Posted by Jan Kaulins on February 25, 2009 at 9:29pm
Sonny, Sonny, Sonny. You can't fool an old dog like me with your I NEED OXYGEN GET OUT OF WORK QUICK SCHEME--I know you only too well and I'm not buying it. Are you sure that your problems are from welding smoke, or could it be some other sort of more esoterically oriented smoke? Sonny, Sonny, Sonny. That's probably not an oxygen tank, but one of those that makes you sound like Donald Duck when you inhale it--you know, the stuff they blow up balloons with. Now that I think about it, I think you might be on to something. I've been doing shows almost as long as you have--you know that. We go back a long time my friend. I think I'll go blow some Welding Smoke, quit my job (doing shows) and join you on that tropical island beach hide-away that I think you've got lined up. We can both sit on the beach and swap lies and dirty jokes and make fun of all the other artists still working and pounding the pavement. Yes Sonny, I think you've got it figured out my dear friend, and perhaps I'll join you on that beach one day soon. Love ya old pal. Big hug to Roxie for me. Jan Kaulins
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2-22-09 An innovative new web site, the
Arts Acquisition Project, devoted to connecting artists with collectors seeks
pieces for its inaugural exhibition. The
Arts Acquisition Project aspires to be the premier arts web site to date, bringing a fresh approach to the online gallery business. The focus will be not only on the art, and revealing it to a wider audience, but also to introduce the general public to the artists as people, innovators in action. Commentary and review will also be an integral part of the
Arts Acquisition Project, as AAP strives not only to sell art, but to also cultivate an environment of artistic growth and conversation. One of the
Arts Acquisition Project's biggest assets will be its close relationships to regional and national artist and buyer communities. AAP will also have a commanding presence on the web, where its over-arching relevancy in the arts community will make it one of the top hits on Google whenever someone searches for 'art.' Quite simply, the
Arts Acquisition Project is going to become synonymous with purchasing art online. AAP is interested in showing all forms of visual artistic media, including but not limited to painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, sculpture, mixed media, jewelry, and crafters. You are invited to be part of the inaugural group of artists included in this gallery. Artists should submit a brief biography and up to five pieces (as jpegs) of work, preferably of the same theme.
The Rest of the Story:
Arts Acquisition Project is an innovative economic solution to an eclectic art market. Historically, artists have asked patrons to come to them, whether it be to galleries, exhibitions, or art fairs. With AAP, the art will be going to where the consumer is already shopping: the Internet. A sleek, hip, user-friendly website like AAP will entice a new type of buyer to consider purchasing original modern art. Natanya Willis, the founder of the Arts Acquisition Project, is an interior designer and arts hobbyist. Her appreciation of the visual arts and design has seamlessly brought her to the next generation of arts appreciation. Her understanding of the power of the Internet and its unlimited potential to convey interest in the arts will prove to be both provocative and engaging. Creating and delivery of a new online forum for the arts is no easy task, but the rewards of ingenuity and creativity are well worth the efforts. You are invited to be part of the inaugural group of artists included in this gallery. Artists should submit a brief biography and up to five pieces (as jpegs) of work, preferably of the same theme. For more information, or to submit, visit Entries will also be considered for publication in the biannual print journal.
