Booths Down the Middle?

I volunteer as the Art coordinator for a small arts festival in Fort Wayne Indiana. Members of the committee want to change the booth layout, instead of having the booths back up to the sidewalk they would like to put them down the middle. Of course I have my own ideas about this, but what do you say? Which would you prefer? This would be one row of booths in the center of the street.

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  • The usual problem with booths down the middle of the street is a lack of storage space unless at least 5-6 feet are left behind the back to back booths. I far prefer to sit behind the booth with a doorway in the middle of the back wall. The back to back setup with no space behind is a terrible layout. if it's a single row, then storage is exposed. The most space efficient is having the back of the booth at the sidewalk curb, allowing more room in the street, storage on the edge of the sidewalk. The edge of the sidewalk arrangement will facilitate loadout by being able to back a vehicle up to the booth, taking up less room instead of blocking a neighbor.

  • Are you talking about a straight line show? And will there still be room for the artists to drive to their spaces to unload and load. I would think that back to back lets the public concentrate on the art without being distracted by the booth behind them. It also means that they will have to walk both sides instead of once down the center of the street. Things to consider.

    Larry Berman

    • That is what I'm talking about Larry, approximately 40 booths in a line, a single line. There isn't room for a double line. Can you think of any "pros" for this kind of layout?

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