I've often wondered why a list of artists for an art show can be tough to find until you actually get to the festival. They have worked hard, and we want to thank you for participating! AT the NAA, we're always striving to improve things, even if it's in small ways at first. If you think continuing to have this list available and publicized is a good thing, let us know!
The artists of this show (many who are participants on AFI) are listed below, and we can't wait to see what they've got on display this weekend! To attract buyers, we've been promoting it in the local paper and other print/radio media (maximizing ad dollars through sponsorships), on facebook, through email marketing, and other word-of-mouth generating methods. Below the list is our ad. Feel free to share the image with your Naples customers to let them know you'll be on Fifth Ave South for the street's last festival of the season.
A PDF of the ad in Showcase is linked here: NDN-Showcase-DNFA-2012.pdf
Artists can be found in media order:
- Ceramics
- Digital Art
- Fiber/Leather
- Furniture, Glass
- Graphic/Printmaking
- Jewelry
- Metal
- Mixed Media 2D
- Mixed Media 3D
- Painting
- Photography
- Sculpture
- Wood
216 Aurelio, Martha
230 Beam, Brian www.brianbeampottery.com
221 Blum, Doug B. www.dougblum.com
42 Clegg, Larry R.
108 Collison, Richard www.palmsuppottery.com
141 Dzedzy, Stan
6 Green, Bruce A.
148 Grimsley, Joseph
231 Hedgeman, Tonya C. www.bytonya.com
156 Lee, C. C.
97 Mann, Toni
160 Markiewicz, Gail M. www.gmceramicart.com
201 Moore, Cindy
86 Moore, John E. www.the hairy-potter.com
55 Nappo, Gabrielle www.gabriellespottery.com
98 Painter, Susan W. www.susanpainterpottery.com
13 Rankin, Ralph
77 Shields, Ken C.
68 Thoreson, Thorwww.gillsrock.com
120 Vaughn, Todd www.gtoddvaughn.com
19 Woods, Glenn www.potteryboys.com
7 Alboher, Lea
41 Billman, Greg
159 Cornell, Robert
185 Leben, John www.lebenart.com
56 Montecalvo, Paul F. www.paulmontecalvophoto.com
76 Parker, Timothy www.art2d.com
14 Brogden, Megan www.meganbrogdenstudio.com
33 Cole, Candiss www.candisscole.com
67 Donofrio, Caryn R.
51 Gil, Jorge
205 Kroetsch, Leeann www.threadedartwear.com
146 Laine, Philippe C.
171 Mansard, Iris S. www.raincoatlady.com
220 Melillo, Jeanne M. www.jeannehomedesigns.com
187 Pace, Marie C. www.mariepacedesigns.com
83 Park, Herion www.herion.us
176 Perry, Diane
54 Rubright, Barbara L.
200 Rudoy, Shekina www.shekinadesigns.com
126 Sorrells, Ken www.graffitimats.com
5 Weiss, Jeffrey D.
82 Zarcone, Robert J.
123 Causey, Teri www.tericausey.com
138 Aronzon, Lisa M. www.lisaaronzon.com
213 Carlin, Kevin P. www.motorcityglassworks.com
105 Debon, Dennis www.energywebs.com
90 Eickholt, Robert G.
222 Espinosa, Josephina www.glassisters.com
112 Fishbein, Harvey &
Leviton, Harvey www.harvardreflections.com
35 Goldhagen, David www.goldhagenartglass.com
175 Haddad, Jamille www.jamilleatheatwaveglass.com
124 Miller, Lindi L.
80 Miller, Tim S. www.tmillerglass.com
48 North Gerlach, Celeste B.
204 Schmidt, Susan www.artifaxdesigns.com
157 Slade, Bill www.billsladeglass.com
119 Thomas, H. A.
150 Zidek, John www.johnzidek.com
163 Packard, Lawrence D.
173 Reynolds, Patrick J. www.patrickjreynolds.com
78 Strailey, Nancy
3 Angeloni, Liz
12 Brown Gordon, Sue
17 Chuang, Cynthia www.jewelry10.com
50 Coy, Kimberly M.
58 Dinka, Dianna J.
47 Fox, Pam M.
38 Hampel, Christiane www.hampeldesign.com
227 Hausner, Martin
125 Johnston, Sharon www.sharonjohnstonjeweler.com
63 Mahfood, Bernadette S. www.hotflash-designs.com
43 Marksz, Gail & Alex www.markszofpalmbeach.com
218 Nelson, Joyce www.cosmopolitanjewels.com
162 Nilsson, Robert & Teresa
206 Polk, Randy www.randypolk.com
59 Reardon, Kathleen & Thomas www.trkd.com
197 Romano, Gina
219 Strader, Molly www.mollystrader.com
20 Strobel, John www.johnchristinedesigns.com
73 Sundin, Lauran www.lauransundin.com
140,142 Trisko, Robert
70 Vagner, Michael
196 Cambronne, Steve L. www.stevotomic.com
207 Gurtan, Vedat www.gurtan.com
23 Johnson, Dennis A. www.erlundjohnsonstudios.com
62 Lapso, Kathleen M.
225 Matthews, Mark
115 McCaffrey, Shirley
181 Otfinoski, Peter www.otfinoski.com
166 Pattinian, Merri L.
217 Pompei, Vincent J.