2-25-09 After artists contacted Ms. Willis for more information after reading the above "call", she has updated it. Here is her response:
Thank you for you interest regarding the Arts Acquisition Project. We are delighted with the responses so far. Please review our artist update regarding detailed questions that each of you requested. The AAP is in its development stage and the process is moving quickly. Again, I would like to thank each of you for your interest in this special project. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly and stay tuned, the site will be evolving everyday. Thank you, Natanya Willis Click on this link for the latest updates: Artist Update.doc Arts Acquisition ProjectRead more…
July 11 and 12 On the Capital Concourse around the Capital Building Presented by The Madison Museum of Contemporary Art 400 artists Deadline: March 2 Art Fair on the Square is not only the single largest art fair in the Midwest, it is also rated among the best fine art shows in North America by artists from across the country, and by publications such as
Sunshine Artist magazine. Furthermore, Art Fair on the Square is the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art's most important annual fundraiser, providing crucial support for exhibitions and education programming. For two days, the eight blocks that surround Wisconsin's beautiful State Capitol are transformed as artists, entertainers, vendors, and some 200,000 visitors come together to celebrate the arts. There are a bunch of upgrades to the event this year including: * Free Lodging for Artists * More Media Coverage of the Event * Power for Artists * and a new Facebook group For more information: Apply today: Here's the latest news from Katie Hudson, organizer of the popular Art Fair on the Square:
I wanted to remind everyone that one week from today is the application deadline for Madison, WI, Art Fair on the Square. We understand that the current economic environment has taken its toll, and probably has many of you frustrated and a bit gun shy when it comes to picking shows for the summer. For this reason, I wanted to take a moment to outline some of what Art Fair on the Square has to offer artists that we believe will make your trip to Madison a profitable one. Free Lodging for Artists This year Madison residents will open up their homes to Art Fair on the Square artists and provide them with a place to stay free of charge. More Media Coverage of the Event Art Fair on the Square has always advertised on local television, radio and in newspapers throughout the region. This year our coverage will extend state-wide and there will be more of it. Thanks to new sponsorships and renegotiated contracts, we will have more television and radio commercials as well as larger and more diversified print advertising. Power for Artists! Thanks to the non-profit organization, Working Bikes, we will be able to offer artists batteries that will be recharged throughout the day through bicycle powered charging stations. Runners will swap out batteries for artists as needed so that anyone who wants it can have clean, continuous power. These are just a few of the programs that we have in the works for this coming summer. To learn more, please join Art Fair on the Square's Facebook page where you will find pictures, quotes, ideas and articles about Madison and our event. Of course you can also visit our web site: to see who participated last year and to download an application for 2009. Digital applications are available through ZAPP. I look forward to seeing you in July!Read more…
June 26-28 Washington Park in the heart of the central business district Quincy, IL 50 Artists Deadline: March 31 Where is Quincy, IL?
Visit this link. From the director, Maggie Strong:
Quincy is a lovely town located on the bluffs of the Mississippi. We have a rich arts history and are home to the first Arts Council in America. Our architecture also represents the best in the Midwest. We are in our 6th year of putting on a quality juried fine art festival and accept approximately only 50 artists in order for each of our artists to have the opportunity for good sales as we continue to grow our faire. We give out approximately $5,000 in awards, with best of show receiving $1,000. We have many repeat artists but always like to recruit new artists to apply. You can ask any of our past participating artists and they will tell you we treat artists like gold! Our community is happy to host them for the weekend! Now, isn't that intriguing? It sounds like this committee knows what is required to put on a quality event. When I replied that while they were preparing for their faire that they should visit the Belleville, IL, art fair to learn how a small community can make an art fair that excels, she replied that, yes, she had already been there and is hoping to build Quincy's to become such an event. Here's the rest:
* Our artists represent diverse styles and techniques including oils and acrylics, vibrant watercolor, unique sculpture, dazzling jewelry, decorative ceramics, vivid photography and so much more. * The city of Quincy is dedicated to making the faire a positive experience for both artists and guests * The faire encourages artists to demonstrate and discuss their work * Great entertainment, wonderful local food and a variety of children's activities The artists speak:
--This show has the potential to be one of the best shows of the summer in the Midwest. --Quincy knows how to treat artists. --A show of this quality so close to home is a dream come true. Download an application online at For more info: Application Fee: $10; Booth Fee: $100
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Posted by Nick Benuska on February 23, 2009 at 1:47pm
I am looking to see if the Nels Johnson with your organization is an old friend of mine from Hawaii back in the 1980's. If this is him or someone know's him please contact me.Nick Benuskankbemail@gmail.com808-561-7018
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My dear friend, the much loved sculptor, Sonny Dalton, of Mattawan, MI, may have participated in his last art fair. If you remember his smiling face at the art fairs, have admired his quirky sculptures and been impressed with his vision, you undoubtedly also have taken one or more of them home with you. Sonny was seduced by the lure of a life that enabled him to create every day. Leaving a secure job at GM behind a long time ago he has been exhibiting his work around the country since the 1970's.
