Winter Park, Florida
Downtown Winter Park
Friday & Saturday 9am-6pm & Sunday 9am-5pm
213 Artists
Deadline: September 26
Application fee: $45 Booth fee: $500
The 63rd Annual Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival is one of the nation's oldest, largest, and most prestigious juried fine art festivals. It's also one of the nation's most profitable for artists, positioned at #3 in Art Fair SourceBook's 2020 festival rankings and #6 in Sunshine Artist's Top 200 from 2010-202, a 10-year ranking of the nation's most profitable art shows. In ArtFairCalendar's ranking of Best Art Fairs, we rank #6 in America and #1 in the South.
The Festival debuted in March 1960 as a community project and is still produced today by an all-volunteer board that puts an emphasis on meeting the needs of the artists.
Set in a beautiful, historic downtown setting, the festival draws approximately 300,000 art-loving visitors. Over 1000 fine artists from around the world apply yearly to this highly competitive and very popular show. An independent panel of three judges will select the 210 fine artists and three emerging artists invited to exhibit their works.
One of Central Florida's largest annual outdoor events, the Festival also features a wide variety of entertainment on the stage in Central Park, food and beverage to please the whole family, a popular juried exhibit of student art from central Florida schools, and interactive art activities for the kids.
open daily from 7am-4 pm
● Limited free artists' parking near the Park
● Artist Housing Program
● Booth sitting staffed by volunteers available on call
● Artist Care Team - several times day
● Saturday Night Artists' Party (Dinner & Awards Presentation)
● Art Festival Magazine (distributed at event featuring participating artists gallery)
● Artists' Gallery on website
● Security patrol after hours
● Extensive media promotions throughout Central Florida leading up to and during
the Festival
● Artists retain all sales proceeds
● Best of Show: Purchase Award, $12,000
● Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation Art of Philanthropy: Purchase Award, $5,000
● Morse Museum Award for Distinguished Work of Art: $2,500
● Ten Awards of Excellence: $2,000 each
● Twenty Awards of Distinction: $1,000 each
● Thirty Awards of Merit: $500 each
● In addition, Patron Program purchases are estimated to exceed $80,000 this year
● Limited free artists' parking near the Park
● Artist Housing Program
● Booth sitting staffed by volunteers available on call
● Artist Care Team - several times day
● Saturday Night Artists' Party (Dinner & Awards Presentation)
● Art Festival Magazine (distributed at event featuring participating artists gallery)
● Artists' Gallery on website
● Security patrol after hours
● Extensive media promotions throughout Central Florida leading up to and during
the Festival
● Artists retain all sales proceeds
● Best of Show: Purchase Award, $12,000
● Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation Art of Philanthropy: Purchase Award, $5,000
● Morse Museum Award for Distinguished Work of Art: $2,500
● Ten Awards of Excellence: $2,000 each
● Twenty Awards of Distinction: $1,000 each
● Thirty Awards of Merit: $500 each
● In addition, Patron Program purchases are estimated to exceed $80,000 this year
We listened to the feedback from our 2021 Artist Survey and have scaled back the number of artists in order to have more space between the artists' booths. To make more space we have moved our traditional Friday Night Concert to the Saturday before the festival, making this concert an event to kick-off the art festival week. There will still be live entertainment during the festival, but it will take up less space, and the artists will appreciate our emphasis on easy listening music.
Apply: https://www.zapplication.org/event-info.php?ID=9598
The festival is concerned about the health and safety of the artists, the community,
and all who are involved with the festival, and will continue
to follow the CDC and government guidelines that are provided at the time of the show.
and all who are involved with the festival, and will continue
to follow the CDC and government guidelines that are provided at the time of the show.