

Chicago, IL

Your Medium

Torched Glass Beads and jewelry

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Naper Settlement Craft Show, Naperville, IL

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  • Many thanks for your pledge, Sheila. I really appreciate the support from you and so many others that keep our website alive and well and bringing you all the news from art fair land.
  • hello - i live in chicago too - am a collage artist specializing in dogs, cats, birds...pets - trying to network and promote my work - have done a few fairs but looking for the best in the area - working on getting my etsy site up and running - so far, have a banner and a blurb!! - www.petcollage.etsy.com - at the moment, struggling to get good photos of my work, esp. the 3-dimensional stuff - wish me luck!! - your jewelry is quite beautiful - nancy gordon
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