Now the bad part: last Monday (February 23) Sonny visited a pulmonologist who immediately hooked him up to an oxygen tank. The decades of welding have not been good to his lungs, a fair amount of scar tissue is impairing his breathing. At this
time he is on the oxygen 24 hours a day. The jury is still out on how long this is going to be the case, but I'm sure you can understand that an oxygen tank and a welding torch do not mix well. Do you know Sonny? I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. Cards, love notes, flowers, chocolate chip cookies, good jokes, kisses and other tokens of affection and admiration are welcome at: 26610 Red Arrow Highway, Mattawan, MI, 49071. Or: Do you have stories about Sonny to share? Please add them below.
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Posted by Connie Mettler on February 22, 2009 at 10:57am
Best in Show – Richard Rosen of Naples, for his clay sculpture. “His style of practical ceramics have moved into pure art in themselves,” juror Richard Tooke said. “The work he is creating now is things I’ve never seen anyone do in his medium. His work is very mature. I was looking for someone who took the 3D medium and turned it into a voice of his own, and Richard did that.” Best in 2D – Janet Rogers of Ormond Beach on Florida’s central east coast, for her watercolors. “Her work caught my eye the first time I walked through the festival,” juror Charles Marshall said. “I liked the way they looked, not structured like realism but loose, with a lot of white showing through, so the paper added to the portrait. It was very free-flowing.” Best in 3D – Angelika Kade of Naples for her marble sculpture. “Her work is rather traditional sculpture with contemporary overtones,” Tooke said. “Her work is intricate, with sculpture in stone combined with wood carving. She is a superb craftsman.” 10 awards of distinction: **Todd Cameron of Minneapolis, Minn., for glass. **John Costin of Tampa, for graphics. **Robert Hessler of Kingston, N.Y., for clay. **Patricia Karnes of Winter Park, for jewelry. **P.A. Kessler of Hilton Head, S.C., for watercolor. **Anne London of Hilliard, Ohio, for graphics. **Tim Pervinkler of Ludington, Mich., for photography. **Robbie Robins of San Francisco for sculpture. **Oswaldo Ventura of Naples for acrylic. **Jean Yao of Fort Lauderdale for fiber. Read the rest of this story at the
Naples Were you in Naples this weekend? We'd love to hear from you. Please comment below.
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1. August 22 & 23 Oswego Art Fair Oswego, IL Presented by EM Events Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM & Sun. 10 AM - 4 PM 65 Artists Application deadline: March 1 Late August brings beautiful weather to this region. Couple that with this fine small event think hard about adding this event to your art fair list. Where is Oswego? It is located 50 miles southwest of Chicago, well situated at the southern end of the Fox River Valley.
The Oswego Fine Art Fair provides a cultural art experience for the Village of Oswego and the surrounding communities. Art enthusiasts and patrons are delighted by an assortment of attractions including unique pieces of art from renowned artists from across the country, children's art activities, live musical entertainment and delicious food from local vendors. Hosted by the Village of Oswego, the Oswego Fine Art Fair is located on picturesque Main Street, in Oswego's historic downtown business district which serves as an extraordinary backdrop for fine art. Celebrating its 6th year, the Oswego Fine Art Fair has something for everyone to enjoy! Booth Fee: $230 --- Prints allowed --- Make checks payable to: Village of Oswego
For an application: www.emevents.com2. September 12 & 13 West End Art Festival LaGrange, IL presented by EM Events Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday 10 AM - 4 PM 90 Artists Application deadline: March 1 Celebrating its 14th year, the West End Art Festival is a LaGrange tradition whose purpose is to bring a quality, fine art event to the Village of LaGrange and surrounding communities and highlight the west end business district. Artists from across the country participate in LaGrange's late summer festival that attracts art admirers and patrons each year. This is an affluent community where 64% of the homes are priced from $200,000 to $500,000, located 14 miles west of Chicago.
