If I knew now what I knew then... Ever said this? Personally, I think I have said it too many times. Despite that, we all learn from our trials and tribulations as well as things you wouldn't change for the world when it comes to learning the ropes when it comes to selling at art and craft fairs.I have to say there is a pattern many fall into from their first year to their second and so on down the line. If you don't mind taking a stroll down memory lane with me, here's how I see "the pattern" and how some of it relates to my experience - can you relate?The first year. Have you ever met a craft person who isn't more motivated to want to start their own art/craft business than during your first year? "You" are gung-ho! Motivated! The more research you do the more you find yourself believing you are on the right track or finding the tools to be on the right track as things fall into place. Then you apply for your first show and get in! The first show is the most nerve racking experience you have ever been in your life thinking "will I make money, will people buy my stuff, and worrying if you are prepared enough". Then you get there, set up and it is one of the most eye opening experiences. First, you pinch yourself - you've made it selling at a show with other people who have "made it". The next thought? Wow, there are some other displays that are much better than mine and you start talking to neighbors who are more than kind enough to play mentor to you as you take mental pictures of displays and craft objects. Third, you make your first sale! While holding in the excitement, your first customer is proud to be your first customer too (as usually you have to let them know they are your first customer). You might make a few more sales, but end up with a whole lot of compliments - a real ego booster. Then at the end of the day you are tired yet pleasantly happy it is over ... and can't wait to do another show. As you get more shows under your belt you feel more at ease talking to show patrons, talking and getting tips from your craft show neighbors, your products are improving and incorporate those mental photographs of displays to your own display.The good and the bad of "year one". The biggest lesson is learning about how shows are run and that each one is different - different size booth spaces, the "ease" of loading and unloading is different, learning how to properly price your work, and the list goes on. Another lesson is finding out all this info is something you just can't learn in a book, but have to experience. Why, because each person and their art work is different with the results being as equally diverse - there is no cookie cutter, sure fire way to get rich quick. You find that when you thought shows would be easy, just isn't as easy as you first thought and underestimated the stresses that can occur (like making stock up until midnight the day before the event or the frustrations of packing a car last minute).After my first show, I was bit by art and craft show bug. At that show my husband helped me out - I was nervous. I ended up selling out of many things - I first started out selling my homemade jams, bread and butter pickles and pumpkin and apple butter (it was during Fall show season). I did two other shows that year - both street festivals. One was good with a nice visible space but the other was in a gutter like alley and no one was able to approach my table. It is embarrassing to look back on what I considered a "good booth". One of my early embarrassing photos of my display is the one featured with this blog post. But with getting bitten by the bug you then get a sense of over confidence - wanting to apply to A LOT of shows without taking the time to know what they are really about as well as adding to your expenses - wanting better displays and so on.The second year. Most exhibitors learn what a vendor show is compared to an art and craft show put on in a high school as well as art festivals and street fair craft shows, as they branch out to try and find more of a niche. Also you start seeing hearing about shows called "juried shows" and want to learn what they are all about, if you haven't already. What usually takes the cake though is deciding if branching out to do out door fairs is worth while and the old question - which canopy should I buy enters in. Another realization is networking at shows and on craft/art websites becomes a staple in your everyday life. Meeting new friends, reading reviews of shows, learning more about the medium you work in and finding new shows to apply to, and a chance to vent or share frustrations with "on-line co-workers" helps you feel connected and not alone in woes or joys.How does this experience par with your own? Similar? Maybe in some parts but not others? So, as I am in my 7th year of doing shows, if I were to do things differently, I would probably do a little more research into shows before signing up to them. Because of this I am a big advocate in telling people check shows out first. Go to them, read reviews, email/talk to past exhibitors about their experiences - not only can you save time (wasting a day at a lousy show), you can save money too (money that can go into buying more supplies or a different show). I wish I had better table coverings than cheap cloth from Jo Annes fabrics - bed linens, professional table covers, and other similar products work so much better. Anticipating my expenses more, would be another thing I would have paid more attention to because I fell into a category of - awesome I have money, now I MUST spend it. Aside from a few shows that were truly bad, I can't say I have any regrets. I love my life of being my own boss - yes the days are longer than first expected, but the work is fun and rewarding. I have met so many awesome friends and peers that have made some of the worst show dates delightful and we look out for each other too - suggesting shows and truly getting to know each other (even their families).I hope this stroll down memory lane is either educational or at the very least entertaining. I think we all have moments of - why did I do that and learned from those experiences. Please share any of your experiences here (or on my official blog - www.quickcraftartisttips.blogspot.com). Have a great Labor Day weekend - don't work too hard! - Michelle