Great photos and they do tell the story!
I hope you will continue to do so in the future when you see it happening again.
I work in glass and am amazed by some of the things I see, and when I ask a few technical questions it becomes apparent that the "artist" is not the artist at all!
To Willie Mctell: I tried to access the show website to see if they gave the impression of being a juried show, but the sign-in process was elaborate and I was too busy. Someone please look and report back.
Anne: I enjoyed seeing you again at Southlake, although you were busy when I came by so I didn't chat.
It is fun and easy, Anne. We're glad to see you here and look forward to your reports. I am loving the variety of shows that are getting reviewed. Willie is so right. There are shows of every level, most exhibitors need more than the few BIG shows to earn their living...although I'm thinkin' not too many would be showing here. I hope you noticed that Travis was there as a spectator, not a participant. But I'm thinking the next time I see his work I'm going to look a little more closely to see 'country of origin'. LOL
I was so excited to see your reviews that I went from being a lurker and signed up so I could post a reply to this great little photo essay on Pecan Street. I had not been back to Pecan street in many years.......thank you so much for your reviews! I look forward to reading more in the future from a Texas jeweler, and will likely visit this site more often now........maybe even venture into learning how to load pictures......
on the other hand, not every event or street show is meant to be fine art at all. there are many many flea market type shows every weekend all over the country and also another level of shows that feature some kind of "artwork" but which is far below what would get in the shows we might typically do. i think there is room for everything just as long as people know the difference and as long as shows don't pretend to be what they are not.
I am so pleased you like it. There were actually some fine artists there, so the photo essay is not complete. Also I focused on jewelry, that being my medium. There were two very nice newbies with lovely jewelry, who traveled a long way to do this show. They were placed on a side-street, and a food booth up the hill from them dumped gasoline in the gutter which made their booth unbearable (to me). They were being troupers, but one felt sorry for them. A local artist with a local following might succeed here.
Well, let's hope that this comment section get the directors attention and that this fall's festival is a good one for ART. I plan to try and exhibit and am excited to do so.
I hope you will continue to do so in the future when you see it happening again.
I work in glass and am amazed by some of the things I see, and when I ask a few technical questions it becomes apparent that the "artist" is not the artist at all!
Anne: I enjoyed seeing you again at Southlake, although you were busy when I came by so I didn't chat.