Presented by the LaGrange Business Association and held in cooperation with the Village of LaGrange, the festival is held in the shadow of the landmark Stone Avenue Station along Burlington Avenue between Brainard and Spring Avenues. The charming and historic West End area of LaGrange provides a picture-perfect setting to showcase art. Other highlights include live music, food from local LaGrange restaurants and children's art activities for an event to be enjoyed by all ages. Booth Fee: $285 --- Prints allowed --- Make checks payable to: LaGrange Business Association More info about LaGrange: To download an application:
www.emevents.com3. September 26 & 27 Lakeview East Festival of the Arts Chicago presented by EM Events Sat. 10 AM - 6 PM Sun. 10 AM - 5 PM 130+ Artists Deadline: March 1 Beautiful fall weather brings you an event in a hip Chicago neighborhood, a great place to finish your outdoor art fair season in the Midwest. The Lakeview East Festival of the Arts is Chicago's premier fine art and fine craft festival showcasing over 130 juried artists. Lakeview is located on the north side of Chicago, near Wrigley Field, north Halsted and Lincoln Park in a very diverse, culturally rich community with unique boutique stores, cafes and restaurants.
The Lakeview East Chamber of Commerce has hosted this event for the past three years and has been rated as one of the top shows in Sunshine Artist's Magazine. More than 40,000 attendees are expected to attend this year's festival. The festival is set on Broadway Avenue just north of Belmont Avenue. This event has a strong marketing and media plan and hosts an annual artist reception. Other amenities include: -artist reserved parking -vendor fee permit waived -Saturday night Artist Party -a full breakfast served Saturday and Sunday -Booth Fee: $400 Make checks payable to: Lakeview East Chamber of Commerce --- Prints allowed Download the application at: ********** Looking for more art fairs for your 2009 season? Visit: more…
From ArtServe Michigan, a cultural organization promoting art as a valuable community resource:
Gov Recommends $1,000 Nonrefundable Grant Application Fee! Not only does the Governor want to nearly zero-out arts and cultural grant funding in Michigan, but ArtServe has learned that she has also recommended increasing the nonrefundable grant application fee
from $300 to $1,000. The Governor is essentially making it impossible for smaller organizations to apply for access to a small portion of this $1 million. If you have not already sent an email through ArtServe's site...DON'T WAIT! Tell the Governor that these cuts are unacceptable!
CLICK HERE TO EMAIL GOVERNOR GRANHOLM!!! Note: if the link does not work please copy and paste this into your web browser. PLEASE PASS THIS ALERT ON TO FIVE FRIENDS!
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I know many of my readers have been in this art fair business for a long time. I attended my first Ann Arbor Art Fair in 1976 and have either exhibited in it or attended every year since. Here is an opportunity for you to share your memories of the event with others. From the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair newsletter:
Share Your Memories of the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair on AIR! Maybe you remember the Art Fair as it was nearly fifty years ago when it was just starting out. Or maybe there's a funny story about your first visit just waiting to be told. Whatever your favorite memory of the art fair is, come share it with the community! Later this week, WEMU will be recording weird, wacky, and wonderful memories of the fair over the years. Select segments will air in the weeks leading up to the 50th Anniversary Fair this July. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to be a part of the celebration! WHEN:
February 18th 7:00 to 8:00 pm February 20th 7:00 to 8:00 pm February 28th 10:00 to 11:00 am WHERE: Big Sky Recording 2304 S. Industrial Ann Arbor, MI SIGN UP by calling 487-2229 or emailing Molly Motherwell ( Can't make it to a recording session? Send us your memory via email:
office@artfair.orgI remember walking across the diag one summer day in l977, I believe, (remember the 70's?) the haze of pot in the air and I saw an artist strip bare to change his clothes. I remember walking the length of Main Street and thinking I had seen the Ann Arbor Art Fair. As it turned out I hadn't even seen it yet! I remember watching huge winds blowing down booths on South University with glass crashing around us and my husband turned to me and said, "this looks like fun. I think I'll apply next year." I remember being awake all night nervous about the opening day. I remember teaching our kids how to sell and make change on the streets of Ann Arbor. I remember our first thousand dollar show. I remember our first thousand dollar day. I remember the hope and joy that flowed from the artists as their economic dreams became reality. I remember the days when cash was flowing everywhere and everyone was happy and people were standing in line to buy. I really remember the wonderful friends, artists from around the country.Read more…
Shary Brown, director for eleven years of the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair (the original) announced in January that she
