For 44 years, the first Sunday after Labor Day means it is time for the Mt. Mary Starving Artists' Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Over 200 artists show up with artwork to sell for $100 or less. For some, this is a chance to sell their lower priced items, or 'older' pieces or slightly flawed (marked so the patron knows what they are getting) or to just get some cash as it is the end of the summer season.
In return, patrons start lining up at 5am for a 10 am opening. Artists who have done the show before are usually in the same booth space so it is easy to find an old favorite. I don't get to this show on time because of the long line of people waiting to get in. I am not a fan of stampedes. I get there an hour later. This is a show where everyone is carrying packages, people make trips to their cars and return to the show, booths are crowded, sometimes 2-3 deep. It is totally nuts.
If you see something you like, you pretty much need to buy it when you see it. There is no guarantee it will be there when you get back. I feel a sense of urgency to see as much as I can as fast as I can so it is a tiring art festival from my point of view. I am sure the artists love it because people are eager to buy.
And these are not second rate artists. Artists I have seen at Coconut Grove and Port Clinton are there. I bought a vase a couple of years ago from an artist who this year was at ACE in Evanston and St. Louis this weekend. There is also more pottery in this one show than 8 Amdur shows.
But, before you do this show, you have to hope the NFL football schedule is already out. This is Packer country and, I hate to say it, the success of your show may depend on when the Packers play. This was a good year, the Pack had the late game. By 2:45, at least 2/3rds of a very crowded show had left. If the Pack have the early game, the place is deserted by noon (kickoff in Wisconsin). You actually want the Pack to have a night game so no one feels the need to leave before they are ready.
One of these days inflation is going to catch up to the show and they will raise the limit on price but it will always be a great festival to participate in, for everyone.
It was my first time doing this show. I didn't have the rush at the beginning like those who have done the show before. However, once people started buying we had a steady stream. My husband and I were happy with our first time out! The other thing is that there were a happy buzz from the customers for most of the day. True the Packer game cleared out most of the shoppers. This is true for any show in Wisconsin ... in the summer it could be the Brewers especially if they could be in the play offs.
There were many problems with the Internet yesterday as hackers went after all hosted sites so I'm posting Sue Sheft Traub's reply here for her:
Well, from an exhibitors view, I can tell you the show IS exhausting. My husband and I have done this show for a number of years. I take 3 helpers, (we are allowed 2, but I borrow one from him) and I need them; two to sell, me to replenish stock and one to take the money. Those first few hours are crazy! And Thank God the Packer game didn't start until 3pm so we still had customers at 2. But, you're right by 2:45 it was dead. At that point we get a chance to walk around and see who is there - and spend some of the money we make.
Love the sound of the show Geri - I should suggest it down here as well :)
S. Brian Berkun, I am in Colorado, below Salida, and would like to find out about some good shows in theDenver area. I am a potter and have been traveling to shows on the Western Slope and doing fairly well, but I would like to find some more good shows to go to.
Thanks, Geri, it sounds like a show that artists would really try to get into. We have a similar one like it here in Michigan in kalamazoo. I don't think the artists are told what price their art has to be in (although I have never seen the application so I wouldn't really know). The people are in lines to get in there and I saw some very good deals. Did you buy anything, Geri? If so, what did you get?
Amy Amdur has a show she calls "Last Call" at the end of the season. She does not have specific guidelines as to what the prices are and I think it hurts the festival. People come expecting bargains and don't necessarily find them.
Despite claiming 120 artists in her description of the show, there are only 33 artists listed, and eleven are jewelers. I'm hoping that they haven't updated the list because I feel badly for the artists that the show is such a small one. The location has been moved also.
We just started one with the same idea in the Denver area (imported the idea from your show) and, although it was a first year show, I was satisfied with the results, looking forward to it again next year! Look for my review a little later.
Wonderful review. I've thought about doing this fair and will now give it more consideration. I think your observation about the Packer schedule is true of any Sunday during football season in Wisconsin. I've been to several different fairs which were virtually empty after game time.