October 9-11 

Kansas City, Missouri
Presented by: Friends of the Arts
125 Artists
Deadline: September 25
Application Fee: $25
Booth Fee: $250 $150
Rich with history and a diverse population, The Barstow School, a private independent day school, with deeply rooted connections in the community has over 700 students and a very committee parent and alumni constituency.
The draw from the Kansas City Metro Area, Leawood, Overland Park and other affluent Southern Johnson and Jackson communities guarantees this show to be well attended and successful for the exhibitors. The show will commence on Friday evening with a VIP reception for sponsors, alumni and special guests. Saturday and Sunday are family days with live entertainment, food and children's activities. We already have several key corporate sponsors and the show is well funded to ensure that are artists are taken care of.
We advertise in two local Magazines (one page ad) as well as e-blast banner ad to 90,000 residents. In addition 10,000 postcards were targeted to upper income households as well as 500 posters in retail establishments across the metro area. In addition, our PR efforts, will have us on local news and lifestyle mediums.
What to expect:
The campus will be full and vibrant this weekend with grandparents day, all -alumni weekend, and a Friday Night under the lights soccer game. In addition, several bands will be playing on Saturday and will be advertised in music venues.
Great date!
Great demographic location!
Committed organizers!
Hope you'll join us.
Apply: www.Zapplication.org
Contact: Beth Zollars, charlieznkc@yahoo.com
Phone: (913)223-2026
Find more shows looking for artists: www.CallsforArtists.com