would be retiring after the 2009 art fair. I know many of my readers are artists and have thought they might be interested in running an art fair or wondered why one event is so much better than another. Well, the folks in Ann Arbor on the Street Fair's board take their event very seriously and have now posted the requirements for Shary's successor. Could this be you? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Ann Arbor Street Art Fair is seeking an Executive Director to lead one of the nation’s top art fairs, a nationally known art organization that increases public knowledge and appreciation for contemporary fine arts and fine crafts by creating opportunities that connect artists, the Ann Arbor community and the general public to their mutual benefit, culminating in a top quality juried street art fair. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors, and is responsible for the organization’s achievement of its mission, financial objectives, program development and administration. Interested candidates should send a cover letter including salary requirements and resume to: Executive Director Search Or email to: Ann Arbor Street Art Fair P.O. Box 7673 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 Competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Review of Applications starts April 1, 2009 Anticipated start date of October 1, 2009 IDEAL CANDIDATE PROFILE: - Commitment to the AASAF’s mission, vision and values. - Demonstrated leadership and management in the non-profit art sector with years of experience as a leader, manager, or senior professional position(s). - Outstanding oral and written communication skills. - Demonstrated experience and effectiveness in multiple methods of revenue generation. - Experience in leading and working with a Board of Directors, volunteers and paid staff. - Proven experience developing and delivering high quality programming. - Experience in working with artists and art organizations. - Special event experience. - Demonstrated ability to establish network of contacts, locally and nationally. - An understanding of non-profit financial management information requirements. - Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience.
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Posted by Connie Mettler on February 16, 2009 at 10:52am
Two Florida events with only a few spaces left in Sarasota and on Marco Island, need only a few more artists to fill them out before they are presented to the public. The are organized by
Richard Sullivan whose
Boulderbrook Productions festivals are consistently ranked among the top art shows in the country.
March 21st & 22nd Sarasota Masters Art Festival Payne Park Sarasota, FL 110 Artistsonly a few spaces left! Here is a special message from
Richard Sullivan:
Artists, we have selected and secured a great location; the new Payne Park in downtown Sarasota. A truly great location with easy set up, loads of convenient artist and patron parking. We are as excited about the caliber of this event and the great success we have had already with this show. We think it is going to be the most successful event that has ever been held in Sarasota. It's time that Sarasota gets to see the finest artists in the nation. There are still a handful of spaces available for the show. Link for Festival Info and Application This event will have a total of no more than 110 artists, each booth is a corner booth and there is a Friday afternoon set up where you can drive up and unload and set up. We have an extensive media campaign that includes advertising in the local newspapers and magazines. We have purchased ads on two local radio stations including the local NPR station. We have television commercials scheduled for Comcast Spotlight and we have partnered with a local media company on a sponsorship level. We have been extremely fortunate to have associated the festival with one of the most worthy not-for-profits that we have ever met. The Forty Carrots Family Center. Forty Carrots is one of the most well respected local Sarasota organizations. Their ties to the community have given us great exposure to the art-buying patrons of Sarasota. Call for Artists: The Marco Island Festival of the Arts April 4th & 5th Marco Island, FL Elkcam Circle east, across from the new Esplanade Mixed-Use Shopping and Residences 70 artists A few spaces left From director Richard Sullivan:
We know the Naples area better than any other festival organization and, as a result, have decided to establish a new kind of event in Marco Island for the 2009 season. This event will feature the finest artists in the nation in a wonderful new location in an untapped area of Naples (no, really there is one, I swear). Come and join us for the right sized show in the right section of the city. This location offers premium exposure. Marco Island is a perfect location for a nice small high quality event. We believe that a small high caliber event on Marco Island is appropriate for this area. You'll appreciate this wonderful location in central downtown Marco's shopping district. The area of the festival is a beautiful waterfront location with plenty of adjacent parking for artists and patrons. Boulderbrook Productions is renowned for running the Naples National Art Festival in Naples Florida. We were very fortunate to be able to be associated with this wonderful show for a very long time. Our event in 2007 was just rated #5 Best Festival in the nation by Sunshine Artist Magazine in the September 2008 Issue. We know our market and how to promote the event for your full benefit. Our goal is to reach local art buyers and enthusiasts through: *# Advertising - island newspapers, Naples Newspapers *Sponsorship involvement on advertising level *Regional television and radio coverage via purchased advertisements We currently have a handful of spaces available for this show:LINK for Application and more info Looking for more art fairs for your 2009 season?
