I was sitting in my car at a presently unused water skiing lake out in the NC countryside when I saw this black dragonfly land on the rough hewn, sawed-plank, nailed down wooden ski boat dock in front of me. It was a good distance away so I cranked up my camera's zoom lens and snapped away.It appeared the insect had flown a long way for it gingerly laid its extra-long, cantilevered tail down on the wood dock to rest. For a full five minutes it just sat there not moving. I knew exactly how it felt!Then, apparently sufficiently rested, it suddenly flew up, off across the lake to who knows where dragonflies zig-zag to next. I sure don't know, do you!?I was reminded by this silent interaction that this "path crossing" situation has always been a bit troubling to me - as child and adult.Some of my other disappointing, "missed opportunity" interactions included:+ Many cars and vans "crossing over" me on a highway overpass carrying lots of folks I would never meet or know+ Several interesting young women I dated in college who I couldn't or didn't pursue well enough to confirm our long-term compatibility+ All the interesting people I once met and talked with at the college library, on an airplane, at the grocery store, at the mall, in my work office, or ...+ One unusual female who had often signaled her forbidden emotional and physical feelings for me - apparently frustrated by my lack of inappropriate physical action towards her, she no longer speaks my name+ A "person of interest" who kept a life-impacting, secret personal decision from me for many years until it was too late to make positive changesIn the short or long times we had "together", each individual, for "reasons" of their own, was unable to completely communicate all their true heart-gut feelings, painful life experiences, and deep-seated needs like their natural creative instincts, incomplete personal experiences, or adult life's unfortunate timing problems.This unhappy, apparently unavoidable fact of life has always given me an achy-breaky, hurting feeling deep inside my heart and soul - as child and adult.But life must go on ….
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