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Chautauqua Crafts Alliance

Two shows are held on the grounds of the Chautauqua Institution in Western NY every year. One in July, one in August. You can apply to one or both and be accepted to one or both or neither. This is always my best show and so far, I've only been able to get one each year. They instituted a new on-line app this season and, apparently, had off-site jurors from as far away as Portland, Oregon reviewing the apps. The app worked very well, I am not able to assess the jurying. It always puzzles me. I guess one would need to be privy to the apps and the images to see what the jury sees. I think that most of the work shown last weekend was high-end and well crafted and I was proud to be included.

The only difficult thing about this show is load-in. The Institution is a very old, charming community with narrow roads and little vehicular traffic. The show is set up around the centerpiece of the grounds, Bestor Plaza, on a brick road that probably does not usually allow traffic and is just 2 lanes. To accommodate us, the committee assigns very strict sign in times and allots exactly 30 minutes to pull up, park on the right, unload, grab your packet and get out. If only people would pay attention. It works really well until the first wacky, who is not even supposed to be there, pulls up and argues with the crew that she needs to get through to help someone! Or a clueless one unloads all their stuff on the street which, for all intents and purposes, is like leaving a car there. Or one parks on the left, creating a wall where a lane should be. Sigh. What keeps this all from being a trainwreck is one of the best committees you will ever see in this business. They are everywhere. Directing traffic, putting out fires, walking the show constantly to check on things, asking if you need help, lunch, a booth sitter. Excellent job.

Sales are good here because this is a Summer retreat for people with artistic, cultural and spiritual interests and enough money to buy some time here. Nice combination for us. It is a beautiful place with people playing cello on the grass behind your booth and no kettle corn. :) You get a gate pass with your acceptance that gives you access to many of the concerts, lectures, etc happening while you are there.

This is a craft show, with the only 2D work being prints or collage incorporating craft. Lots of jewelry and clothing. Very expensive clothing. $500 shawl anyone? If you visit the site, there is a slideshow of the exhibitor's work that will give you an idea of whether this is a show that might be a good fit for you.

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Northwest Shows?

Anybody doing shows in the Pacific NW? Particularly along the I5 corridor? Vancouver, Portland, Tacoma,
Portland etc. What's hot 'n what's not? I did fairs years ago in the Midwest and am thinking of doing some out here.
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We blew it in Blowing Rock!

The next time I tell you that I am driving nine hours to exhibit in a one day show, grab me by the arm- or better yet, chain me to my fireplace! Blowing Rock is a beautiful high- end area in the mountains of North Carolina mostly for second home buyers...for years Bob and I have been told by customers and friends from Florida that we should do this show- and how well we would do , there if we did...the shows runs monthly from May- Oct..the second Saturday of each month except October when it is on the first Saturday.. The crowd shows up early( by 9a.m.) and it is crowded....very crowded, but with the exception of one artist that was near us with wall art, nobody sold expensive work. I think if your work sells in the $50-250 price range you have a chance otherwise, it ain't happening sister! I don't know why...we had so much interest, but even with our great selling skills :), people were just not buying's too bad....such a beautiful area, great restaurants, and lots of more one days shows for us this far away.If people have to measure their walls for your work, one day is not enough long Blowing was a nice getaway for the beauty of the area, not for the sales...
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This event was a fundraiser for the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Fine Arts, since funding has been cut for the arts in this country, museums must rely on donations or fundraisers. It was held August 14 and 15 in the museum and we had about 25 local artists inside the A/C selling their wares. It was an excellent show for this time of year and weather here. This was a first time event, so the advertising could have been better, but even so, I was very pleased with my sales. The artists all donated 40% of their sales to the museum. Ann Feldshue, who is the buyer for the museums gift shop arranged the event. She carries local artists work in the gift shop and it is NOT full of buy sell items. It is nice when a local museum supports the local artists. She has now included my work in the shop.

Each artist was unique and even in the same media there was no competition between artists, since each one's style of work was chosen carefully to be different from the other. Fantastic job and fantastic weekend.

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Painting Lady 1 in Augusta, Wisconsin

Hi everyone!

Please bear with me as it has been 40years since high school English and college English!!

