Living animals are amazing, but all have limitations. None are PERFECT in all respects... A tall, mature, Gulf of Mexico Sea Bird was resting by the shoreline on a wooden piling encrusted with barnacles as he stared out across the water. Unfortunately, this Sea Bird appeared to have only one functioning, banded leg to stand on as he stared quietly out into the water ... I wondered: What was this sad, sea bird "thinking" and "feeling"? Just seven months later, I would have a pretty good idea of what he felt.
Then that tall, Gulf Sea Bird turned his head to show me his handsome profile ... In spite of his leg limitation, he still had those two powerful Sea Bird wings. He was only partially "handi-capped" until he USED those wings to fly away, high up into the bright, blue sky! Then he would truly become a "HANDI-CAPABLE" Sea Bird!
This reminds me of some special human "sea birds" you and I might know who have NOT let their personal limitations hold them back from pursuing their destiny! ... Now, if only these special folks will be allowed the opportunity to be empowered by REAL encouragement from ALL other "presently-able-bodied" folks to both live AND work up to their maximum potential!
We see over the past 30 years all the millions of US Dollars spent under ADA law by companies, governments, hospitals, businesses, churches, hotels, apartments, restaurants, and other large / small buildings to provide handicap accessible facilities across America. That is a good thing! ... But is all the accessibility expense really there just so partially handicapped folks can get in to PURCHASE a movie ticket, PAY their electric bill, or reach a public bathroom before PAYING for their Thick Burger meal? What happened to the "Hire Our Handicapped" movement?
Even the casual observer would think that hundreds of thousands or even millions of partially disabled, slightly handicapped, extremely productive, mature workers using walkers, wheel-chairs, "Hoverounds", missing limb prosthetics, and "HurryCanes" would be seen everywhere, everyday, helping provide for the business work needs of EVERY company. ... Yes, these folks should be there, but they just are NOT there! As a result many Handi-Capable Humans cannot use their own powerful "sea bird" wings as they truly desire! Why is this a fact? What can EACH and ALL of us do about this continuing national injustice, disgrace, and human waste? Will we positively encourage and reward employers who actively develop and publicize challenging and appropriately-paid jobs adapted for each Mature and Handi-Capable Human?
Some positive job activity description examples might be: "office warrior”, no-traveling, no-ladder-climbing, no-heavy-weight-carrying, no-hands-on-required, no-bending, no-stooping, ... yes-work-at-office-desk, yes-computer-based, yes-work-from-home, yes-telecommuting, job activities. Don't ask folks who can't, to do those work activities! Let those who can, do them!
It is apparent to any thinking person that many present generic job requirements are used to discriminate against mature / partially handicapped / Handi-Capable workers! ... Government and company processes and procedures should immediately be implemented to IDENTIFY and EVALUATE and MATCH each Mature and Handi-Capable Human’s few factual limitations AND many demonstrated capabilities to these new adapted job positions. This important beginning step would go a long way towards companies meeting their LEGAL responsibilities to stop their hiring-discrimination-practices for everyone who truly wants to or needs to work - and instead, to HIRE these folks to use their strong "sea bird" wings on the JOB! ..."HANDI-CAPABLE" LIVES MATTER! ... HIRE OUR "HANDI-CAPABLE" HUMANS!