February 24 & 25 
Miami, Florida
34th Annual Festival
Downtown South Miami on Sunset Drive
Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 10am-5pm
145 Exhibitors
Deadline: November 2
Application Fee: $30
Booth Fees: Standard $350, Corner $450, Endcap $525-limited number available
A limited number of double booths are available.
Started as a small show in 1984, the event has grown into one of Miami-Dade County's most anticipated festivals. Dozens of friendly and dedicated Rotary volunteers staff the event, ensuring a pleasant experience for exhibitors.
The festival attracts a diverse group of art lovers. Public admission is free and includes live jazz throughout the weekend and an international food court.
The proceeds of the festival benefit South Miami Rotary charitable efforts including college scholarships for local school students as well as international and local community service projects.
The festival is produced by the dedicated volunteers of the Rotary Club of South Miami and its Rotary Foundation. Our artists come from all over the U.S. and Canada.
The area is filled with historic buildings, restaurants and unique shops. Just 3 miles south of Miami's Coconut Grove, South Miami borders the University of Miami and the upscale neighborhoods of Coral Gables and Pinecrest.
An award for Best in Show will be made in the amount of $1,500. Second prize is $1,000, and third prize is $750. At the discretion of the judges, a total of up to five Artists of Note may be chosen, with awards of $350 each. Sponsorship of additional award funding is being solicited this year.
We provide:

- Load-in and out at booth space
- Free parking for artists
- Cash awards of at least $5,000 will be presented
- Automatic acceptance for winners the following year
- Complimentary continental breakfast both mornings
- Complimentary bottled water
- Booth sitting available for brief breaks
- Application deadline - November 2, 2017
- Notifications emailed - November 13, 2017
- Booth fees due - December 8, 2017 No refunds after - January 5, 2018
- Set up - February 24, 2018 - 5:30 a.m. Must be completed by 9:45 a.m.
phone: (305)769-5977