I just had a wonderful week end visit with my Mom up in Augusta, Wisconsin! Had to bring up some of Grandmothers' things for my Mom to go over, plus a few things of my Sisters', a bit of a sad thing to do, but necessary. Anyway in spite of that, we had a really good time and visit! The reason I am writing this about Augusta, I don't know if people know of the large Amish Community they have up there? They do the most amazing quilts, wood work, furniture and the bake goods are just to die for!!!! The most beautiful breads!!!!

The Wood Shed in Augusta on Main Street, sells quite a bit of their furniture, their toys and such, but did you know that you can take a bus tour of the Amish Community? This is really something to see, you are riding along in your truck, car on the back roads, right along horse and buggy on the road! I know that there are some artists that specialize in Amish Artwork, this small area of Wisconsin would be a good place for this type of artwork. Make sure to ask permission first if it is all right to paint on their property and such. But never the less even if you just take a ride by yourself, the country side up there is beautiful! My Mom and I took a ride in her 1 ton truck up and down the hills on the back roads, it was bright and suuny, just a perfect day for a Sunday ride in the country. There is also a pretty good size art community up in the Augusta area, Roz Henning and her group, put on The Falling Leaves Art Tour every Fall, I think it is in October, this is a Saturday and Sunday ride in the country of the small towns, going thru the local artists art studios, to see what the do, talk with the artists and buy some lovely local artwork! Plus the local resturants offer wonderful meals and such when you are done with the tour! Beautiful art and wonderful food in Gods' Country! Again it's a pretty good ride to get to Augusta, it's outside of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, you can do mapquest to get driving directions.

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First Algoma is town just south of Door County in Wisconsin......Wisconsin, of course is God's Country-- North to those of us who live in Wisconsin.....and this area is nature's natural cooler.....

But Lordy, Lordy, was it hot and humid on Saturday, August 14 in Algoma, Wisconsin......heck it was hot as heck.......heck it was doggone hot all over the US of A......

But it was 10 degrees cooler and much less humid on Sunday, August 15 in Algoma. And it was quite windy....

So sales were down on Saturday ......but sales were up on Sunday compared to the many past years I have done this show.

The show clients are tourist mixed with Algoma locals.....maybe a 50 -- 50 data.....this is just a guess based on my conversations with my customers over the is also based on what I sell....I sell a lot of sports art prints for the teams from Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota.....

Anyway.....after a hot lower sales Saturday......just for fun I asked the Sunday customers what they did on Saturday......many just stayed by their air conditioning......some Saturday-type shoppers just moved their shopping to Sunday.......

So I had a very average Saturday.....and a very productive Sunday, saleswise.

So the general rule is: if it is too cold, too hot....or too rainy....just expect your sales to be down.....for me it wasnt the economy.

The show is set up so very well.....with the bands at one end of the show.......flea market in the middle along a street ....which leads to other streets with arts and crafts .....that is where I was.

It is just over an hour by car from my house.........a low entry fee......easy gets 3 and a half DAVEYs out of 5......a good score.

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Call for Artists: Art & Photography Festival

October 2
Easton, Connecticut
10AM - 6PM
(Rain date: October 3, 2010)
50 Artists
Deadline: September 1

dispatcher?pimg=tmp--1106843978 Art
Wine & Cheese Tasting
Live Music

In the small bucolic Connecticut town of Easton in Affluent Fairfield County Connecticut, the Ashlar Aspetuck Masonic Lodge is hosting its first Art & Photography Festival for the benefit of local charities.

Our festival which will be for Artists and Photographers only (No Crafts) is a celebration of the fall season with Artists, Wine & Cheese Tasting and live music all right in the center of this beautiful New England town.

This event will be marketed throughout Fairfield County, from Greenwich to Shelton to New Haven County and many places in between. Fairfield County loves Art and Photography and loves to buy great Art and Photography, so come here to sell what we love.

Fee: $100 for 10 x 10 space (NO Commissions)

Contact for Application:

Mark E Smith
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Sunday, Aug 15, 10:30pm, in cozy $34/night room at the Prospector, Park City, UT.

Writing helps me wind down after an art show final and tear down day. My artist wife is conked out and asleep, I'm a late nighter. We do decorative Raku, been in the art show business for about 12 years, I left my 8 yr day job as a daily newspaper ad rep in 2007 and am now a full time business partner, Raku firemeister, and general grunt guy. We are both 62. We moved from our 10 year home in Montrose, CO to Paonia, CO last year, remodeled a downsized home, new studio and firing facility. We do shows mainly within a 1 day drive in CO, WY, NV, AZ, NM, UT, have wandered into TX.

