It surely has been fun handing out the prizes to all of you who have been such great supporters of our websites. Many thanks to all who have pledged.
Here are the prizes that are left:
- 3 memberships to the online marketing community - if you are trying to market your art online this community is run like AFI, but it is all about BUSINESS and making money online. This is an invaluable opportunity for you to get some great advice.
- 2 expert reviews of your website -- great advice on how to make your website work
better for you!
- 2 - baked goods from Auntie M's (peanut brittle gone)
- 3 subscriptions to Sunshine Artist
- candles from Michelle Sholund
- jewelry from Lynda Keen
- notecards from the Mt. Clemens Art Center
- CDs from Paul Adams & David Hoffman
- 3 Frog Bags from Lynda Wallis
- vintage t shirts from the top art fairs
Here is the next group of winners.
1. Barbara Berney
2. Jetze Beers
3. Gary Willcock
4. Wendy Edwards
5. Anne Tindell
6. Jacqueline Gomez
7. Ginny Herzog
8. Pamella Harris
9. Julie Crouse
10. Wendy Shattil
Please visit the pledge/prize page and make a choice and send it to me. Please send three choices as someone is sure to take your first choice!
Everyone who pledged should have this "Art Star" on their own page on this website by now. If you don't let me know so I can add it.
and also, if you don't already have a "Red Dot" please send me your mailing address.
Pledges are still being taken and many thanks to you who are just now getting around to it. Your names have been added to the list for the drawings.
We'll be doing our last drawing on Friday morning, June 10, for the rest of the prizes.