Visit for entries.Read more…
Posted by Connie Mettler on February 16, 2009 at 10:17am
In his review of the arts in Pittsburgh, Bob Hoover of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, not only reports on some of the bad news--but lo and behold has some good news in the way of interesting critical commentary and good ideas for making some good news!
His analysis of the NEA and how arts funding is being passed around is hopeful that there are still people out there who know and act on the use of arts funding for the good of all. Especially interesting is the Bush funding of the arts and the outgoing head of the NEA, Dana Gioia's, good handling of the well-endowed NEA. Since I am a busy reader I'd been well aware of the Big Read program that spread around the nation in recent years, but hadn't realized that I had the NEA to thank for that. One of my favorite 2008 activities was attending a "conversation" with three Michigan related authors (Richard Ford, Jim Harrison and Tom McGuane) at Michigan State, an offshoot of this program.
In the cutting of the budget for Pittsburgh's Three Rivers Art Festival, Hoover suggests adding authors to the program (isn't writing an art? he asks) instead of more cheese fries. The Detroit Festival of the Arts (dead in the water for 2009) always included authors and partnered with the Detroit Public Library for cultural offerings, so this seems a great idea. Artists, wouldn't you rather have an author next to you than the elephant ears?
Read Hoover's article here: Coming: Rough Year for Local ArtsRead more…
Posted by Connie Mettler on February 16, 2009 at 10:00am
Of course the Miami Herald cannot ignore the Coconut Grove Arts Festival. Click on the link to read all about it, see a video and some images from the event. Don't miss Duncan McClellan's fine blown glass, a fixture at the festival.
This article by George Leposky of gives some more background for the festival and what I liked even more, a fair number of images of the arts. The Festival gives out some 50 awards, but George and his wife, Rosalie, give out awards by sharing with you their favorite work. Good choices, George! Member of, Mark Glocke is included.
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Cafe Handmade is dedicated to the reader experience and promoting artisans! We are excited to announce our new Cafe Handmade Reader Rewards!Cafe Handmade will hold a drawing on the first Monday of each month and one lucky winner will receive $50.00 to shop in any of our Reader Rewards Sponsored Shops. They can spend $10 at shop A, $25 at shop B, and $15 at shop C. Cafe Handmade will send a credit to the shop in the amount the winner would like to spend there.There are two ways readers can enter the drawing.1) Subscribe to our eNewsletter. Everyone on the eMailing list will be entered into the drawing every month.2) Participate in our Weekly Scavenger Hunt (another exciting new feature on Cafe Handmade) and will be eligible for up to 4 entries a month.Its that easy! The winner will be drawn using on the first Monday of each month.So, Im sure now your asking how to become a Reader Rewards Sponsor and what is in it for you?A Reader Rewards Sponsor will receive:* Dedicated post with all participating shops 125x125 ad. Shown here.* Program will be mentioned in the weekly eNewsletter. We will rotate ads from participating shops week to week* Increased traffic to your shopYou can click on our site for details if your interested in becoming a Reader Rewards Sponsor.The first drawing will be on Monday April 6th.Click here to sign up.Sign up before March 1st and your 90 day paid period wont begin until then.We are very excited about this and hope you are too!
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I am a subscriber to Don Crozier's newsletter from the Best of Missouri Hands and a recent issue included two separate opportunities for health insurance for artists. I have investigated them only cursorily, but am going to list them here for your investigation.
1. From Joan Merrell: I may have already sent this in, but my calligraphy organization has just joined the Open Arts Network through Fractured Atlas, a group dedicated to getting affordable health and liability insurance to artists (as
well as branching into other helps for learning to run an art business or group, get grants, etc.). The more people involved, the better the insurance deals and it costs NOTHING for a group like BOMH (Best of Missouri Hands) to join. If you are interested go to to check it out, Adam Natale is the contact person.
