I am tunderstruck!

I went off the Wait List and was invited to participate in the Promenade of Arts in Arlington Heights, IL.


I feel like it's my first catwalk, first holy communion, first date, firsy baby and first wedding all rolled into one event! I mean.....

What to wear.....

Must I redo the booth....an oriental rug(wait I already have one!)

New signs....

More inventory.....


Wait. What I really want to know is what is the secret code. You know........that code of conduct that no one tells you  about until you pull a gaff? Come on all you INSIDERS......besides comon sense, civilty and ethics, what is expected at big shows to be considered  PERFECT!

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  • Just to add a few points if I may.  Amy is a stickler on rules, when you enter the show to unload do it before setting up.  Unload your vehicle and then remove it before setting up.  Her security is pretty good but I would never leave jewelry in the cases overnight.  Amy says to dress in solid colors only that co-ordinate with your art!  I've seen 1/2 the show at Arlington Hgts been taken out by sudden wind so be sure your are secure and weighted.  Amy is a great promoter and treats her artists well, have fun.
  • Peggy that was a great link.. For others who didn't go there it was "Tips from Amy Amdur". She had great advice and I suppose, as her banner states, she has been doing these shows for 26 years.

    Jacs, I am in the process of redoing my booth anyway for this season. Dan, my husband, constructed jewelers displays which I am in the process of upholstering. They easily disassemble and sit on 6 ft tables for which I made sleek custom skirts. We bought a new oriental rug which matches our cards, wrappings and earring cards. Dare I tell you the colors? They are in the old-world pallette. The rugs background is a deep bark, with muted golds and touches of burnt red and lighter bark. The table skirt is a perfect match in deep bark. The jewelry tiers are burnt red velvet. Since my earrings are on a version of my card(black, bark,gold and white), the necklaces in boxes and the rings in boxes also, I have the option of putting only the items that look fabulous on red directly on the burnt red velvet. The colors are unusually elegant. I'll put out a pic when I'm done.

    Donna, let's be bold and ask some direct questions, okay?

    1) Do you know any good and resonably priced lodgings near the Fair?

    2) We've decided to set up Friday. How's security?

    3) Have you ever seen figures on what the average income  was in any recent years for that county? or neighboring counties?

    4) One of the rules was stated something like this:" if you are selling something other than what you represented, you may be asked by a show representative to stop selling it and if you will not cease, you may be asked to leave the show."   I sell a pendant and earring on Angel Hair(a patent-pending design.) This is my largest seller at any show. Until I recently spoke to another AFI person who warned me about being banned, I never gave it a thought because Angel Hair is wearable jewelry.....plus. My feeling is that this statement gives me the option that IF they think it's against some rule, I can put it away.

    What do you all think?


    Thanks, Colin, I'm smiling! :-)

  • No matter what happens, just keep smiling!
  • I think Jacquelyn is right.  it is a very nice art festival but it is no different than other festivals.  Amy runs good shows, there will be crowds and since it is early in the season, they should be in a buying mood.  If this is your only Amdur show, let people know.  She has so many that people can put off buying from an artist who will be at later shows.
  • Be the perfect neighbor - Don't whine, keep your stuff within your 10 by 10, offer to watch their booth so they can run to the bathroom, stop talking to them if a potential customer comes in their booth, don't put your stuff in their space when you are setting up, don't ask if you can tie down your tent onto theirs, bring enough weights, don't play music loud enough for them to hear in their booth, don't smoke behind your tent.
  • Congrats Linda, Hope I run into you (if I have my regular spot I am in front of the Metropolis Theatre).  Just an FYI, this show can get some bursts of wind so be sure to bring weights!  Sounds like you have your "list of things to do" going.  Don't forget to bring your smiley face!  I have done this show several times so if you have any questions feel free to contact me.
  • Better than $10K in sales and good tequila--life is good.  I plan on doing that at Ft. Worth.
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