WInter (3)

So it's February...

Yes, February has begun. Maybe I will hear on some of my applications for the 2015 schedule. While I am still hibernating but my Etsy shop may get a few sales this month. Yes we just got hit with a big snowstorm today. All this snow get me thinking about the 2015 season. Which for me, that won't start until late April. That is 82 days away. I like the art fair season. I like traveling to shows. I like meeting the people that come through my booth. Why are these winter months so long? 

Well, I am still creating art during these winter months. I created a nice Lego Hoth scene in the snowstorm today. That is the art that I create. I come up with winter scenes in my head during the summer time and wait for winter to begin to create images with snow in them. All of my winter shots have real snow. That's what I do. I don't stage fake winter scenes in the summer time with fake snow...

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Well, 'tis the season for applying to shows in 2014. Waiting and wondering if I will get in. I still create images every week and some of them are popular in the waiting months. But I don't see any art fairs for me until late April. That is a four (or more) months stretch with no income from my art. Maybe an occasional sale from my Etsy shop but from the past few years, no sales have been made from January through May.

So, this is the hibernation part of the year. Yes, I will create more pieces for 2014 but none of them will sell until late April or possibly May or June. I am not at a point in my art career to do Florida or Arizona shows. So, unless something changes, I will be lurking on these posts but I probably don't have much to offer. 

For us northerners, do you just sit tight until spring or do you go travelling?

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Well, I didn't get in again, juried out for the 25th time in a row (got in 1984-86 and then never again, who did I piss off there?).

So, I have been waiting very patiently to hear a real definitive report of the show.  We got sort of one from Barbara, God Bless Her.  She won an award and told us a few things--she's a newbie, so she is off the hook for not telling more.

But gee, there was Barry Bernstein there after hanging out in the gulf coast beaches and Ybor.  No report from him.

Mr. Jim Parker was there--no report.  Gee, are you all spending your big bucks very quietly?

And, there there were a lot more AFI-ers there too.  But not a peep.  Did the committee get to you guys and whisper into your ears,"Not von vord about zeesh show or it is cotchees for you guys, remember what happened to that Johnson guy, oh and that Vaughn fellow too."

So, is somebody going to step up to the plate, or am I going to have to make up an imaginary blog about the show.  Believe me I could do it, but it would be so much more fun to read about real exploits.  Come on guys, and girls, start earning your red dots.


Connie, I want one to put on my golf bag.



PS.  My wife Ellen, to paraphrase her, "Is utterly flabbergasted, that there are no8871867053?profile=original Winter Park posts."  The Ybor chickens have gone on strike, they say they are staying in the grapefruit tree until there is a post.  Come on guys, SAVE THE YBOR CHICKS.

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