I'm the site administrator on an art web site, www.artsig.com , which is a critique site. We have a small competition going that just closed out, where the theme was a coffee or tea cup rendered in any media and any style. There were 19 entries, which are located at http://www.artsig.com/go/journals/read?id=117&forward=myjournalentries. If anyone would be interested in taking a look and choosing the three top works, it would be greatly appreciated. The works range from trying very hard to very impressive. Any comments left would also be appreciated.
In order to log in and leave comments or just a ranking of 1,2, and 3, log in at the home page with "guest" as the user name and "guest" as the password. In order to cut down on any confusion, just sign the ratings or comments with either initials or a first name. It would be easiest to copy the journal address and click on the home address, log in, and then paste in the journal address to get to the images. Just drop to the bottom of the post for the reply button.
I decided to not pick the winners myself as I don't want to seem like I have any partiality.
i h had trouble leaving my votes which are 9,14 and 17--9 is hands down winner--it is universal and funny and a great picture
please put this in for me
Hey Robert, I went to the site and I tried to vote. Once I left my choices (#2, #3, & #5) the little hour glass began turning and wouldn't quit. I finally had to leave the site because it wasn't leaving the comment.
Jacki B