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Coconut Grove a BUST for me.

Coconut Grove was my second Florida show after a disappointing Artfest in Fort Myers (and not getting in off the wait list for Coconut Point last weekend). So, I've been here three weeks now and have another five shows to do before I can head back to home in Saugatuck, Michigan. As I mentioned in earlier posts I've been a bit anxious about committing all those dollars to booth fees, travel expenses and hotel bills. And now, after another disappointing showing at Coconut Grove ($1200 total for three long days), I'm pretty bummed out. These Florida people just don't buy my work.

The show itself is big and busy. Lots of people. Lots going on. It was a tough show for me to do. I arrived at 4pm as instructed by the info I got from the committee. I was told that the streets would not be available for setup until that time. I found, however, that many artists arrived late morning and were already setup by the time I got there. I also had a very hard time finding the registration area. There were no signs posted and the directions in my packet were confusing. When I registered I was told that the artist's parking lot was full. Apparently I was supposed to sign up for parking ahead of time. I never received any communication from the committee about that. I finally found a public parking lot, but couldn't leave my trailer over night, so I had to drive it 20 miles to Hialeah, where my hotel was located. In my opinion, this is one of the least "artist friendly" art fairs I ever did.

On the plus side, the volunteers in my area were very helpful. Since I was doing this show alone (something I don't recommend), I made use of the booth sitters several times. Hot lunch all three days. Pretty good breakfast all three days, and an artist dinner on Sunday... some good perks. The weather was great, for the most part, with the exception of some pretty heavy winds on Sunday afternoon. Many of the artists around me had good shows, so, I guess this could be a good money-maker for some artists.

My next show is in Naples next weekend. I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude. Looking forward to a good show. I could use some healthy sales.

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Very strange trip it was this past weekend.

We were at the Downtown Sarasota Art Festival this past weekend. Crowds were out both days. For reasons we have yet to figure out, we had a much higher than normal number of sales that we simply could not close on. An example: Patron enters our booth, eyes one of our $39 candle swirls, picks it up and comments " I really love this piece, I'm going to catch up with my friend and we will come back to get it." 5 minutes later they stroll in and the friend gushes over it too. I had already spoken to the first one about materials, technique etc on the piece. They both look my way say thank you and leave without finishing the purchase. Similar scenes played out both days, no matter what approach we tried, it seemed patrons were just not willing to make that final step of payment, even several times after talking about payments methods accepted by us, best price etc, and yes we did have showers each day and were dressed well. All our other shows for Jan and Feb to date were "normal" with regards to some do some don't on the sales end. We kind of felt like we had stepped into another dimension at this one. We tried all our tried and true little tricks to see what worked, pretty much nothing really helped. My wife and I were shaking our heads by the end of the show. We did make some money, but it was our lowest total in 2012 for 7 shows.
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Dirty Little Secrets

I’ve seen a lot of posts lately from artists with the same concerns as mine.  Extended deadlines after artists have already been rejected.  Exorbitant late application fees.  Calls for Artists issued after certain categories are full without disclosure of the categories that are open, if any sometimes.  The number of available spaces and applications per medium not fully disclosed.  Unknown jury members.  Shows trolling artist websites prior to ‘blind’ jurying.  Sneaky Buy/Sell crap.  Application and booth payment deadlines almost a year before the show date.  Advertised award amounts that are never given out.  Unfair refund policies.  Rising booth costs, rising application fees, rising expenses, dwindling returns.   Shows that are all about the spectacle of a festival not about the art.  Blacklisting artists because of their outspokenness.  And the many other dirty little secrets that prevent artists from reaching their full potential.


Many artists wring their hands and lament there is nothing that can be done about any of this, it’s always been this way, you have to learn to fight within the system, blahblahblah.  Not me.  I want to make a difference.  I PLAN to make a difference.  It is my future and I will fight for it.  If you want to make a difference also, The Corner Booth ( is a good place to start.  Don’t come there looking for advice on tents or weights or good photos.  Don’t come to hear Cumbaya and violins playing while a show’s selection of bagels is lauded around a website.  Come for spirited dialogue about the really important stuff I mentioned above.   Call out the shows for their behavior, good and bad, and be specific in your examples.  Strong opinions are needed, both pro and con.  Your opposition will be just as valued as your approval.  Don’t miss out on the companion site if you haven’t gone there yet.  Lots of amazing ideas there.


