Evergreen, CO
Evergreen, CO
Your Medium
Handmade & re-purposed jewelry and Oil & Acrylic original paintings
Years in the Art Fair Business
Since 04/2015
First show ever
June 13, 2015 https://www.facebook.com/MajesticMountainDesignLLC/
What are the best things about art fairs
Getting to meet new people and make new friends while learning new ways of doing things.
Best show ever and why
My very first, because I sold my very first oil painting and jewelry. That gave me confidence to continue.
Worst show ever and why
My first scheduled show was cancelled and re-scheduled due to snow, so having to wait for the new date made it the worst show.
Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.
I found the site while searching online.
What is one fun fact about yourself?
I'm open to trying new things and I don't give up.
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Best wishes, Connie Mettler
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