Mark Rogers of, Cristina Stark, Richard Rothbard of American Art Marketing and Anonymous
Many thanks to our "Patron" donors:
Connie Borrie, Michelle Babcock, Teresa Bodoh, Kay Gallagher, Stewart Rein, John Shoemaker, Elizabeth Balazs, Camille Ronay of, Dave Hinde, Heather Jordan, Amy Flynn and William Morris
And where would we be without the "Supporters"?
Andrew Shea, Angela Finney, Ann Bowdish, Anna Kubicka, Anne Tindell, Artwear Design, Barb Sistak Baur, Barbara Meyer, Barry Bernstein, Beth Gumnick, Billie Barthelemy, Bonnie Shopper, Brenda Schlutow, Brian Bass, Bruce Eaton, Carol Napoli, Carolyn Madvig, Cheryl Hoffman, Chris Maher, Cindy Norris and Dennis & Clair Thompson
Claudia Winter, Clyde Smith, David Rosenberg, Dawn Rasmussen,,
Jan Raven, Jan Richardson, Jayne Sabo, Jennifer Callans, Jim Hamlin, John Burns, Judy Bogart, Judy Goskey, Judy Zeddies, Kanchana Nerato, Karen Steininger, Kathleen Eaton, Kathy Cuttonaro, Kevin Kaye, Kristie Zamora, Lanora Hartway, Laura Larson, Leo Charette, Lila Skolnick, Lonne Sterling, Mama Moose, Marcia Grout, Marcia Schuette, Mardi Chapman, and Mark Loeb
Mark MacKinnon, Mary Beth Shaw, Mary Smith, Megan Martin, Michael at Terra Cottage, Michael Choi, Michael Gibson, Michael Kuehl, Michael Gibson, Michael Mettler, Michael Skeen, Michael Weiss, Michelle Babcock, Michelle Reynolds, Michelle Robertson, Mike Barnes, Nancy Koehler, Nancy Potts, Nels Johnson, Northgrove Crafts, Olatunde Afolayan, OzarkLake, Pam Powers, Pat Finney, Patricia Plasko, Patricia Venaleck, Paul Messink, Peggy Whitson and Phyllis Minnery
Ray Hartl, Rebecca Loveland, Roberta Starbird, Rosellen McAlear, Roxie & Sonny Dalton, Russell Leffel,
If I left you out -- deepest apologies. My thanks to all members of these communities. If it wasn't for your enthusiasm and participation these websites and newsletters would not exist.
Many thanks also to my partners who helped make the pledge drive a success:
Jeweler Tahmi DeSchepper, Scott Fox developer of the community, Larry Berman professional jury image services, the NAIA (National Assn. of Independent Artists) supporting artists in the art fair business, Festival Network Online an online community listing of over 20,000 events throughout the U.S., putting your photos on canvas, and metal artist Holly Olinger.
Thanks to my friends at these art fairs for donating t-shirts for the drive:
Madison, WI's, Art Fair on the Square, Clayton, MO's, St. Louis Art Fair, Key West, FL's, Key West Craft Show, Norwich, NY's, Colorscape Arts Festival, St. Joseph, MI's, Krasl Art Fair, Royal Oak, MI's, Arts, Beats & Eats, Peoria, IL's, Peoria Fine Art Fair, Upper Arlington, OH's, Upper Arlington Art Fair, Columbus, OH's, Riverfront Art Festival, Columbus, OH's, Columbus Craftacular, Quincy, IL's, Midsummer Arts Faire, State College, PA's, Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts, San Diego
You can listen to the radio show finale to the pledge drive right here:
Listen to Art Fairs on Blog Talk Radio
About this time I'm feeling like Sally Fields when she won her Academy Award...hopefully you will remember her speech, I'm too modest to repeat it here.
About this time I'm feeling like Sally Fields when she won her Academy Award...hopefully you will remember her speech, I'm too modest to repeat it here.