One concept formulated on TCB is if artists know more about the shows themselves, they can make more educated decisions about which shows to participate in.  TCB has undertaken its first project to gather and analyze statistical show information obtained from polling a number of prominent shows.  Much of the information requested is currently available somewhere already, either on the shows’ sites or one of the online entry systems.  But the heart of the survey, how many spots are really available and how many applications are received per medium, is what artists really need to see.  And what many shows don’t want the artists to see.  Broad Ripple and Krasl are two known shows that already share this information with their applicants.  TCB just wants to make it available for everybody, and about as many shows as possible, hopefully all of them. 


The goal of this first survey is not to pass judgment, not to organize a boycott, not to embarrass or humiliate an organization.  It’s simply an attempt to get valuable information into the hands of the artists.  Knowledge is power.  Let’s get some.  No more just blindly throwing jury fees at a show hoping they’ll stick.  To be sure, we should all have the confidence to think our art is the best and we can beat out 21 other applicants for a show’s 5 spots.  But what if there were really only two spots?  Now how about 10 spots?  Don’t you just want to KNOW what you’re up against?  More surveys are in the works.   There are just too many issues to try to address all of them in one poll. 


I’m hoping what comes out of this effort is a little more disclosure and transparency from the shows.  I don’t care if a show has 300 booths, and gives 298 of them to its preferred artists.  AS. LONG. AS. THEY. TELL. ME.  I don’t care if a deadline is extended, but I do want to know why, what categories might already be filled, and how many applications they’ve already received in my category.  I want to know who their jury members are, and what other shows share those same jurors.  I want to know they jury out and/or kick out buy/sell crap because they are knowledgeable enough to do so.  I want them to value my art, not feel so threatened by my opinion that they blackball me.  I want all of these things and more.  I want it to be about the art, not the side-show.

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ARTIGRAS--ANOTHER VOICE, with lots of experience

Thought I would lend another voice to the recent Artigras show.

Geoff Coe did an excellent review of how it is structured,run and all the things that make a show easier to do.  I agree with him on all points.

What I want to talk about is the all-important subject of sales going on there.

First, I have lot of experience with this show.  First did it when it was on RCA Victor Blvd in the late eighties.  It was smalltime then.

Then in the nineties it moved to the PGA Gardens Mall.  It really took off here. Sales were outstanding for just about all of us.  Sure, it was no Grove show, we weren't making those kind of figures.  But it sure was a great alternative if you didn't get in the Grove.

Then the McArthur Foundation sold off all of the land around the mall, which was used for all-important parking for this show--artists and patrons alike.

Hence the move to the present location at Abacoa near Jupiter.

It is a clean, new community built up from scratch.  But the demographics at Abacoa are nothing like what we saw at the Gardens Mall.

We started to see much more low end sales for just about everybody.  We also saw sales going in a more conservative, almost commercial direction.  Good luck trying to sell much of "Art from the Heart."

Which brings us to now.

This year's show was the worst Artigras I have ever seen.  In my days at RCA Victor Blvd, with less crowds, I did much better.

Most artists did not even make $2K in sales.  Your nut for this show is about $1K.  As always, there were exceptions--I'd say about ten-percent of the 280 exhibitors had a real good show (Say $4K or better)  but for the other eighty percent it was terrible.

Yes, we had big crowds on Saturday and Sunday, but most were just walking and looking.

Mondays are always a drag at this show.  If you make more than $500 you are doing really good.

All I saw for sales were lowest common denominator images and really drekky, hum-drum subject matter images go by me, most of them on canvas, most of them photos, and most of them cheaply priced.

This crowd has no taste.  All they want is drek, drek and more drek.

I don't see this changing in the near future.  I have seen my sales steadliy decline each year for the last five.  I always have lots of new images to sell, trouble is, I don't have lots of new buyers.

I know Geoff is happy with his sales, so is Steve Vaughn, but I know many others who are disgusted.  Look for a lot of old regulars to drop out next year.

BTW, on another important note, I hear the Grove, greedy little grubbers that they are, is planning on increasing the booth fee up to about a grand.  They increased exhibitors this year to almost 380.  

What this will do is drive out even more good artists with original work, who can't sell enough to top their overhead costs.  If they go to a grand, then with everything else tacked on, like parking, meals, hotels, gas, cgs--an exhibitor will have almost $2.5K tied up in breaking even.

