25 Art fair t shirt winners:
1. Kristie Zamora
2. Nels Johnson
3. Toni Mann
4. Dawn Rasmussen
5. Mark MacKinnon
6. Maria Schuette
7. Mama Moose
8. Dodie Eisenhauer
9. Teresa Kogut
10. Sara Youngman
11. Jim Hamlin
12. Terry Pfister
13. Claudia Winter
14. Geraldine Katz
15. Debbie at Artwear Design
16. Carol Napoli
17. Mary Beth Shaw
18. Don Lake
19. William Morris
20. Finney Art Glass
21. Eugene Hegarty
22. Kevin Kaye
23. John Shoemaker
24. Shary Saudi
25. Beth Gumnick
Tshirt winners, please visit this link to see which art fairs are donating the shirts. Then let me hear which show's tshirt you want. Please give me three
choices, minimum.
Winner of the cat suncatcher donated by Holly Olinger, www.hurricaneartmetal.com
--Don Mabry
2 winners for the 11 x 14 canvas print donated by Ray Mosteller, www.canvasphoto.us
--Michael at Terra Cottage
--Geraldine Katz
Winner of the One year Pro membership at FestivalNetworkOnline.com, an online commun ity where you can find details on over 20,000 events
--Mardi Chapman
Winner of One year membership in the NAIA.
If you are an artist selling your work through the art festival venue, you need to be a member of the NAIA.
--Barbara Sistak Baur
Winner of $100 worth of consulting services from Larry Berman, fine art & jury image photography
--Anna Kubicka
Two winners, one hour of art fair consulting for artists or art fairs from Connie Mettler
--Sandra Rathbun (a neighbor of mine!)
--Megan Martin
3 memberships to Scott Fox's ClickMillionaires.com Online Marketing Coaching Community
This valuable prize is applicable only to artists who are interested in developing their online business. Please contact me directly if you are interested in joining this online community where you'll receive personal coaching for building your business. The first three who contact me will be the winners.
$50 Amazon.com gift certificate
--Scott Haebich
Gold & pearl bracelet by jeweler Tahmi DeSchepper
--Shawn Malone
And the grand prize:
Flip Ultra HD Mini Camcorder
--Karen Steininger
To claim your prize contact me: info@artfaircalendar.com.