Read more about it:
Read more about Schlecker and his plans for the event:
Well, as some of you have guessed, I am new at this game. This is only my second year and have I learned alot and I DO have a lot to learn. I wanted to tell my story from this show.
Most of you know we did have snow in Florida for the first time in years and set up Fri the 8th was freezing cold. Came back early Saturday freezing, cloudy, little snow, few people. Most of the artists were bumming out. Some did NOT return the next day. Me, being new at this was not going to imagine not showing up on Sunday. I arrived Sunday morning, crisp cold and clear, even sunny. Unzipped my tent and got immediately covered with snow. The side walls, ceiling, my art, (lucky I work with clay), and tables were frosty and covered with ice/snow. I went to the other vendors to see if anyone else had snow in their tents, no just me. I discovered the culprit, a grate to the street which was inside my tent and must have sent up moist air in the night.
So, on a bright, cold, sunny day, I had light snowfall inside my tent all morning and then a little rain as the sun warmed it up. I was a living snowglobe.
Anyway, I did very well considering the weather and the precipitation in my tent.
Roxie Spell
first shot in the front inside the tent, second photo is the culprit
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