Sorry folks, this is a bad trend, plus now lesser shows will raise their fees, the thinking being, "Well if the Grove can get a grand, why can't we get $450 where we used to get $275."

Our industry is going down the tubes fast, folks.  A business model that has rising operating costs with diminished revenues is not one to emulate.  It is surely not for the faint of heart.  It only inspires the most commercial to truck on.

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Just wrapped up my fourth art show in my young career and had a great time going back to my home of the past 3 years, Miami Beach. Hotels were expensive in the area so I commuted 35 miles from Fort Lauderdale (25-30 minutes on I-95) and parked in a local garage for $15 per day. The booth & application fee of $500 was less than Coconut Grove and I assumed since I am just starting out that I wouldn't get into Coconut Grove so I only applied to St. Stephen's. Especially since I haven't gotten into some shows I thought I would be guaranteed lol

I was shocked to get in and after walking around the show on Monday, I felt more confident about my work moving forward. The show was busy but from what I heard not as busy as previous years. The facility was very nice and I had a booth in the courtyard near the side entrance of the show. The artist's around me were superb so I felt pretty good being able to learn from them and pick up a few pointers that I can use moving ahead.

Sales were strange. I made the booth fee on the first day, had $0 in sales on Sunday (was 87 and seemed like fewer people) and then left with a modest profit on Monday, so I was pleased considering I was in the hole after my first two shows and broke even with the 3rd one. Also, optimistic because my next 4 shows cost a total of $600 in fees and will provide 12 days of exposure. I'm pretty confident that I will be profitable by the end of the next two and have paid for all start-up costs associated with joining the art festival circuit.

I took a peek at the people heading to the main Coconut Grove Show and figure that I would have sold more if I were in that show vs. St. Stephen's. Next year, will apply to both and see how that goes.

Hope everyone had a profitable weekend, since it was the "biggest of 2012" thus far!

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I am having trouble figuring out how to write this.  The artists at this year's show were wonderful.   They really seemed to pick wonderful artists.  The jewelry was extremely strong, although a lot of it was similar in style.  The glass was also very strong.  All the 3D crafts were very, very good.  

So what was the problem?  Too much outside interference.  One vendor booth was obnoxiously loud  playing inappropriate music for art of this caliber.  I don't care how much they pay to be a sponsor, when it detracts as much as it did, ruining the ability of the artists to speak to customers willing to put up with the noise to visit booths located within direct range, that is not fair to the artist paying $800 for a booth.  If this kind of noise was happening to you in a hotel room, you would demand that your room be changed.  Unfortunately, this isn't  possible at a show of this size.  There are too many stand alone food carts, away from the food area that emit aromas that again detract from the art.  And, you better have good reflexes because there were carts literally racing along the roadways, honking their horns, more concerned with getting to their destination than the safety of the festival-goers.  These are not just my opinions.  I talked to both artists and patrons alike.   

Last year I was very unhappy with the choice of Guy Harvey as the poster winner.  This year, the artwork on the poster was beautiful.  But, and yes, there is a but, it wasn't poster art.  I was laughing at myself for being hard to please but I overheard others say the same thing.  If I wanted that particular piece, I wouldn't buy it as a poster.  

Back to the art- I am sorry but I am not a 2D person.  If something catches my eye, I will go into a booth.  I am color-driven  so if you have work in 'my colors', I will stop and look.  I wasn't making many 90 degree turns this year.  I am trying to catch up to Nels' collection of pieces by Deborah Banyas and T.P. Speer.  I love their sense of whimsy and beautiful workmanship.  So much is said here about booth photos and the Fobot booth by Amy Flynn is a knockout.  It is so appropriate to her work.  It draws you in and the work takes it from there.  Her booth was crowded the entire show.  Humor combined with imagination and good workmanship equals success.  Barry Bernstein's raku is meticulously done with a greater combination of colors than most raku artists.   My favorite piece of his was gone before I spoke up proving--if you snooze you lose.  I know what I like but it is always fun when the judges agree with me.  I have a few Scott Gamble glass pieces and he won best in glass for the second year in a row.  I collect William Kidd ceramics and he won a second place ribbon after winning last year.  And then there was the jewelry.  All I can say is wow.  I wanted pretty much everything in Jay Nielsen's booth.  Design, texture and beautiful workmanship combined with attractive prices.    Kate Rothra Fleming makes the most beautiful glass beads that she fashions into incredible necklaces, rings and earrings.  Check out her website to see how intricate her beadwork is.  Teri Pelio finds incredible beads from all over the world and creates wonderful necklaces and bracelets that very unique.  

