September 16 & 17
Birmingham, Michigan
on S. Old Woodward
on S. Old Woodward
Produced by the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center with The Guild of Artists & Artisans
Sat. 10-6; Sun. 10-5
160 Artists
January 30
January 30
Application fee: $30
Booth fees: $345, 10' x 10' booth; $65 corner; $690, double booth
Common Ground's Birmingham Street Art Fair celebrates its 43rd anniversary in 2017. The fair returns to South Old Woodward, the celebrated gateway to downtown Birmingham. Unique shopping and fabulous restaurants line the street, drawing upscale shoppers and residents from throughout Oakland County and beyond. More than 160 juried artists will be featured in this elegant setting; more than 80,000 fairgoers attend annually.
Show Features
· Extensive advertising and promotion
· Professional and respectful art fair staff
· Well-provisioned artist hospitality tent
· Negotiated special rates for artists in nearby hotels and motels
· Friendly booth sitters
· Professional, overnight security; ample nearby parking
The Guild of Artists & Artisans is a non-profit, membership association of independent artists best known for its award-winning Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair. Guild events have a reputation for excellent advertising, fair attendance and artist amenities. They are run for artists by artists.
For more info: TheGuild.org
Nicole McKay, Artist Relations Director, nicole@theguild.org,
734.662.3382, ex. 301