photograph (1)

Photographic advice needed today PLEASE!!!

I need some of you photographers out there to give me some urgent advice.  I had a 20 X 24 Ciba photograph of my son's wedding framed last February.  The framer said because it was a Ciba photograph it needed a special mounting in order to not crush the gel surface of the print.  So, it was statically mounted on a piece of foam core.  The photo is coming lose from the foam core, plus, my son told me it was coming lose soon after we gave it to him.  (I don't know why he didn't say something sooner!). 


So, what I need is some information on mounting a Ciba photograph.  I don't want it just hinged because I know it will wrap over time.  Anybody out there with some Ciba experience???  Please help me.  I want to know what I am talking about when I call the framer tomorrow.  HELP!!!!

Jacki B

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