One last thing--I had two artists staying with me and I only live 20 minutes from  the show but I talked to a lot of artists that were driving 45 minutes to an hour or more  to get to the show.  Yes the  hotels were more crowded than usual, this being the busiest weekend in South Florida but it is also the most expensive.  With a three day show, you are talking anywhere from 4-5 nites in a hotel.  If anyone has any ideas on the best way to start an adopt an artist program so that we can find more homes for artists to stay in, please post it here.  I know that other shows do this successfully and the artists at Coconut Grove deserve the best.  

The art at the Grove did not disappoint.  Here's looking to the 50th season.

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Call for Artists: Milwaukee Domes Art Festival

August 17-196a00e54fba8a7388330162ffdc1b67970d-200pi
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mitchell Park
Presented by the Friends of the Domes
60-100 exhibitors
Deadline: March 12

The Milwaukee Domes Art Festival is a cultural extravaganza August 17th through the 19th in and around the historic Milwaukee landmark, the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory Domes. The Milwaukee Domes Art Festival is committed to excellence and to creating a festival unlike any other. Quality, beauty, and a wonderful and memorable experience, for both festival attendees and participating artists is our primary goal. Our secondary goal is to support the one-of-6a00e54fba8a7388330168e5d1e23a970c-pi?width=175a-kind venue, the Milwaukee Domes, or the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory.

Our festival includes live music, fine festival food, a children's art pavilion as well as a contemporary art gallery and a plein air competition.
The Milwaukee Domes Art Festival provides the highest awards amount of any Wisconsin art festival:

  • $10,500 in CASH artist awards
  • Best in show receives $3500
  • best of plein air receives $2000.  
  • There are additional prizes for honorable mentions.

Please apply to exhibit at the Milwaukee Domes Art Festival, paint in the Milwaukee Domes Art Festival's plein air painting competition, or both!
Application fee to jury for the Milwaukee Domes Art Festival is $35, and is non-refundable. This payment is used to ensure a fair jury process occurs.

Application and further details are available on our website:

Please check this website for continuing updates and information about the MDAF! If you have any specific questions, please contact us via email:
We wish you the best of luck as you apply, and look forward to seeing you at the 3rd Annual Milwaukee Domes Art Festival, August 17-19.

Looking for more art fairs for your 2012 season? Visit where you'll find Zapp shows, Juried Art Services shows, and all the others who host their own applications. It is a great all in one place resource.


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Well, I was going to start this post with the time-honored "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." opening, but in my journalism days, that lead would get your copy shredded faster than a mushroom in a lawn mower.

But if I COULD bring myself to write that, it would be an appropriate way to describe this most schizoid of shows.  Impeccably organized, with amenities galore for both artists and show-goers alike: Great entertainment, a robust food court, a huge and hard-working volunteer stafff, artist breakfasts, artist lunches, a constant stream of golf carts to carry artwork for patron pickup.  Whew! But this 3-day event had more twists and turns than a Swedish body massage.

Setup was on Friday, and at least on Central Ave., a breeze.  You checked in at a specific gate, depending on your booth location, showed your ID, and got your packet, stuffed with discount coupons for local eateries, full-color map, and more.  (The most thoughtful touch, to me, was the inclusion of three "Free Monday" passes that you could hand out strategically to be-backs who had bought $10 single-day admission tickets.  This would give them a way to return on Monday and buy from you after measuring their wall space [or whatever]). 

The show is laid out in the shape of a cross:  Most artists were aligned, face to face, north-south along Central Avenue for about 1/3 mile.  Artist parking was plentiful at the north entrance, and it was an easy walk to your booth. 

Tents are tightly packed pole-to-pole, but there are sidewalks behind the east-facing artists and lots of grassy areas behind the west-facing folks, so storage was ample.  A smaller quantity of artists were set up along University Ave., the east-west street, which seemed to be the main entrance for patrons, and also housed the young artists' tent, show sponsors, vendors, entertainment stage, and food court. (Artists and "vendors" were not commingled, but I'd invite some of you other AFI'ers to comment on whether the music got in the way of your ability to talk with customers; I was too far away to tell.)

