Well, I didn't get in again, juried out for the 25th time in a row (got in 1984-86 and then never again, who did I piss off there?).

So, I have been waiting very patiently to hear a real definitive report of the show.  We got sort of one from Barbara, God Bless Her.  She won an award and told us a few things--she's a newbie, so she is off the hook for not telling more.

But gee, there was Barry Bernstein there after hanging out in the gulf coast beaches and Ybor.  No report from him.

Mr. Jim Parker was there--no report.  Gee, are you all spending your big bucks very quietly?

And, there there were a lot more AFI-ers there too.  But not a peep.  Did the committee get to you guys and whisper into your ears,"Not von vord about zeesh show or it is cotchees for you guys, remember what happened to that Johnson guy, oh and that Vaughn fellow too."

So, is somebody going to step up to the plate, or am I going to have to make up an imaginary blog about the show.  Believe me I could do it, but it would be so much more fun to read about real exploits.  Come on guys, and girls, start earning your red dots.


Connie, I want one to put on my golf bag.



PS.  My wife Ellen, to paraphrase her, "Is utterly flabbergasted, that there are no8871867053?profile=original Winter Park posts."  The Ybor chickens have gone on strike, they say they are staying in the grapefruit tree until there is a post.  Come on guys, SAVE THE YBOR CHICKS.

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  •  I did much better than last year even taking into account the sunday washout.  The 2d artist next to me had a very good show and a ceramic potter down two did ok, a high end wood turner next door didn't have a great show but won a nice award.  A friend who is a potter was on the sidewalk at the south end and it was a total dead zone. spooky dead. Yet not far away it was jamming with people. I attribute my good showing to being on the street at the south end, having work that the hard hit orlando area could afford and maybe new designs that seem to be working.  Plus a merit award was frosting on the cake. And i could sleep in my own bed at night. Thats about as good as it gets.
  • Winter Park was our best show this year.  It started off with a bang on Friday and continued on Saturday.  Sunday was slower but it was still good.  Though John did not win any "Judge" awards he had several patron purchase awards.   We are thrilled and exhausted...zzzzzz
  • Hey Barry and Nels - it's actually ( of course) Isabel posting on Wayne's account. I didn't know there was an award for the WORST bowler - I would have insisted we go. Wayne did well and as this is our first year we have nothing to compare it to. Would definitely go again. Cheers!
  • Likewise, I drove back to Michigan and just got back last night, trying to beat the predicted ice storm. I have some pix on my camera to download, too. Am wasted this morning from too much driving and not enough sleep though. Briefly, my sales were lower than last year, and Sunday was pretty slow, except for the end of the day. Felt like a Monday at Coconut Grove. The weather was phenomenally good, though, in compaRison to last year's washout on Sunday.

    It's a great town, a great art-loving community, and we love doing the show. Just wish we could have sold a few more larger pieces. :-)

  • Nels

       Ann and I were there but it will take a while to come up with a coherent report.  We're still trying to catch up on our sleep.  Be patient with us.  

  • Ah ha!  I go out to Ellas Restaurant with Ellen and drink some Jack and come home, voila! comments.  Connie give em all a big red dot.  Barry, have a killer workshop, still want to hear your report.  Geri, I won't go north until after Artishpere in Mid-May.  Doesn't sound like the old Winter Park we have come to know.  Geoff, you are right--i am a sucker for lost causes.  Parker--you better poney-up.  Or no Red Dots for You!.
  • My show was down this year from last.....needed to have items under $100 .  I don't have much low end so it was a struggle to sell higher end stuff.  Oh well... the weather was great and I had a good booth spot.....
  • Nels, I just talked to an artist who  won an award.  Both he and an award-winner from the Grove both had bad shows at Winter Park.  He said that the show had a weird vibe and was really surprised at how poorly he did.  Since he had a good Florida season, I guess he was a little bummed to end it this way.  

    I don't know what the psychology is on buying things but I will buy 10 $30 items and not think twice but will think about spending $300 on one item.  I guess that is for another post but Barry got me thinking about that .  And it isn't just art, I am that way about buying anything.  

  • Briefly, some people had a great show.  Some people had a zero show.  And, most people that I talked to had a below average event.  The weather was great, the crowds were great, but, for the most part they weren't buying.  A jeweler is a post, yesterday said it was a great show for her.  Just about all my sales were low end.  I sold all my $30 pieces that you made me make for just this kind of situation.  I had lots of fun.  There is a bowling night after the awards dinner that keeps getting bigger and bigger.  This year there was 50 artists bowling.  There were prizes for the top bowler and the worst bowler.  More on this later.
  • Nels, I had to immediately drive up to Asheville, North Carolina where I am having a gallery show for 4 days, starting tomorrow thru Sunday.  And, I am giving a 3 day workshop starting Friday(see the events calender).  I got here last night and today I spent all day throwing pots and getting ready for the workshop getting clay and supplies, etc.  So, I will really have no time to write the review until next week. I want to write the review as soon as possible.  However, I really don't have any time right now.


    Meanwhile if anyone sees this and wants to come to the workshop, it's $200 + $25 for supplies.  Friday includes a very killer lunch provided by a fantastic Japanese chef.  Saturday includes hove made pizza done in a wood fired oven. There are 1 day and 2 day prices, too, if you can only make it for a day or two.  The details are in the events calender on the front page of AFI on the bottom left.

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