To help understand my perspectives and observations, I've been a photographer, created and directed one of the first 24 hour crisis centers in the U.S., published a 7 state specialty newspaper for singles, plus done a variety of other odd work situations.

My wife, Lynne Anderson, has been an artist and art educator, working in numerous mediums, fell in love with clay when she was getting her Masters in Art Education, thus double majored in Art Education and Ceramics, has taught all levels, last teaching at college level before having to choose between teaching and her growing art business.

We've learned a lot from other artists, like to help others when we can, and continue to learn along the way. Art Fair Insiders is a great way to expand learning, I'm a new member here and as I have time, would like to poke at sharing what we know and are learning. We love the art show business, and despite the hard work, sometimes brutal hours and economic uncertainties, like so many other artists say, would rather do this than punch a time clock.

So, about the new Park City Howard Alan art show, held one week after the "famous" Kimball Art show.

(disclaimer: my accuracy on names, spelling, some facts, etc. may be questionable at this hour, in the future, as a trained journalist, I will work more diligently on getting the facts correct)

I started the post title with "bits & pieces," meaning this writing will be just that, probably not well thought out, I know the Sunshine Magazine routine of sales amounts, average, high, low, etc., but my brain can't handle that type of thing at this point, and I'm not sure those kind of statistics really tell much of a story anyway.

The Howard Alan Park City show was "good." By "good", I mean the following:

First, we art show artist get to choose and work with 2 main kinds of art shows: 1) private promoter who may really like art, but mainly is in it to make money. 2) art and community organizations who want to make money, but also like the "glory." Both have a lot invested in image and ego. Each handles art shows, and artists a bit differently.

As our first two Howard Alan art shows, Park City and their previous weekend show in Frisco, CO, revealed the following to Lynne and I:

Top notch professional. The staff team of Helaina, Joe and Scott did it all right; great layout in the Redstone Mall "main street", the big shopping area of Park City and location of what they call the "Newpark" development of residential, business and entertainment. Same was true for Frisco show.

Heard Joe talking about coming in, seeing a part of the layout done by the property owners that would piss off 9 artists, made quick changes to give them better traffic flow. Got the sense that they understand the importance of booth placement to give everyone their best shot at customers.

The mall allowed a more spread out layout, 12' space for 10' booths, some got more space, no jammed up feeling, a little more room for storage, weights and air flow. On the subject of weights, they make sure everyone is properly weighted so you don't have to worry about someones under weighted tent being blown into yours.

They were very organized, cruised the show, talked to artists, got you your tax forms, etc. RV and rig parking was provided for both Frisco and Park City, they know the logistics artists have to deal with. Set up and tear down well organized, they were always around and visible though the whole process. Ever been at a show where the promoter or volunteers all disappear at tear down?

Advertising, they sent us an email of advertising and promotion listings, impressive. Numerous folks showed up in our booth who had come from Salt Lake just for the art show.

So bottom line, how were sales? As typical with any art show, some did great, some so so, others not so good. Attendance was a bit thin, probably for a number of reasons, Kimball art show weekend before, new art show, etc.

We did what has become the new answer to "how'd the show go for you?" OK, which usually means now we covered expenses and made some money, but not "great" like the good old "before the recession" days.

A painter across from us in the final hours sold a $5800 painting for a bit less than he'd usually come down to, but that painting also generated a commission on a modified version that made him real happy, happy overall. Several bronzes were wheeled out. Saw folks carrying off framed paintings and prints. Since we double team our booth sales, I didn't get a chance to ask many other artists how they did.

We did better at the Frisco show, but feel fortunate to have done as well as we did at this show.

Now we take the more engaging "chatty kathy" approach with our customers, greeting folks, explaining what Raku is, asking them where they are from, etc., No hard sales, but recognizing that many people come to art shows to also "engage" and "connect" with the artists.

We discover things like 2nd home or condo owners, they just bought a new place and are looking to decorate it, etc. I'm befuddled when I see artist sitting in their booth reading or not acknowledging people who have come into their space to look at their creative work. I know, many artist are shy and hate the sales part of the business. But don't complain when your sales suck. All you have to do is take an interest in your potential customer, ask some questions and share some stuff about who you are as an artist, etc.

Bits and Pieces, so what else?