Central Ave. is almost perfectly designed for a show: wide enough for two rows of tents and booth-side parking of even the widest RV for unloading, while still allowing a lane for other artists to get by.  I was in and out in two hours, looking forward to the start of the show. 

Saturday morning was a bit muggy, but fortified by the fine artist breakfast as well as the muffins I'd scarfed at my hotel, I was ready for action. 

To this first-timer, it looked like Art Show Nirvana.  Day 1 brought large, well-heeled crowds through the gates, and by day's end I was two-thirds of the way toward my sales goal for the weekend, with a take that nearly touched my sales from the previous weekend's (successful) show.  Not a lot of sales, but the ones that bought, bought big. As the show closed at 6 PM Saturday, I couldn't help but wonder if this would be the show that bankrolled my summer trip up north, all by itself. 

I got to the show a bit late on Sunday (the first time that's ever happened), having gotten caught in traffic due to an early-morning fatal crash on I-95.  I had one of my neighbors' business cards with me, so I called them to let them know I was running late in case anyone asked.  Thanks to their gracious offer to help me unzip and move my back stock out of the booth when I arrived, I was ready by the time the first customers came by from the main entrance at 10:15.

Sunday's weather was tropically muggy and increasingly breezy, conditions you see here more often in mid-May than in February.  The crowds came out in force, but few came in to browse and chat, preferring to stand at tent's edge and hand me compliments instead of credit cards.  As we watched the crowds stream by, my neighbors and I agreed that for the most part, the experience was like setting up a lemonade stand on the median of nearby I-95: people might see you, and they might even like lemonade, but it wasn't worth the risk of pulling over to actually buy a glass.    I eked out two decent sales, but the other five purchases were small items. Considering the thousands of people that had strolled by over the first two days, my customer count was surprisingly low. 

"Ah, well," I rationalized as I headed wearily back to my hotel room 20 miles south in Boynton Beach. "At least  I hit my sales goal for the weekend.  So on Monday, I'm playing with house money."

Monday dawned at least 10 degrees cooler than the previous two days, as a front moved through overnight: Perfect show weather, I thought.  But the holiday crowd was lighter, a mix of elder retirees and young parents who brought their children to an art show on their day off.  It was fun talking with kids about photography and birds and wildlife, but not profitable.  My average sale per customer dropped from the $200 level down to $25 (!) on day 3.  The fact that I don't normally have a $25 price point should tell you how many of my customers were youngsters getting my student discounts.

So, although this well-known show was nicely profitable (three days' hotel expenses notwithstanding), and it brought in the promised huge crowds, it was certainly not the Naples National.  Like most shows, artists around me reported varied success.  Jewelers mostly seemed happy, though the first-timers next to me weren't selling in line with their expectations.  There were several artists around me who had items with low price points (i.e., handbags, hats, and "ribbon designs"--colorful hand-made chokers, bracelets, and necklaces) who were busy all three days.  I saw a reasonable amount of 2-D art walking to the exits on the first two days, but if I had to guess, more of it was large-scale photography than paintings, acrylics and the like. Several traditional 2-D artists near me either zeroed, or sold only reproductions. (Another told me she did pretty darn well.)

Speaking of which, this show, in my opinion, does everything humanly possible to keep buy-sell and schlock art out of the show, including very specific rules on the type of work that can be shown (i.e., no t-shirts, work that includes celebrity likenesses, well-known artwork, etc., etc.  You need to display a "Process Statement" that describes how you make your work.  There are also rules about the quantity and labeling of reproductions for traditional 2D artists. Lots has been said about these topics in these forums, of course, but it would be interesting to hear from others about whether you think these rules were effective here. 

The consensus gleaned from the conversations I had with neighbors and friends were:  Decent show, exceptionally well organized and run.  Still lots of high quality work, but "not what it used to be." 

I didn't talk with the show organizers, and as noted, this was my first visit.  But I wouldn't be surprised if the perceived drop in quality might be a conscious effort to provide a wider range of price points to visitors.  It would be great if some of the AFI veterans of this show (Nels, of course; Steve Vaughn, and others who I wished I had had time to meet with and visit) could weigh in below with their perspectives. 

Some tips for participation in this show (take from them what you will):

* Book your hotel room early.  This is the busiest holiday weekend of the snowbird season.

