Two subjects on which I'd like to hear others' opinions.
1. Is there any particular advantage in submitting a show application early in the process vs. later on? In other words, does it help, in any particular way, to submit an application as soon as it is available vs. waiting until the day before the deadline? Of course these are the two extremes but, hopefully, I'm making sense.
2. In shows such as Ann Arbor and St. James where there are several shows going on at the same time, I assume a person would have a much better chance of being accepted if they applied individually to each show. Is this a correct assumption? I suppose that, in a sense, one would qaudruple their chances if they applied to all four shows in Ann Arbor. Right?
Thanks for any input any of you might care to make.
Larry Berman
Art Show Jury Services
St. James moves your application within the many shows they have there. Ann Arbor you have to apply to each show and the shows have an agreement between them that if accepted to more than one, you can only do one show.
The issue about the timing of your submission was discussed in detail two weeks ago.
Larry Berman
Art Show Jury Services
My husband and I have been discussing this very issue (about applying early) I don't know how most of these Art Shows work, but I know that when I was running a juried show we numbered our entries as they came in. This didn't necessarily keep the really amazing pieces from getting in, but the jury would get a little bleary eyed toward the end of the process and possibly some work that was middle to near high might not have gotten the best view.
We also one year applied to two different sections of St james. Got on the waiting list for one and got in the other. I'm not sure it helps to apply to all sections of a show like that, but maybe its worth a shot.