Assuming one is accepted to both shows, which show would you chose? Please post any opinions, reviews, links or personal experiences about each show. I would love to learn more about the shows.
Also, if anyone has any other recommendations for another show on the same weekend or in November/December, then please add your suggestions.
Thank you.
Definitely Deland.
Ha! thanks :-)
not worth traveling any great distance for--but, you still got Dunedin Art Harvest, Disney show and Cocoa Beach--so say I didn't warn ya
Thanks for the input, Nels. Do you have any other suggestions for Nov-Dec shows in or near Florida?
Hugo, you can also put each show into the search bar here and see what has already been written about both of those shows. That may help you to make your decision.
Osceola absolutely sucks, don't waste your time--nobody to sell to--you have a chance for money at deLand--they buy traditional--larger crowds too.