* Bring your ID and process statement, and set your booth up with work representative of what you submitted to the jury.  They check.

* Wear comfortable shoes. 3 days is a grind!

* Get a business card from a neighbor or two during setup.  It might come in handy in an emergency.

* Spiff up your booth display so it entices attention.  You've gotta be seen!

* Bring your fans, even if the forecast suggests you won't need them.

* If you're on the west side of Central Avenue, the grass is thick and spongy.  You won't need your rug. Likewise, there's a six-inch curb along that side of the street. If you're a jeweler or someone else with a display case that you normally put in the very front of your booth, consider it moving it toward the back of the booth a foot or more.  Otherwise, your customers may barely have enough room to stand and view your merchandise!

* Make sure you have lower price point items for Monday.

* Read all the artist information provided to you and take advantage of the coupons and patron passes. Despite its large size, this is a show that really does try to help you find your slice of the pie.

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Key West Craft Fair

As I get ready to head to Key West for Old Island Days Art Festival, I want to take a few minutes to mention the Key West Craft Fair. This was my second year doing the late January show. Both years I have had good sales and a great time. The location is perfect, right in the heart of old Key West. The quality of the work is mixed, with some being fabulous and some being pretty bad,  but it IS a craft show, after all. It could support some more quality artists, as lots of the "locals" seemed truly appreciative of some of the finer craft work shown. 

The organization is terrific. The director Lois, and assistant direc tor (?) Jane, were on-site all the time, with their full attention paid to making the show run smoothly for the artists and public. I don't know how many volunteers they have, but it seems like an army of them, always ready to help in any way possible. 

As I mentioned, the location is a gem, on beautiful Whitehead & Caroline Streets. Lots of tourists, lots of cruise ship trippers, and lots of locals who seem very loyal to the show. It is amazing how smoothly set-up & teardown run, considering how small the streets are and the fact that we are all there setting up at once (more on that in a minute...) It is a fine example of having the best location possible and making it work through organization and hands-on direction. No compromise.  Location, location, location. 

I hate morning set-up, but I will do it for this show in this location. Other drawbacks are the high cost of lodging in Key West, and the time involved driving there, but hey, you drive 7 hours and then you're in Key West!

As with all shows, some artists do well, some do poorly, and some are in the middle. A friend from Minnesota did the show on my recommendation and sold large pieces, got some work in a good gallery, and was in my booth thanking me by Saturday afternoon. 

Not for everyone, but worth a try. Bring your bike. Take some extra time and explore one of the country's truly great places. Have some seafood and sushi and Cuban food and rum punch. Did I mention you should bring your bike?

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Call for Artists: West End Art Festival

September 15 & 16LaGrangeLogo
LaGrange, Illinois
Intersection of Burlington & Brainard Ave.
Saturday, 10am-5pm; Sunday, 10am-4pm
90 maximum artists
Deadline: March 1

Celebrating its 17th year, the West End Art Festival is a LaGrange tradition whose purpose is to bring a quality, fine art event to the Village of LaGrange and surrounding communities and highlight the west end business district.  Artists from across the country participate in LaGrange's late summer festival that attracts art admirers and patrons each year.

8869140075?profile=originalPresented by the LaGrange business Association and held in cooperation with the Village of LaGrange, the festival is held in the shadow of the landmark Stone Avenue Station along Burlington Avenue between Brainart and Spring Avenues.  The charming and historic West End area of LaGrange provides a picture-perfect setting to showcase art.  Other highlights include live music, food from local LaGrange restaurants and children's art activities for an event to be enjoyed by all ages.

For more info: please click here

Organized by Erin Melloy of EM Events, a well established promoter of art shows in Chicagoland.  EM Events are held in partnership with local business organizations bring close interaction between each community and its' local art fair and ensuring you loyal patrons.  


For more information about EM Events please contact: 

Erin Melloy - 630-536-8416, or visit

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what the Hell?

Seems like almost every application deadline gets extended by a few days or so.  I don't think that's fair.  I even had an art fair email me to remind me of the impending deadline and wanting me to get my app in before the deadline-then after I applied they extended it 3 days.  to make matters worse -they sent me a rejection notice.  are these people just after more $$ or are they not getting enough applications or is the quality not good enough?  are you guys seeing the same thing?