Oh, big major item about the Park City show, need to approach this cautiously and carefully. So the Kimball show was weekend before. A number of artists at this show have done the Kimball show. A number of art lover attendees always check out the Kimball show.

These comments were not solicited, but numerous folks said, "the art here is of such higher quality than at the Kimball show." Yee Gads, what does that mean, "quality of art" is such a subjective thing? Does it mean the Howard Alan folks have a stable of "higher quality" artists? Is their selection (jury) process more highly tuned? One of the people saying this was a member of the art council that puts on the Kimball show.

No doubt there will be some fussing about this whole thing, new art show in town that is perceived to have "higher quality" of art. Would love to be a fly on the wall on some of the Kimball meetings.

But, a fair number of attendees didn't even know about the Kimball show, they were just in the area visiting, etc., so in places like Park City, Frisco, other resort areas, you'll have a mix of locals and visitors. One thing you can usually count on is that folks at art shows in western resort areas will likely have some money to spend on art.

One of my hobbies is watching the world go by, like to do a lot of reading about the evolution of our planet, economy, social issues, etc. From what I've gathered on the current state of the economy, it appears 2008 was the bottom, 2009 and 2010 has been a slow recovery, folks who still have money who have been sitting on it and have been repressing their usual freedom to buy stuff, including art, are starting to feel it's ok again to start spending money on art.

You know, when your 80 million got whacked down to 60 million, you started with shock, then caution, now, ok, it's looking better, out comes the charge card and checkbook.

Sure, a big chunck of Americans are still grappling with unemployment and economic uncertainty, but a bigger chunck still have money and I think are enjoying spending it again, and some of it on art.

Ok, I've written myself out now, we pack up and head home tomorrow, get to "rest" and good road chat time, then another show at Keystone, CO, followed by a 25 day recharge time until our next show, the Colorado Mountain Wine Festival, one of our favorite 1 days shows. I'll do more bits and pieces later, look forward to questions and comments that might come from this. I've noted that Insiders is predominately East Coast, but maybe us'ns from out West here can jump in a bit more. Noted Crested Butte show has got some mention, we did that one in the past, may try again though that's another tough show to get into.

On the subject of "tough to get into" I've heard one of the issues with shows is they are starting to look at bringing in more out of state artists compared to area regional artists so they can promote "artists from all over America." Pretty soon foreign artists will start arriving and it will be "Artists from around the world." Ah, doing art shows is such a weird business. Like the issue of collecting gadzillions for zap aps, new income center source. The jury process is beginning to be questioned on how many aps actually are seen by "the jury" and how many are pre-screened out without being seen by "the jury." Is it fair?

How does that saying go? Nothing is fair in Love, War and Art Shows?

Maybe it's time for art shows to document that your expensive images along with your application fee were actually seen by a "jury." Or, because of the huge number of entries, are they not hiring the number of jurors it would take to screen all those applications and just pocketing the application fees via some kind of "pre-screening" process?

So more details on shows noted to come later, maybe some pics, We dropped our subscription to Sunshine Artist magazine couple years ago, realized that it wasn't providing the kind of info we needed on shows. This website and forum seems like a potential good alternative.

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August has some of the Chicagoland area's best shows and so far, this month hasn't been disappointing. The hot weather has made it uncomfortable going to shows but unless it is pouring rain, you can't let that stop you from going to a great festival.

Art at the Glen was very good this year. There were new artists there and that is always a bonus. Producing a show has to be tough, limited number of booths and people want to see their favorites but then you want to have new artists at the same time. I got to meet Ray Mosteller and see his gorgeous photography. He is as nice as his work is beautiful and I had a great time talking with him.

I broke my rule not to buy earrings (again) when I found a new jeweler who had never shown in the Chicago area. Turns out that during the winter, they spend their time not even 10 miles from where I live in Florida. I found another new jeweler who does amazing things with pearls and bought a bracelet that when I wear it, I can't stop looking at it. It is one of those pieces that you go to 20 festivals for-that piece that makes it all worthwhile.

From a quality standpoint, I would put the Glen very close to Port Clinton. It is one of Amy's best shows.

Tucked away in a corner of downtown Milwaukee is the Morning Glory Fine Craft Fair. Last year I was lucky enough to meet Linda Anderson. This year I got to meet Patricia Hecker and see her wonderful boxes. My cousin, who is my festival companion was looking for an artist she hadn't seen in a long time and it turned out to be Patricia. I also got to visit with Nels. He is probably the happiest guy at any festival. He has the most fun phtography (as well as beautiful) and some pictures made me homesick for Florida.

