suburbs (1)

Near Long Grove but should be better!

For those of you who remember when Long Grove, Illinois was a tourist destination it has been sad to watch the decline of the town and the show.  I live in a neighboring town and used to happily pay my $300 to do the show there. My kids even went to the school that sponsors the event.
In the past few years many of the businesses have left, leaving behind vacant buildings and the show has turned into one of those festivals where art is secondary.  In fact, it is now listed as the "Fine Art and Wine Festival".  The last time I participated (2010) the crowds were ok but they were there for the wine and activities and I did not sell my booth fee.  That is the only time that I have ever lost money on a show although I have definitely broken even  few times!
Moving on, one of the reasons for the decline of Long Grove is the addition, in the same zip code, of the "Deer Park Town Center" which is considered a "lifestyle mall".  It is a really great outdoor mall (although I miss the fruit stand that used to take up that land) and very popular. .  I have got word that a new show will be there in September and while the promoter is still working out some of the artwork details to get the advertising in place, applications are being accepted.  Check out for details.  
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