So, this is too bad, but not too big a surprise, considering... Were you there? Did you pay to park? I know I paid $20 to the Unitarian Church. This probably didn't get counted in the mix as well as many of the other private parking lots. But this is the official info. Read it all here:
Larry Berman
I just went and read the article, remembering all the comments about the event that just recently aired here. Parking revenues really aren't the problem, are they? The second commentor to the article about parking revenue said this:
"Art Fair has become both tired and tiresome. It's held in the absolute hottest part of the Summer. The prices are ridiculous and most of the so-called art is schlock. How many times can you mill through the crowds viewing the same old fare every year?"
What caught my eye was the phrase "the so-called art is schlock". Ouch. What IS wrong with us?
I have a series of articles coming on the subject of the summer art fair--heaven help us :) But that phrase about shlock has just been added to the stock pile necessitating the articles. Stay tuned.
Later, KCooper