Fountain Square was two weekends ago and Rocky Ripple was this past weekend.
Fountain Square was the smaller of the two with maybe 40 artists represented and only the third year for it. Rocky Ripple had 53 artists in attendance and it was about the 10th year for it.
Both had fairly good crowds but seemed to be more buyers at the Fountain Square show than Rocky Ripple. FS was in a black topped parking lot, RR was in a park. Weather was good for both. Both were one day events only.
We sold 7 pieces at FS (a nice mix of low end $20 to mid level $100 pieces) and 2 pieces at RR (both mid low end).
I did not see a lot of purchasing going on around me - lots of interest at the boothes but not lots of purchases.
We were happy to be in the thick of it for our first outings. Fellow vendors were friendly and I'm already running into some duplicate displayers so I'm looking forward to making friends on our local circuit.