I posted a thread this morning and haven't been able to approve any comments. I clicked and approved all comments but they didn't go on. I changed my setting to accept all comments without approval and clicked 'save' and nothing happened. Please fix or help me approve all comments for 'Do you insure your artwork?'. Thanks!
A final note: after transferring my "blog" to the proper area of business forum, I could not transfer all the comments that are trailing my original post. I think in this case it was just better to leave it alone and let people read the thread instead of worrying about where it belongs.
Right, Christine -- it does belong in the forum -- but this silliness about "comment approval" even hits me sometimes. I posted something I thought was important last week and got the notice "your comment will have to be approved." Well, if I can't approve it, I'm thinking, who can?? Little glitches pop in here every now and then. The next day, I saw my comment must have been approved (by whom? the art fair gods?) because there it was. Sometimes you just have to step away from your computer ;)
Here's where it belongs:
You can copy and paste it or just retype. Then delete the blog.
Larry Berman