Are you a fan of this site? An active member of the Art Fair Insiders community?
Do you find valuable info and friendships here that help your business?
Or, maybe you're even addicted to the forum??
If that sounds like you, we'd like your help.
Can you leave below a short "testimonial" quote about why you like AFI and how it's been helpful (and fun) to you?
We're in the midst of the annual AFI Pledge Drive soon and would appreciate your comments to use publicly in the marketing.
You know, short quotes like "I love visiting daily because…"
Thanks for your help!
(Connie's son)
Connie, this experience is PRICELESS!
I want to ask you every year during promo week, why you limit me to $120?
Since my professional name IS "Angel", I get a kick out of proudly displaying the award you send me in my tent throughout the season. That's not why I donate what I do.
Just wondering.......
I can't tell you how much I appreciate all this kind support. Basically it is me sitting here in the glow of my computer screen trying to keep this all interesting and useful to all of you. Sometimes the silence is pretty deafening and then up you step. Many, many thanks. Not only are you finding support and community here, me too.
I love it when you are helpful to one another and when a show director steps in and tells his/her side of the story and clarifies the us vs them stuff. I really love the generosity and friendliness and love the good laughs. It is great that you are finding good equipment and good advice -- and Linda is right, my theme: Be nice!
Some days I have counted how many different names are on the home page -- the diversity continues to increase. I don't care if you are a beginner or have many years of experience to share. We are all in this enterprise together and I appreciate all of your contributions.
P.S. Glad you like the price.
If you have ever started into a major venture, only to find yourself seemingly alone and without mentors, references or friends.......then you understand why so many AFI Members are passionate about what they consistently find at this blog site: sound advice from experienced business artists, hundreds of references on any subject, discussions from ethics to tents, friends and mentors abound.
What do you need to garner the wealth? Pay huge daily fees?
Just sign up, donate what you can during pledge week, sign in and be friendly!
When you contribute, think twice, write nice!
.we ALL want to hear from you.
PS Please, ask to be my friend!
One more thing. When I get advise from AFI'ers, I'm getting the collective experience of THOUSANDS of artists and craftsmen.
At AFI I can ask the questions I don't have time to ask at shows. What are the best products and where can I find them, what's the best way to do anything to do with shows, where's the best place to eat, how do I increase my chances with show juries, who has equipment for sale, who can drink everybody else under the table ... Where else can I find all these answers in one place? I can spend hours hours reading comments by other artists and not feel guilty, because it's not entertainment, it's research! I always get advise from AFI'ers before making major purchases (Trimline tent, Rock'n'Roller cart, Pro Panels ). Plus I found and purchased some great used pedestals I never would have known about if not for AFI.
AFI has given me the courage to apply to shows, sell at shows, go beyond my comfort zone, and be successful! Without AFI I wouldn't be out there enjoying myself on the other side of the booth!
I have learned so much from AFI about how the art fair world works and gained so many tips on how to do shows in the best way I possibly can. Members with extensive professional knowledge that are happy to share and artists and artisans that are trying to make a go of it, just like me, make it a warm, welcoming space for all those involved in any sphere of the art fair world.
AFI is priceless! It is my number 1 stop when I have a question about anything related art fairs!! From how to weight my tent, to reports on the shows, to how to display my work. But even more importantly, this has become a much need support group! I am very new (started last October) and my family and friends are supportive...but they don't "get it" the way other AFI'ers do who are experiencing the same highs, lows, fears & rewards that this industry offers. I have also found that we are more family than competitors. I feel that we always have each others backs, not only here on the site, but when we do shows together. I can't imagine this journey without AFI and all it's wonderful, talented, funny, helpful members & contributors!!
LOL! Thanks for the support here Marsha, Susan, and of course, Jacki, my stalwart supporter!
I not only enjoy reading the AFI most every day, but also tell as many artists as I can about it and encourage them to join--some have, in fact. It's an informative, professional and caring venue. Where else can an artist pose a thought or question and have a community ready to support and respond one's concerns. It's a great place to sound out ideas and find honest replies. Can't beat the price either.