Welcome to the world of fantasy painter, Bruce Holwerda. Walk into his booth at an art fair and you are suddenly whirled away into another dimension. His human figures are all off on one wacky adventure or another. Put yourself into one of those images, rolling off into space, or soaring through the cosmos and consider what it must be like to live in Bruce's imagination. A painter for over 35 years, Bruce says every painting is a struggle between the balance and form the eye understands and the emotional investment in the work. Exposing the work to the art fair public adds another dimension from their comments and involvement with the images. "I've always loved working with the figure and so combining the human form with simple ideas, energetic poses or surreal portraits is fuel that generates my art," says Bruce. His media is acrylics on different surfaces; canvas, wood panel, and acid free papers. See Bruce and his work: August 29-30 in Highland Park, IL, at the
Port Clinton Art Festival September 4-7 in Pontiac, MI, at
Arts, Beats & EatsLearn more about Bruce and his painting.