One of the best things about Morning Glory is that in addition to the good quality of the artists, there are many that don't venture down to Illinois so they are new to me. That is very enjoyable.

It was a good two weeks and the 2nd half of August should be just as good if not better,

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Orchard Lake

We did the Orchard Lake too, a few things we were grateful for was that it was not 90+ degrees out because we were packed on the street with not much room between booths. The show was beautiful with many artist staying over from Ann Arbor, to bad there were not the buyers to began to support a show that size!
I overheard on a staff radio that there was trouble at the gate a patron did not want to "pay" the donation fee! It was then crossed off and made a admission fee, so what was it???and who was the beneficiary of the "donation" or "admission" monies?
Many sad, tired faces. Chris did ok there, really worked his mailing and won $100 ribbon. I barely made show fee.

Had a silk embroidery next to me, question, has anyone seen them actually demonstrate? A lot of organizing of thread but never saw any work done...I also read a lot on line about this ancient art form, with variations from country to country in the far east. It is a traditional female craft, I been at 2 shows this summer both had male exhibitors. I would rather have a mediocre artist next to me really doing the work than some craft you can buy on line...The public is already jaded on what they see, I am wary of many traditional and ethic crafts that are in juried art fairs.

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Have any experience with e-commerce art sites?

I was just checking out It's a juried application, if you're accepted they want $300 for membership, and take 50 percent of the sale. They don't promise you that you'll be in their catalogue, which is mailed to 1.5 million households, but they say they spend a lot on marketing the work and pushing out emails. I'm leery. Anybody ever try any of these art websites and have feedback they can share?

Thanks. Pete
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Asheville and Andie!

So we decided to apply to "Art in the Village" in Asheville, NC, because Andie Macdowell-actress and model...Loreal anyone????? Ground Hog Day anyone???(she's the beautiful, thin one!) said we would do well there- she bought a piece from us last summer in New York and thought Asheville would love us...and they did...and we love her! Show is held in Biltmore Village- Director John Kram knows how to pull the people in...never have seen a show so crowded at 9am...set up, a bit setup before 6:30 a.m.- ugh!!! people are there by 9a.m- it all works out, somehow. Saturday was packed to the gills- Sunday doesn't get started until the church bell rings- no selling allowed before. Alot of out- of- towners in town - as this is a destination city. We sold three large pieces and a few smaller ones. As for Andie, her house is on the market, has not sold yet- and she just e-mailed me this morning that she wants a large piece once she gets settled in her new home...wherever that may be ! We'll wait...and can't wait to be back in Asheville next summer!

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I live in the Missouri Ozarks along with quite a few artists that travel to art fairs thru out the midwest and beyond. The feed back we give each other on FB and emails point to disappointing shows so far this season. Even though I am a big supporter of doing regional shows we allowed ourselves a trip to do 2 shows in Colorado (along with some fly fishing in the mountains). The two shows to report on were (1) Summer Art Fair in Evergreen July 17-18 and Greeley July24-25.
Evergreen show had a good mix, but fewer exhibitors than last year. Sales good on Sunday, Saturday was very hot for Colorado. Average to poor sales.
Greeley. Kind of state fair kind of show with a good number of non professional "stuff". But, on Sat people were buying art at a good clip only to be cut off at the knees by Sunday's low to no sales. Very frustrating and if not a work-cation it would not have been worthwhile to have traveled that distance. Fortunately we were staying in our pop-up camper and preparing our own meals when we could.
Next show: Fall into Art in Edina, Mn. Sept11-12. This is a underrated show, so don't come and don't tell anyone else about it.
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We hear a good deal about the national shows and I have written a few reviews this year, but there are a good many smaller local shows in our communities that have long successful histories. I would like to focus on a few from the Cleveland area. These are the mom-and-pop shows that have dedicated volunteers, who want nothing more than to bring good art to their communities. They have volunteered their time year after year for decades. I think of Jo-Ann Rettig-Rau, the chair of Medina's Arts in the Park. Jo-Ann, who at nearly 70 years young, has been chairing the Medina show for decades. Or Karen Cooper, chair of the Lakewood Arts Festival will step down from Chair this year after 20 years of service to her community. These local art festival organizers and hundreds like them are the unsung heroes in our business.

