Labels for a Meshpanel Wall / Advice

I know this might just be me sounding dumb, but how should I put labels on a meshpanel wall? I have already figured out my art tent, which artwork to put up and my art bin with a small table for a email sign up. But should I print little paper signs get them laminated and then put velcro adhesives to the back? I am asking because I am doing my first show in August 10th and I wanted to make price tags for everything, just making sure all of my ducks are in a row. How would any of you do it?

Thomas Hagen


P.S. If anyone is willing to take a look at my website and give me feedback I would greatly appreciate it!

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Fine art photographer who specializes in capturing experiments done to further understand aspects of nature through a modern/minimalist frame.

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  • I use these clips which I purchase from Flourish. I just use cardstock for the labels, unlaminated. I think your website looks very good, I especially like the way a user could select a color pallette, as I've never seen that before. The site is easy to navigate and any question I would have as a buyer I was easily able to find an answer to. -Don12751519291?profile=RESIZE_584x12751519656?profile=RESIZE_584x

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