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Fort Worth iPhone App Updated

Fort Worth iPhone App Updated

Main Street Fort Worth just updated their iPhone app yesterday to include all the artists who will be in the show this year. You can install the app on your iphone and ipad and browse the images of the accepted artists at your leisure.

I had previously written a review of all the art festival iphone apps last October:

Larry Berman

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Call for Artists: American Craft Expo

August 24 - 26Glencoe
Evanston, Illinois

   Henry Crown Sports Pavilion, Northwestern University
   Fri.: 10am-8pm; Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: 10am-5pm
   Benefit Preview Party: August 23, 6:30-9:00 pm
   150 Craft Artists
   Deadline: March 2

The Auxiliary of NorthShore University Health System (NorthShore) at Evanston & Glenbrook Hospitals presents one of the most renowned craft shows in the nation the American Craft Exposition (ACE).  Mark your calendars for this impressive juried exposition of handcrafted works of art which gives guests the opportunity to appreciate and purchase the work of more than 150 master craftspeople from across the 



ACE is a nationally renowned exhibition and sale of fine craft where attendees can meet the artists behind the work. This show assembles the country's finest artists and more than a dozen emerging artists showcasing new achievements in metal, glass, furniture, jewelry, ceramics, fiber decorative, fiber wearable, leather, wood, mixed media and baskets.

ACE is the only volunteer-produced Exposition of its caliber in the country with more than 100 volunteers working year-round to present this amazing show.

This year's 28th annual show will be held at the Henry Crown Sports Pavilion on Northwestern University's campus


in Evanston, IL, beginning with the Preview Party on August 25, and continuing August 26-28.  Funds raised at this year's exposition will support pioneering research being conducted at North Shore that is already showing promising results in preventing ovarian cancer in at-risk women.

Please be sure to send in your application by March 2 to ensure your place at this year's American Craft Exposition.


FOR INFO:   Please call (847) 570-5095
Email: or visit our website at
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Just curious

Hmmm.  We are to vote for blog of the month in January.  Geof Coe is my favorite.  What I find strange is after his blog which got over 900 hits, next is kathy Oda's with a mere 300-plus hits and less than 40 comments.  Somewhere along the way I got left out.  Only had 837 hits with boo-c8870150255?profile=originaloo comments, covered 2 shows and pics.  But alas, not good enough for a blog of the month.  What's a guy gotta do?  Oh yeah, there are a couple of others barely under 200 hits.  Something smells bad up in Michigan.  What gives?   Oh yeah, and they had wonderful pics.

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Starting the Season

This season-by which I mean Spring until the end of November, possibly into December-will be the first time I do anything aside from Hallowe'en. I'm a potter and a sculptor living and working in California, and I'm branching out into more "mainstream" ceramics to expand my business as I'm still working at mastering my craft. I have functional pottery available, such as cups, pitchers, plates and the like, plus I'll be making some "fine art," higher-end sculptures for the shows where I'm most likely to have that kind of buyer. I'm taking my first steps in discovering where to show my work, and man, do I need help!

I've found a few places to show and have started a list, but I have no idea which fairs will be the best fit for me. There's one in San Francisco that I hope to get into next year-the deadline to sign up for this year was last June, and I obviously missed the deadline!-I figure 100,000 people walking through will be good for sales. It's difficult to come up with the money to rent out booth space for these places, which I'm sure everyone here knows already, and covering all business expenses, travel, materials, booth fees, etc., will be challenging. I can already see I need to upgrade my kiln within the next year or two if I'm going to be more efficient with my fuel costs vs. product made, and I am literally having dreams of how to best set up my booth space and what "furniture" I must have vs. what I can put off until later. Of course, around the corner is the necessity of buying a new SUV or van, and/or a trailer for my stuff. Any ideas? 

It's all dizzying!

So here's the question I have for everyone out there: where in the Northern California/Lake Tahoe/Nevada areas are there good prospects for shows and (dare I ask?) actual profit?

If there are any ceramics folks out there, how do you pack your product so you can pack and unpack quickly? Not all of my product is of a standard size, so I find myself individually wrapping everything in paper and putting them in big plastic bins. This take for-flipping-ever to pack and unpack, and I know there must be a better way.

Oh, and any thoughts on how to take credit cards? I have a Droid Bionic, and would love to get a reader or something for it. Any recommendations? And any thoughts as to what to look out for when I'm starting an account?

Well, thanks for any info you can give me! Good luck to all of you this coming Season, too!