For the last four years I have spent the middle of July to August in the Cleveland, OH area, participating in a series of local shows. Some are one day shows that are scheduled back to back: Willoughbv ArtFest on Saturday and Medina Art in the Park on Sunday; Lakewood Art Fesitval on Saturday and Chardon Art Festival on Sunday while others like the Akron Art Expo are weekend affairs. To the artists who travel on this caravan, it's a marathon.

The Cleveland Shows are not usually high grossing shows for me, but with little expenses, it's all about the net and these shows are solid. At the Lakewood Show last year I grossed 3K... a 1 day event, not bad! I even saw a big smile on Nels face after he finished the Lakewood show last year. Usually the gross is in the 2K range for the one day shows and less for Akron. That said, several of the Cleveland Shows were down for me this year by 30-50%, the exceptions being Boston Mills and Chagrin Falls... these were up (reviews written earlier). Of course someone always does well at every show. I spoke to a photographer this year after the Medina show and she was very happy... grossing nearly 5K in one day. Booth fees at these shows are modest, $100 to $200 and jury fees are $10 to $25 so it is easy to recoup expenses.

What is consistently remarkable about these shows is how well supported they are by their communities. Pictured above is the Medina show this year. It is packed with patrons for most of the day and the same is true for Lakewood and Willoughby. (Akron is probably the weakest link in the series.) These are local folks, some are wealthy, but most are from the struggling middle class. They have to think hard about any purchase. I can not help but feel honored when they select any of my works.

Quality of the art? Well it's all over the place, something for everyone from amazing art to not-so-amazing. You kind of go into these shows knowing this. When you do a series of local shows with the same artist, you can't help but build friendships with many. They too do national shows and travel quite a bit, but elect to do some art shows in their community to support the local efforts there. I have been fortunate to develop such good friendships with some these amazing artists.

Well it's back on the road again in a few weeks. I hope to be seeing some of you. Cheers!

P.S. Linnea Lahlum (a.k.a. workaholic or is that chocoholic) sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by your booth at Lakewood.

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Art on the Commons, Kettering, Ohio, review

This is my first time posting a review on here, so be nice if I'm missing something.

We were up in Dayton, OH, for the one day Art on the Commons Sunday, Aug. 8. Show was from 11-5. Expected attendance 30,000 with 110 booths. It is fine arts and fine crafts, although I'd say far more fine art, and quality was good. It was held in a nice arts pavilion.


Amenities - Booth fee was low at $160. They sent out a lot of information beforehand and when you checked in there was more info. Hospitality was the normal stuff. I had a great spot, off the pavement in the shade of a tree. People were packing in my tent to cool off. I'd love to have the space again!

Crowd - I'm big on the numbers...that's how I decide if a shows going to be worth it for me. Don't ask me why, my thinking is probably off. There definitely was not the expected 30K. My husband and I came up with maybe a little over 10K. The weather was great, but where were the people? Up until 4 pm, it was steady, but again, just not enough buyers.

Advertising - I saw no signs for the event outside of the entrance. I looked at one of the area entertainment guides and there was only a small blurb for it. I'm sure that most of their advertising was to the local arts patrons, but besides that I wasn't impressed.

Sales - I'm a photographer. Prices range from $2 notecards to $300 canvas, with a mix of prices in that range. My sales were horrible for the show. With my expenses (hotel, etc), we did not make expenses. I was next to a local clay artist and I didn't ask him about sales, but I know they were low for him. He was next to me a few weeks ago in Fort Wayne and his sales were low there too and I could tell he was in the same boat for this show. I talked to another painter and their sales were very low. I did see people leaving with items and some with even some big items but the numbers were so low for attendance, it wasn't a good mix of sales.

I'd like to hear if anyone else was there and how things went. Maybe I'm just having a hard time selling. My understanding is this show is a top 200 show. I think I'd be open to going back, but I'd love to know if the numbers they give for attendance are true or if this was just a bad year.
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Where's my barf bag?

I love Arts, Beats, and Eats. It is my favorite show. It is well run and it has a fun, family friendly atmosphere. It is a festival, as opposed to an Art Fair. The food vendors are from some of the best restaurants in the Detroit Metro Area. The music is top rate. There are over 200 acts and many are A level recording artists. This year the event was moved to Royal Oak, which over the years has turned into an edgy, arty, happening community. But, something has come up that makes me want to throw up. There is a clause in the contract, and rightly so, banning guns from the event. This has brought out the moronic gun control advocates and they are making an issue of it because Michigan, apparently, has an open gun law.