129,130 Ricaurte, Rommel E. www.steel-alive.com
152 Ruby, Kurt
96 Schmidt, Ron
224 Snider, Diane M. www.wyldeblaze.com
65 Adams, Cynthia www.casaartstudio.com
208 Bi, Dan
182 Cheng, John
229 Doncaster, Barbara www.barbaradoncaster.com
21 Erlund, Beth www.erlundjohnsonstudios.com
170 Fergus, Virginia S. www.vsfergus.com
189 Ferrell, Jack
100 Gal, Yoram www.yoramgal.co.il
52 Henderson, Debbie www.debbiehendersonart.com
215 Hunter, Chanpen www.renderingsinframe.com
164 Katic, Milenko R. www.milenkoartstudio.com
228 Kern, Anna T. www.annakernartist.com
66 Manneck, Holly www.manneckart.com
143 Manrique, Belisario N.
212 Mickelsen, Nina www.clarissastudioart.com
121 Miller, Bill & Kelleghan, Susan
234 Mirandon, Nicholas
116 Williams, Liz
161 Wilson, Donna
8 Collins, Mary-Anne & Bill
114 Fountain, Doug www.dougfountain.com
147 Laurent, Elaine www.elainesells.com
36 Stern, Robert & Patti www.theperfectview.com
232 Wender, Andrew
24 Alexander, Rick L. www.artbyalexander.com
49 Armstrong, David
106 Barter, Stacy www.stacybarter.com
113 Carlson, Julie www.oilsbyjulie.com
168 Conary, Mary Jane www.maryjaneconaryartist.com
158 Couch, Pamela www.pamelacouch.com
128 Crawford, Marta www.martacrawford.com
135,137 Davis, April A. www.aprilwdavis.com
202 Folks, Eva www.evafolks.com
177 Galloway-Carter, Sandra L. www.sandragalloway.com
64 Groenteman, Barbara www.barbaragroenteman.com
110 Guo, Yongqun www.artdesignsyg.com
72 Holehouse, Jim G. www.tropicartdesign.com
89,91 Hummel-Marconi, Debbie www.mything.com
15 Krupp, Barbara www.barbarakrupp.com
44 Lee, Ning www.ningleeart.com
61 Lin, Alan www.xlinart.com
145 Lowe, Michelle Nicole www.michellenicolelowe.com
31 Marshall, Kimberly www.marshallsartz.com
32 Maurer, John www.johnmaurer-art.com
4 Metzler, Janice G.
144 Miller, Charlotte F. www.cfungmiller.com
214 Miller, Sandra L. www.sandmillfineart.com
122 Millsap, Thom www.millsapfineart.web.officelive.com
199 Odmark, Gary W. www.gwodmark.com
2 Ostrowski, Joann S.
93,95 Park, Edward
57 Pearse, Darlene www.darlenepearse.com
75 Plumridge, Don www.donplumridge.com
85 Pollack, Stephanie www.stephaniepollack.com
127 Pransky, Phyllis www.phyllispranskyartist.com
37,39 Reichow, Christine www.christinereichow.com
226 Ross, Tom www.tomrosspaintings.com
101,103 Seslar, Lin
155 Skinner, Joy www.joyskinner.com
172,174 Snow-Hein, Laurie www.lauriesnowhein.com
192 Soderquist, Linda H.
191 Solomon, Anne Marie
209 Thomas, Marcus C. www.marcusthomasartist.com
71 Wang, Jan Peng www.janpengwang.com
109 Wang, Li www.liwangart.com
223 Warman, Abby www.abbywarman.com
84 Whitney, Jan
11 Wu, guanwen
118 Wu, Man-Wai www.manwaiwu.com
88 Yuan, David
180 Zenor, Phillip L.
153 Blekfeld, Bernard
53 Cavanah, Doug
10 Clay, Eric www.fadedbeauty.com
107 Cuba, Carlos www.carlosimages.com
45 Deane, Jennifer Dana www.jddfineart.com
40 Deng, John www.johndengphotography.com
94 Duse, Luciano www.lucianophotography.com
198 Easter, Jeff www.artworksoncanvas.com
46 Gerlach, Pat www.patgerlach.com
81 Gerlich, Jack www.jackgerlich.com
1 Goodman, Dennis www.dennisgoodmanphotography.com
203 Guglielmo, Chris www.aquaexposure.com
16 Humphrey, Larry www.larryhumphrey.com
178 Jasinski, Michael & Brian
102 Johnson, Nels
167,169 Kousnsky, Isack www.isack-art.com
69 Louis, Jean-Claude M. www.jeanclaudelouis.com
74 Megela, Jack www.jackmegelaphotography.com
179 Richmond, James G. www.richmondphotography.com
117 Rowell, David E. www.daviderowell.com
136 Sunquist, Lawrence B.
194 Campbell, David B. www.stonelegance.com
235 Casco, Oscar
71A Causey, Scott
22 Gibson, Alan G.
87 Nogueira, A. Cesar
29 Okonkwo, Nnamdi www.nnamdiart.com
92 Peltier, Gilles www.gillespeltier.com
116A Pozzobonelli, Mauro P. www.pozzobonelli.com
195 Rujuwa, Peter
186 Striewski, Andrea E.
183 Townsend, John W. www.marinesculptures.com
139 Tyree, Tanya L. www.2artstudios.com
9 Baisley, Victor
60 Boudreau, Donald R. www.boxesbyboudreau.com
190 Deveer, John & Levy, David www.davidlevycreations.com
18 Holzbaur, Werner www.werner-holzbaur.com
210 Linn, Robert B.
99 Schmidt, Russ D. www.rdalegalleries.com
211 Shoemaker, Roger
165 Smith, Woody
233 Vollmer, Jeffrey P. www.merchantsofmirth.com
79 Wilhelm, Robert A. www.rawdesigninc.com