2. From Scott Snail: As some of you may know, I'm a local sculptor living in the Metro East and teaching on both sides of the river. I'm also a board member of the Potters Council, a national nonprofit ceramic artists group sponsored by the American Ceramic Society. We offer a range of benefits for members including a web presence in our members' gallery with (soon) online sales, as well as member discounts on things like Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated magazines, books published by the American Ceramic Society, workshops and conferences that we sponsor, credit card services, shipping, rental cars, dental, optical and chiropractic services, hearing aids,
and now:
After a number of years of searching, we have contracted with a reputable insurance firm to offer group health insurance benefits to members, at rates much better than any individual plans we know of, and comparable to many employer-based group plans.
No, I'm not shilling for anyone but the Potters Council, and there's no money in it for me or anyone else involved. But, we are a young and still growing organization, and every new member strengthens our ability to offer more and better benefits in the future. For things like group insurance, and even shipping discounts, there is strength in numbers!
Membership is open to anyone, and runs $40 a year. We're not just for potters, but for anyone working in clay, at any skill level. In fact, we don't even limit it to that. While many of our benefits will be of interest mainly to ceramics people, a lot of our benefits (like health insurance) would be worthwhile to anyone who needs those services and could use a discount. Increased membership benefits everyone involved, so even if you are a painter, a printmaker, a photographer, a poet, or whatever, it might be worth looking into. Anyone is welcome to join, even if you've never worked in clay and don't plan to. Maybe we'll recruit you later! (Just kidding.)
Seriously, it's a pretty good deal. Not free, for sure, but a lot cheaper than most other options, and we'd love to have you as a member.
Feel free to visit the website for more details about the organization:
I would be very interested in learning if anyone investigates these options and what they learn from them. It seems like an impossible task, finding affordable health insurance for the self-employed. Yet, on that topic, here in Michigan we became members of the local Chamber of Commerce some years ago and were then eligible for the health insurance that was available to Chamber members. AND it was very affordable.
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Posted by Jim Parker on February 11, 2009 at 5:34pm
Did Boca this past weekend. The first show of the season for me. I sat out January and was glad to get some work done. But Boca was disappointing. Lots of interest, lots of browsers, lots of love, but very few buyers. Most everyone I talked to was having the same show. I think Michael McKee did well, but the photogs were hurting. My sales were half what they were last year. We'll see how Artigras and Naples go, like Nels said.
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Howard Alan Events can become the backbone of your exhibiting year. These popular outdoor festivals are consistently ranked among the top art shows in the country. Located along some of the most charming streets in the nation, the festivals brings the unique creations of hundreds of award-winning artists to thousands of art enthusiasts across America every weekend.
7th Annual Alexandria Festival of the ArtsAbout Howard Alan Events More than 27 years ago Howard Alan opened a retail store in Plantation, FL. In this store, Howard featured artists and crafters, selling their work on consignment. A publicity stunt featuring a 6-foot-4-inch gorilla named Magilla, brought the press running, landing Howard and his gallery on several local TV news stations, as well as Good Morning America and PM Magazine. Realizing he had a knack for advertising and public relations he combined this talent and his passion for the arts and created Howard Alan Events, a public relations and advertising agency specializing in art show promotions.
Today, Howard Alan is one of the most widely and highly recognized individuals in the industry. Along with Debbie, his wife and business partner of 25 years, his son Darrin and their dedicated staff, Howard runs 45 annual juried art shows and 40 annual craft shows out of a small office in Plantation, Florida. With all the shows came the artists. Over the last 24 years, Howard Alan is proud to have
exhibited the work of over 10,000 different artists worldwide. Today, a typical Howard Alan show will feature anywhere from 100 to upwards of 300 exhibitors. Many credit Howard Alan for allowing them to make a living doing what they love most.
The District Art Annual...Downtown Kansas City Howard Alan Events produces multiple shows therefore they have an ongoing jury process that meets twice monthly and juries by category. SHOW DIRECTOR'S SUGGESTION: We recommend that you apply EARLY as the show and/or most categories will fill quickly. Visit their website to view the events and plan your schedule. Then apply at:
www.zapplication.orgRead more…