So I got an email saying the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival had extended their deadline until November 30, so I thought what the hell, Lucy's kneeling there, holding that football, and she has such a nice smile on her face, why not try to kick that ball again? We all know how that story ends- Charlie Brown flat on his back in the grass again.
Even so, I was ready to try! They've never let me into their show before but maybe this new group of images is the winning ticket!
So I got all ready to fill out their application, and then I saw their application fee- $50. Outrageously high to begin with, and then my eyes popped out of my head when I saw that after November 1st there is a $50 late fee.
So, they are offering me the PRIVILEGE!! of paying $100 to have my images projected in front of their esteemed jury for eight seconds, and then maybe, just maybe, have a chance to do their show.
I just can't bring myself to do it.
No thank you Northern Virginia Fine Art Show. I don't know what kind of economic times you people are living in but this artist doesn't spend $100 on the POSSIBILITY of doing anything.