Charlotte, North Carolina
Presented by: A & E Show Group
135 artists
Deadline: August 15
Application fee: $35; Booth fee: $1250+
Charlotte Contemporary made it's debut in 2015 and received rave reviews from attendees and artists alike. Visitors stopped the show organizers in the aisles dozens of times to tell them how impressed they were with the artists and the art; especially for a first year show.
New this year:
Fashion shows and a very special exhibit to generate more interest and bring more people out.
- An Early Buying fundraiser for the Arts & Science Council on Friday.
- We also are proud to welcome SNAG/Metalsmith and QNotes as media sponsors this year!
Apply: www.zapplication.org
Website: www.charlottecontemporary.com
Contact: Jeannette Parssi
Email: jeannette@aeshowgroup.com
Phone: (561)635-2037