I, of course, have voiced my opinion. You can read about this and weigh in on it at:

I urge you to take a stand.
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Wauwatosa, WI

The Wauwatosa Historical Society puts on a great show. This event is small in comparison to other shows, but they know how to deliver. The organizers are very friendly. They provide boy scouts to help you get unloaded on Saturday morning. They send people around at lunch time to deliver food to your booth. Everyone is happy! And the best part is, customers are buying, buying, buying! This is our best show so far this year. And is in our top 5 shows for total sales in the 4.5 years we have been doing shows.

The weather was a little bit of a problem on Sunday morning and the show had a slow start. But by noon, the sun was out, the buyers showed up and everything was good.

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No matter what type of show I do, or visit, I always see people carrying around freebies. When I promoted an expo for artists several years ago, I did get several freebies for attendees as a sign of appreciation and to remember the event come one year later – to hopefully attend again. We gave away pens, anti-bacterial gel, and bumper stickers – all very affordable. But I know what you are thinking – that was an expo, artists don't give their work away for free nor have money to give things away for free! I agree – you can't afford to, but in some ways, you can't afford not to. This is an advertising expense and while it isn't common to do an ad in the paper or pay for ads online, one of the best things an artist can do is capture the attention of those who already attend shows. However, there is an underlying question.... if you give away something will it hurt or help you in the long run?

Question #29 Should I give away free samples and what are some samples I could give away?

First of all, I want to say this idea, of giving away free samples, will not work for everyone and every medium. There are craft artists who find it far more effective to capture names and email address for mailing newsletters and announcements. And I agree with this too. What I have learned though is people now are more conditioned to expect to get something for free, on sale, etc. when at a show and then shop. Some – not all – do remember the freebies people give away though...

Freebies can come in many forms. Here are a few suggestions:
1 Coupons – print out your own on either business card paper or note card paper mentioning that if the customers present this at a future show they will get XX% off their purchase at that show.
2 Magnets – check out online printing companies that offer magnet business cards and ask customers if they want a free magnet!
3 Pens – everyone can always use a pen, simply have your business name and website printed on them and you are set!
4 Trading cards – many photographers do this already, offering customers trading cards of simple or popular photographs unique to their own work with business information on it.
5 Candy/mints – People rarely refuse a free piece of candy – a tootise roll, a mint, nostalgic candy, etc. - and remember the gesture especially if you are the “lifesaver” who saved them from a coughing attack.
6 Recipes – If you sell dip containers or stoneware bakeware offer a free recipe with a photo of your work or of yourself making the pottery on the recipe card!
7 Stickers – I often see kids at shows, yet not enough stuff to entertain the kids. Make your own stickers – there are some VERY affordable sticker makers which you can create your own, marketing your work. Not only does it entertain kids, it gives parents time to shop.
8 Bookmarks – They are easy to make and can include anything from your logo, photographs of your work, and so on.
9 Make your own key chains – Use your scraps to make key chains – scrap pieces of leather, fabric, ribbon, cord with a bead or two, and have your name and website attached to it.
10. Jewelry cleaning kits. Those who make and sell jewelry can make up a simple jewelry cleaning kit and let buyers know they get one free with any purchase. Or offer a card stating “Free Lifetime Guarantee” and how to go about contacting you if a chain or clasp breaks and so on.

When I do shows I will either give away candy (especially around Halloween and Christmas) and other times coupons or a flower – if I have a lot in my garden. Everyone doesn't take the bait, but I often get repeat customers who do remember me, and while at that show recounts how nice I was to their friend and browse and shop. Sometimes their friend buys something! Needless to say $5.00 of mini candies or a couple of printed business cards with a coupon is very cheap and can be very effective when it comes to marketing – every little bit helps in getting the word out about your business.

If you are inspired to try giving away freebies, share your results here and comment away. Also, if you are strongly against this, feel free to share your opinions on that too and why you feel that way. All are welcome to comment and share your personal story about this post and past posts too. Have a great week – see you next time with more questions and answers to popular art fair issues. Michelle Sholund
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Just saying Hello, brand new to shows, brand new to this site. What an incredible network this is, and I am so glad i found you! Well, i have much to read and see..........
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