Has anyone else ever been faced with the following situation? For me, 2012 was not a good year. I didn't get into several shows I applied to, I selected a couple of real dogs and, I had a couple of rather nice surprises. However, I'm not going into 2013 with a nest-egg that would support General Motors! And, now, with no impressive amount of money, it seems I'm being invited to every show to which I apply. Wouldn't yo know! I had hoped for a trip through Florida in the Spring and have been accepted into
Winter Park, Naples National, Gasprilla, Under the Oaks and Arti Gras but it would cost me $5000 to make a trip. I realize I might triple my investment but, unfortunately, if you want to dance, you have to pay the band --- up-front.
Think I'll just stay home and start doing flea-markets!