best fairs (1)

Is this "America's Best Art Fair?"

Deadline: September 30, midnight -- your turn to tell us what is the Best Art Fair. 8869126276?profile=original

Our site, whose mission it is to publicize art fairs and bring the public to attend and buy art work, is conducting its first annual survey of "America's Best Art Fairs." 

The goal: to publish this list and get it well publicized for the purpose of connecting those people who love to attend shows by sharing the information. 

Your opinion counts (you've attended a lot of them), show organizers opinions count (they attend lots of shows too and know the competition) and there is a great group of people who love the shows and will travel to find them, as well as bring their friends.

We've had a great response to the survey but we are in the last days -- please take the survey, share it on your FB pages, your business pages and send it out to your email lists. The more responses we receive the more accurate the results will be and it will help build attendance at the best shows, and lead to better crowds at the smaller events.

Please do it now. Click here:

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