at left by Bruce is referenced in the newspaper article).

If you are an artist you'll like this article in the Burbank (CA) Leader. about the Downtown Burbank Fine Arts Festival. Amidst much moaning and groaning about the state of the economy and the state of sales at art fairs, Chris Madrid, who has been participating in art fairs for over 30 years says artists will just hunker down and survive. "“Only the strong survive in this business,” she says.

Read the rest of this article: Artists at festival struggle for sales

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Right, none of you have enough to do already. But, this one might work. Maybe you have your own customer base, maybe some friends and you keep talking about putting together your own event. Several times I have hosted an Open House and it worked! We sold art and people had a good time. But it is a LOT of work. To help you out today I'm linking to this article by Risa Marks I just came across, just in case you have been thinking about doing this. And/or you might save it for the day when you do take on this activity. Things You’ll Need: * TIME * Patience * List of possible locations * Local newspaper/radio station contact info * Home computer with printer paper, ink, etc.. * Outgoing personality! Risa has it boiled down to these eight basic steps: 1. If you are planning on taking on this task alone, be prepared to put in A LOT of personal time, work, and possibly money. If you are working on an art show that will have more than one participant, you need to give yourself and the other participants at least three months, unless of course, everyone is ready and you can organize the venue sooner. 2. Start off by choosing your locale... Read the rest: How To Organize Your Own Local Art Show
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Your Home Away From Home - And Cheap Too!

Thinking of hitting the road for the art fairs? Where will you be spending the nights? The price of lodging does bite into the narrow profit margin artists try to maintain, but here is some good news. Artist, Ynon Mabat, has started a new community, Artists join as members for $12/year and place their name and location on a list. All members of the service can then contact one another about being able to stay at their homes if they do a show in that town or are just traversing the country. This is an idea whose time has come. Like this website it requires your participation to make it successful. I encourage you to check it out and report back to me any experiences you have. Sounds tailor-made for artists planning to head to Florida this winter. Good luck, Ynon, with this venture!
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An Art Fair Director Who Gets It!

Good news out of Fort Worth this week when Main Street Fort Worth Art Festival's director Jay Downie announced to the applicants for their show that they had received more than the 1100 applications they had budgeted for and so were reducing their booth fees by $20. I was talking to Amy Amdur of Amdur Productions this week and she told me she was holding the prices on her events to last year's levels. In fact, she told me two of her shows were going to have lower fees. Many thanks Amy and Jay. Wouldn't it be great if this was a trend? Artists have felt very burdened by rising booth fees. It has to be a struggle for events to hold their fees down when they are, of course, faced with the same rising costs the rest of us are. Sponsors have been less forthcoming and it is a challenge for the events to balance their budgets also. I read an article in the Detroit Free Press last August about many Michigan events that were cancelled for 2008 including several that had been around for 20 years or more. Here's hoping for better days.
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Artists are not well known for getting showcased on popular TV programs, but be sure you tune in Sunday morning to CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood to see glass artists Eric Markow and Thom Norris. Considered to be the premiere woven glass artists in the world, Markow and Norris will demonstrate their artistry their studio where you can see them melt glass and work their magic. But if you live in Chicago get right down to Navy Pier this weekend and you can meet them at SOFA and see these glass stars. "With formidable technical skill and a keen eye for color, Markow and Norris prove that you don't need a loom - or even fiber - to weave." Craft Magazine The only other person in our art fair world that I know of that has been profiled on this program is photographer Clyde Butcher with his luminous black and white images from the Everglades.
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As some of you know, Kinetic Metal artist Glenn Donovan died in January. He leaves behind thousands of pounds of amazing metal parts. Most are steel, also brass and stainless steel and some copper. I am looking to have artists come and buy the parts for scrap prices, $.30 for steel, $2.00 for brass, $3.00 for stainless, $.50 for magnetic stainless, $3.50 for copper. I know Glenn would so rather see his parts used by other artists instead of just going back to the junkyards. I am located in Southwest Wisconsin south of LaCrosse about an hour. Contact me to make an appointment. Edie Ehlert, 608-734-3223 or My thanks to the NAIA Forum for the use of this information. If you belonged to the NAIA you could also have access to even more insider information.
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