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Naples Bayfest Naples, Florida 3/4 & 3/5
Peace River National Art Festival Punta Gorda
3/17 & 3/18
Boca Grande Art and Wine Festival
3/23. 3/24 &3/25
We have four or five spaces available in each of these events. Jewelry is closed in each of these events.


Naples Bayfest is held downtown Naples at Naples Bayfront on March 3 & 4, 2012. This will be one of the best Naples events of the season.  CLICK HERE for show web page.

The 6th Annual Peace River National Art Festival will be held March 17 & 18, 2012. This is a solid show that has gained popularity each year it has been held.  CLICK HERE for show web page.

The 5th Annual Boca Grande Art and Wine Festival 3/23-3/25 is a unique show on one of Florida's wealthiest islands. This show does well with original works. This is a Friday, Saturday and Sunday event with lighting for display at night. Held at a resort in Boca Grande.  CLICK HERE for the show web page.

If you wish to send us an email regarding further information on any of these events we will get back to you promptly.

Richard P Sullivan
boulderbrook productions
Naples, Florida 

Looking for more art fairs looking for you? Visit
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New Director at the Columbus Arts Festival


Contact: Jami Goldstein

Columbus, Ohio - Following a national search, the Greater Columbus Arts Council announced today the selection of Scott Huntley as the new director of the Columbus Arts Festival.

Huntley brings to GCAC a 20-plus year track record of successful production and event management experience. Huntley has produced numerous high-profile public and private events worldwide for companies and organizations including Boeing, AT&T, the Boy Scouts of America and the NCAA Final Four’s Coach/Player of the Year awards.

Prior to joining GCAC, Huntley was the executive producer for live events for BT West Business Theatre Productions in Orange, CA for 15 years, as well as a senior event producer at Mills James Productions here in Columbus.

“We’re delighted to have found a Festival director of Scott’s caliber,” said Milton D. Baughman, GCAC President. “His depth of expertise in event management and production, coupled with wonderful enthusiasm and creativity, will take the leadership for the Festival to a new level as we prepare for our big move back to the downtown Riverfront—and in the years to come.”

The Columbus Arts Festival presented by Time Warner Cable, consistently ranked as one of the nation's best, will take place June 1-3. The 2012 Festival will celebrate its move back home to the newly revitalized downtown riverfront, and will feature fine art and fine craft from approximately 240 nationally acclaimed juried artists, along with continuous live entertainment, gourmet food and hands-on art activities for all ages. Between 250,000 and 500,000 people are expected to attend.

For more on the 51st annual Columbus Arts Festival, visit

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What Art They Smokin'

I like being an artist and everything that goes along with our career.  It's my belief that its the pioneer spirit that lies within us that causes us to chart a new course every day of every week of every month of every year.  We're the ones that would have traveled the Oregon trail east toward the promised land.  We roll the dice and take our chances that are creations are going to keep us in beans and tequila, although I'm finding a taste for a nice porter beer now and then.  Now for the beef.

I just opened an email on upcoming deadlines from Juried Art Services with four shows and each one had an Application Late Deadline available.  I know that I've read a few gripes and I've never chimed in.  Well now it's time.

The Sausalito Art Festival's deadline is March 1, 2012 with a $45 jury fee.  Yea, I think it's high but I don't want to deprive anyone from making a buck.  But here's the kicker.  They will cheerfully take a late application by March 14, 2012 for an extra $100.  Are you kidding me?  Do I have a sign on my back that says, "KICK ME"? Or, maybe there's a finger on the front of my shirt pointing upward that says, "I'm with Stupid".  For the first time in over 20 years I'm going to say enough is enough.  This is the show that already charges $1,200 for an inline 10x10 and $1,850 for a single corner spot.  Everyone has to make up their own mind, but I believe that we artists need to draw the line on this kind of gouging - I'm pretty sure in a number of states, this may be extortion.  And, it's not that I have an issue paying the booth fee.  Heck, I did the Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle last weekend and paid more than that, but I also had a premium spot and had several sculptures placed in other key areas for that.  It's just the whole excessive jury fee is getting out of whack. 

For me, I'll stand up and say forget it.  The only reason why shows do this is because they get enough people applying and hoping to get in; it would be interesting to know what percentage if any actually get in. Unless we as a collective organization refuse to participate in this, it will only get worse!  Listen to your inner pioneer spirit and think about it.


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