That was a lot of fun, with a wonderful response from artists, art shows, art fair patrons and advertisers across
the country.
Here are the official winners:
- Dorraine Watts - Kindle with built in Wi-Fi
- Brian Bass - pottery by Sarah Silva
- Tahmi DeSchepper - consulting services with Larry Berman
- Shirley Baker - canopy weights from James Eaton
- Kristen Walsh - Sunshine Artist subscription
- Woody Smith - Auntie M's peanut brittle
- Steph Mader -Sunshine Artist subscription
- Lenore Lampi - free booth at a Howard Alan Event
- Barbara Johnson - mobile Polaroid printer
- Suzanne Krongold - NAIA membership

- Barbara McLaughlin - consultation with Connie Mettler
- Susan Miller - consultation with Connie Mettler
- Melanie Rolfes - subscription to Sunshine Artist
- Leslie Kaplan - Level 2 membership to Festival Network Online
- Donald Dixon - CDs from Paul Adams and Dave Hoffman
- Barbara Nelson - Expert Website Review from Scott Fox
- Michelle Wermuth - pottery from Barry Bernstein
- Carolina Niebres - t shirt from the Des Moines Art Festival
- Barbara Berney - Frog Bag from Lynda Wallis
- Jetze Beers - Sunshine artist subscription
- Wendy Edwards - CDs from Paul Adams and Dave Hoffman
- Anne Tindell - a year's membership to Online Marketing Coaching Community
- Jacqueline Gomez - Frog bag from Lynda Wallis
- Ginny Herzog - Expert Website Review from Scott Fox

- Julie Crouse - subscription to Sunshine Artist
- Wendy Shattil - a year's membership to Online Marketing Coaching Community
- Br. Xavier Pankovits - candles from Michelle Sholund
- Paolo & Patty DeMaria - Frog bag from Lynda Wallis
- Peggy Whitson - t shirt from the St. Louis Art Fair
- Linda Shields - decorated cookies from Auntie M's Baked Goods

- Don Lake - choice of tshirt
- Terri Anderson - oatmeal cookies from Auntie M's
- Terry McCray - Silver palm tree from Lynda Keen
A last thank you to the supporters:
Brian Bass, Michael Kuehl, Loree Rinck, Hyacinth Manning, Joan Tweedell, Stacey Miller, Bobby Schochet, Steph Mader, Anne Tindell, Roberta Starbird, Philip Marty, Paula Grill, Dorraine Watts, Sherry Martin, Margaret Hagopian-Slack, Geri Wegner, Charles Bingham,
Barbara Berney, Ronald Gould, Don Lake, Pat Finney, John Leben, Jerry Maschinot, Jill Richman, Kay Foley at Ampersand Cards, Linnea Swanson, Michelle Wermuth, Emily Pezzulich, Shaari Horowitz, Silent Echoes, Howard Rose, Barbara Nelson, John MacDonald, Luisa Velasquez, Currie Silver, Bruce Eaton, Gary Willcock, Rick Hall & Tina Willis, Barbara McLaughlin, Melanie Rolfes, Wally Parshall, aLightGoesOn, Bo Mackinson, Harrison Otalor, Clair Thompson, Bruce and Christine Green, Ginny Herzog, Teressa Getz, Margie Luttrell, Dave Dinsdale of Pristine Images, Maija Baynes, Nancy Potts,Tahmi de Schepper, LJ Young, Susan Hohman, Lynn & Michael Krause, Nancy Wasserman, Richard Grossman, Shirley Baker, Danglez, Carol Faith, Kay Cummins, Betty Householder, Mary Hermansen, Sherry Curtis, Impact Gallery, Ilze Heider,
Diana Bruni, Beverly Shine, Hannelore Jundt-Pritchard, Susan Russo, Karen Brown, Lenore Lampi, Lynda Chevrier, Crystal, Medusa's Stones, Annette Piper, James Parker, Michael Wommack, Patricia Simmons, Nicole Moore, Woody Smith, Christine Heisler, Susan Miller, Jennifer Thomas, Lisa Scheffer, Melanie Moore, Tara Dalga, Joanne Wendel, Heather Watson, Suzanne Krongold, Vinnie Sutherland, Sharon @1-2-3 It's Me, Xavier Pankovits, Gregg Gustafson, Paul Messink, Artwear Design, Jacqueline Gomez, Annie Omens, John Ziemann, Candy McFall, Scrap Felt, Helen Jarocki, Leslie Kaplan, Circle D Metal Art, April Schwaegerle, Sharon Fink, John Wilson, Creative Bead Connection, Joy Hafford, DeVer Originals, Karen Kress, Kathleen Clausen, Jill White, Kristen Walsh, Judith Weisblatt, our friends at the College Hill Art Festival, Michael & Carol Weber and Deborah Banyas & T.P. Speer, Leo Charette, Peggy Whitson, Jan Richardson, Ann Akland, Lisa Cutler, Denise Bizot, Rusty Leffel, Terry McCray, Mark Brodnan, Barry Bernstein,
Wendy Shattil, Jan Anderson, John Pulbratek, Richard Freund, Wendy Edwards, Monika Green, Sarah Silva, Douglas Farrar, Donald Dixon, Lynda Wallis, Pamella Harris, Judy Zeddies, Ruth Finkenbiner, Zee Galliano, Marilyn Troutman, Donald Dixon, Marcia Grout, Donald Thompson, Michelle Babcock and old friends Gert & Sheila Olsen!
Patrons: Beth Sergeant, Eugene Hughes, Debra Ehmann, Howard Rose, Deborah Gall, Caroline Niebres, Barbara McLaughlin, Wally Parshall, Jeanne Steck, Mary Johnston, Paolo DeMaria, Diane Rose Jewelry, Ariela Boronat, Jetze Beers, B. Felt, Judith Walton, James Nelson, Pat Falk, Julie Crouse, Mark Sarlson, Ed & Carole Schmidt
And the "Angels": Linda Billet, Linda Shields, Allison Bernknopf, Melanie Allen & Ross Graham
Everyone send us your mailing address so we can send you your "Red Dot" bumper sticker and award ribbons for the Patron and Angel sponsors.
Deepest apologies if anyone was left off this list -- I truly appreciate this support and look forward to year 3 of!